r/SneerClub archives
r/SSC asks: Are we missing out on something by not eating each other's ticks? (https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/unchwi/are_we_missing_out_on_something_by_not_eating/)

Got to have a high IQ to independently discover the iFunny ‘return to monke’ meme four years after the fact.

I’m of course just satirizing primitivist nostalgia. Or am I?

classic Schrodinger’s idiot

> aha ha, just kidding.. unless..?
There's definitely a business opportunity in selling these people ticks and flea diet plans as a new branch of the paleo diet. Plenty of health gurus make $300 an hour for personalized diet consultations that amount to going on Zoom and telling their clients to "just eat red meat and nothing else". Sometimes I wish I hated people enough to get into that market.
When I see the future Goop "buy these handpicked artisanal ticks, fed on the healthiest people of India and South America" ad, I'm gonna blame you.

And this is why you eat boogers.

E: unrelated to the sneer, goths dont drink blood you media braindamaged weirdo.

Well, that, and they're delicious.
Shush, don't tell others about the green gold.
> goths dont drink blood you media braindamaged weirdo. No true goth fallacy
No the noncentral fallacy.

What could go wrong with eating raw parasites?

The kid who ate a slug on a drunken dare and ended up dying from the holes caused by parasites colonizing his brain died for nothing, it seems.

Might explain some of the apparent symptoms of brain worms that SSC readers have, though.

I cannot remember if it was ssc or themotte, but they did muse about eating fecal matter before, on different occasions. 'We should eat shit to resist civid' and 'eating ass spreads a virus that causes leftism'
My go-to mockery of the self-stylized brave, contrarian thinker is to advocate shitting in the kitchen sink but evidently that's nothing compared to steelmanning the Loathsome Dung Eater.
You might not like it but this is [peak ssc performance](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4rwKIloERA)

I made this as a joke in the thread, but god DAMN IT. Don’t fucking rational your way into Lyme disease!

