r/SneerClub archives
The lesson we should take away from a white guy shooting black people to intimidate them is that white guys need more safe spaces (https://np.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/ulkqt8/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_may_09_2022/i8orykr/)

The guy HAS a safe space. It’s called 4chan. That’s the problem.

4chan is worse than a safe place, it is a safe place where the nazis get to mingle with the 'normies', it is a recruiting platform. Semiregular invasions of other threads by /pol/ people (which they call poltards iirc) is just expected and dealt with like a broken stair. And nobody kicks them out because 'muh slippery slide free speech' or something. There are quite a few spinoff forums (\*) where neonazis/shitheads/sexists etc gather after they get kicked out from the main forum after the people there had enough, and these places while always sucking aren't as bad as 4chan, the former doesn't radicalize non-radicalized people and doesn't normalize it, 4chan does. \*: There are so many of these places it is wild. And only very rarely do these places actually manage to gather more people and be worse. Funnily enough the only example of this is 4chan (which was iirc created after SA kicked out anime fans, probably giving Moot a big dose of the old geek social fallacies and here we are). E: and of course 4chan doesn't even have free speech as a lot of things are things you cannot say there, at least I think why else would they have moderators (think they call them janitors there). So it isn't a free speech absolutist place (else it would fill up with penis enlargement spam and child porn) so the question is always, where do we draw the line. I say Nazis raus.
>There are quite a few spinoff forums (*) where neonazis/shitheads/sexists etc gather after they get kicked out from the main forum after the people there had enough, and these places while always sucking aren't as bad as 4chan, the former doesn't radicalize non-radicalized people and doesn't normalize it, 4chan does. >*: There are so many of these places it is wild. And only very rarely do these places actually manage to gather more people and be worse. Funnily enough the only example of this is 4chan (which was iirc created after SA kicked out anime fans, probably giving Moot a big dose of the old geek social fallacies and here we are). There are places even worse than 8chan?
Bit of a weird question, as i was talking about 4chan.

“If we give them beer halls, there won’t be a putsch”

The whole thread is a work of art.

From the main post:

“The best way to prevent these attacks is to create a safe space where discussions about sensitive issues can be had, as well as a safe cultural space for European Americans who are concerned about their place in the States. I think there is enough indirect evidence that this is the best way to prevent future violence.”

The indirect evidence for this?

There are left wing radicals that have catastrophized their politics as much as right wing radicals. But there are not as many left wing attacks […]

Accidentally woke on rioting:

People who feel that their voice is heard, and who feel they have a community and a future of (nonviolent) community activism, do not resort to violence.

They’re just concerned about their community:

This attack is the third attack we’re had where the perpetrator specifically mentioned racial rape rates and demographic changes. […] What do we do for at-risk white youths who are concerned about issues that affect them and their community?

Accidentally describing the Republican Party:

The best way to reduce catastrophic ideology and resulting violence is to encourage safe spaces and organizations where voices are heard loudly and clearly.

Highlights from the replies:

> "...back in the day these guys would’ve joined a cult or just a strict, totalizing religion that MAKES them get their shit together without judging them up front, and wound up well adjusted and very slightly odd citizens." Depending on the time period, they would've joined a posse that terrorizes minorities, would have been literal slave catchers, would have donned a hood and robe, or would have joined the myriad of other actively hostile and racist organizations that existed in the past and today. > (just gonna skim right past how we "increase white reproduction rate" - hey, what are the courts up to lately, anyway?) The deep racists are upset about the overturning of Roe because black people and other racial minorities get a disproportionate amount of abortions compared to white people. To them, abortion bans mean more people they don't like. > [From the same post] "It would be preferable to have [racial fears] discussed in less toxic venues... [after quoting from the manifesto] This is a run of the mill Mottepost." (i.e. if he could just have such a loving, non-toxic community like TheMotte, he wouldn't be so radical) Lol at least they're being honest that the vast majority of the manifesto is your run of the mill TheMotte post. Didn't think we'd get that kind of self-awareness or honesty out of the subreddit.
They are really hard at work to justify saying the 14 words there.
Oh I get it, TheMotte is clever satire of what so-called self described rationalists might believe if they tried to derive everything from first principles.
[The Buffalo arsehole cut and pasted loads of "his" manifesto from the New Zealand shithead](https://www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/2022/05/15/cut-and-paste-terrorism-much-of-the-buffalo-shooters-manifesto-is-copied-word-for-word-from-the-christchurch-killer/). Seems as if writing your own was all hard and stuff.
>What about Russia is conservative in any positive sense? What these guys feel the need to lie about says everything.
>The best way to prevent these attacks is to create a safe space where discussions about sensitive issues can be had, as well as a safe cultural space for European Americans who are concerned about their place in the States. I think there is enough indirect evidence that this is the best way to prevent future violence." It's going to have the exact same effect, maybe worse. I imagine anyone in the room when these people go off about CRT or trans people or something is going to justifiably lose it. Then the shitheads get kicked out, cry "free speech!", and make new safe spaces, only they're safe in the same way a cult is friendly. The only way you can discuss what people like this want to discuss is in an echo chamber.
Oh my GOD. How dare someone imply Republican rhetoric demonizing lgbt+ and people of color leads to stochastic terrorism, literally the day after such a high profile incident occurred with a manifesto that would be right at home as a comment in TheMotte (well, as long as it was dressed up a little).

“left wing attacks, though of course they do happen (Waukesha, BLM, the NY train station shooting).”

The NY train shooter was a right wing black man.

Waukesha also seems to be mentioned exclusively because the attacker was a black guy? Is themotte at the point where they are racialising the term 'left wing' to by definition include all Black Americans?
> Is themotte at the point where they are racialising the term 'left wing' to by definition include all Black Americans? Yes. Someone is either one of the two races: white or political.
Reminds me of the infamous RNC tweet of the KBJ-more-like-CRT meme. The mere existence of black people is CRT to republicans (if I’m allowed to use the official RNC Twitter as representative)
Yes, but he was Black, so it doesn't matter.

as well as a safe cultural space for European Americans who are concerned about their place in the States

Most positions of power in America (yes including almost all presidents in history) are white men. Literally ~85% of Americans’ CEOs and upper-management are white guys and yet (according to the commenter), they are “concerned about their place in the States”. Like.., they cannot have it worst!

But, let’s face it. Being a white guy is close to a curse. Literally no future in this country. All these people from other races and gender stealing our low-class jobs we literally don’t want to do ourselves anyways. I was born WHITE and MALE and my chances of becoming a CEO or a person in a position of power, per the above stats, are pretty small… so small.. I feel threaten! by who? anyone I consider beneath me anyways. But you should petty me, because if not I will commit a crime against you, therefore, lets create more safe spaces for me… the marginalized white man.

> Most positions of power in America (yes including almost all presidents in history) are white men. Literally ~85% of Americans' CEOs and upper-management are white guys and yet (according to the commenter), they are "concerned about their place in the States". Like.., they cannot have it worst! They don't say the quiet part out loud, but they don't consider some of those people as being white and/or European. And the ones that are European don't count as white because they consider them to be aligned with some Jewish conspiracy.
> And the ones that are European don't count as white because they consider them to be aligned with some Jewish conspiracy. Unless of course they share that background, in which case it's proof of their inherent superiority.
Well, if that's the case then some people either need glasses and/or psychiatric treatment. and about the latter, if we look at the core, very core of things, this issues are not so much about race, or religion, or background as much as they are about a set of people with antisocial personalities. These find just any excuse to bully, pick a fight with others, view things as "us vs them", victim mentality, disregard for social norms, etc...

So I read the whole manifesto because I’m a masochist, and it is 100% aligned with the scientific racism, whining about IQ/g factor and culture war shit that SSC/TheMotte is obsessed with. The only thing that was missing was a set of craniometers, but maybe it was there and I missed it.

I guarantee you can take bits of the manifesto out of context and get TheMotte to agree with them wholeheartedly.

The OP is what sympathy to terrorism looks like.

...the manifesto is a banned document where I live or I would totally do this little experiment.
It’s banned? Oh I’ve already read it and tbh it’s 180 pages of nonsense.
Where can I read the manifesto without wading through an ocean of garbage to find it? Maybe someone could DM me?
I think someone put it up on archive.org, otherwise you will have to wade through an ocean of garbage to find it. I'm not going to link it, but the terrible forum that's obsessed with milking certain types of cows has it and celebrates it.
Alright. Thanks. I’m not *that* curious, I guess. 180 pages of trash is a lot of garbage to consume even as an exercise.
Most of it is your run of the mill /pol/. The only differences between it or /pol/ and TheMotte are that the former are more crude and open about their anti-semitism. If you've read TheMotte you've seen all of it before, besides the anti-semitic stuff. The manifesto leans on HBD, genetics, heritable traits associated with intelligence, and whining about IQ and *g* factor. It's very Mottean despite very clearly being the product of 4chan, memes and all. 2/3 of it is "research" on supplies to do the same as this shooter did. All in all, it was very calculated, but not in some mastermind way, just calculated in that he thought about it a lot and when through a lot of preparation. Spent a lot of time and resources on ensuring that he'll be able to successfully stream the shooting, as it was pivotal for his goal to start a race war. He even had public Discord channels where he had a diary of all of the preparation he did, as well as serving as to do lists for the shooting. They existed for months and no one said anything about it to anyone that would be willing to stop him. It's "interesting" in that it's a case of malignant irony poisoning, and as a log of exactly how the guy was radicalized. It's a testament to how well propaganda works, even the dumbest of propaganda on 4chan. Hope I saved you some time.
Jesus, he managed all that, and TheMotte thinks the real problem is white supremacists just don’t have enough safe spaces? Thanks for the rundown. Doesn’t sound like anything I haven’t seen, but might be a wake up call to others about how these people are getting radicalized and maybe steps we can take to stop it.

This is going to be a glenn greenwald take sooner or later

He could have worded it better but I see where he’s coming from

I have a theory that D.A.R.E. makes the drug problem worse

Because D.A.R.E. lies about weed, then kids realize what D.A.R.E. told them about weed was a lie

So they think “well if they lied about weed, I wonder if coke is ok too”

We are kind of doing the same thing with white racial issues

If the media says “white people and males are privileged, being a white man is being handed a big W at birth”, when white dudes realize that white people DO have legitimate issues despite the media denying it, it sends them down that same rabbit hole.

Except instead of “maybe I should try cocaine” the outcome is “maybe I should be a white supremacist”

If we, as a society, said “yes, there are struggles men face women don’t, and yes, there are struggles unique to white people, just like there are struggles unique to every other race, just don’t be a fucking chode about it” instead of “LA LA LA WHITE MEN HAVE IT EASY YOUR PROBLEMS ARENT REAL” you would see far less radicalization

Just like how if we said “listen kids when you turn 21 weed is actually ok, lsd and mushrooms are on the line, the rest actually will fuck your life up” you would see a lot less heroin addicts