r/SneerClub archives
"Shit, give me five good programmers to manage and I'll give you Western Europe." - Political coups are naturally quite easy for rationalists (https://astralcodexten.substack.com/p/open-thread-225/comment/6725699?s=r)

The elites currently in charge aren’t going to give up power voluntarily, so we may need to fight them in order to take it.

seize power (in a legal and peaceful way, of course)

So rational that they can’t even see the contradiction.


That post reminds me of the late Philip K Dick, who used to write letters addressed to the head of the CIA and throw them in the trash because he believed the CIA was going through his garbage and his letters would therefore be delivered.
The literary equivalent of telling an empty room you know they're there.
After reading the bit where he claims to be Q, I wouldn't be surprised if he made the marriage up too.
Technically he doesn't say he is Q, he says he is establishing the Q-anon religion, so he could just have been a very active poster. (Apparently this person also was active in promoting [game ga](https://questioner.substack.com/p/they-targeted-gamers-gamers?s=r) (if you can stomach the content, their actual 'how to troll' advice is just amateur level tier (spread lies, bump threads ([??](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ddwO_jXP7I)), and draw memes (but only if you can do art)), clearly a 4d chess move while everybody is playing checkers player)). Ow note this article is the proof they put up saying they made GG go viral (actual proof in the post 0)). So congrats everybody, for helping to establish the Sneerclub religion online. We did it!
>In reality, Gamergate was a referendum on the state of identity politics within the Democratic party. \*sound of a balloon inflating*
>I’d like to take a break from that today to talk about the worst human being I know - my wife Kathryn This would be hilarious if it weren't so tragic. Watching her husband descend into paranoid schizophrenia must have been harrowing and heartbreaking.
Jesus, that's genuinely painful to read. This fellow is Not Well. >but I adjusted the settings so that my phone was no longer passively listening and the same thing kept happening But also the most gullible paranoid schizophrenic possibly ever.
> What I didn’t realize was that Kathryn was testing my boundaries at the time, trying to figure out what I would or would not be OK with. This is another problem with being dark arts obsessed, eventually you start to see everything as manipulation and look for hidden meanings and moves and countermoves behind everything, it really ruins your social relationships.
Wow. Not just paranoia but delusions too.
Hope this guy finds help, all of this sounds miserable to deal with. Like it reads like someone slowly getting worse and worse in dealing with stress, just mounting endlessly.
Can you tell me who this blog belongs to please.
HumbleRando, who was apparently influential in GamerGate.
So a nobody really. Looking up the name comes up with less than looking up my steam name lol.
> I wonder if he's a pure nutcase, or a creative troll trying to lure in even-nuttier gullibles to get involved in some kind of weird LARP D&D thing, or maybe it's all of them. He's a dude with a big ego. He bragged about a 700% increase in subscribers... which doesn't mean jack when his posts only get a few likes each.

I just wanted to take the opportunity to plug my blog, which advocates for rationalists to seize power (in a legal and peaceful way, of course) by manipulating the political process through trolling, false flag techniques, and the use of simple programming algorithms to manipulate public discourse on social media forums. I feel like most of the rationalist community’s “effective altruism” is actually extremely INEFFECTIVE because most of our efforts are undermined by our complete lack of political power. If we actually want to achieve any sort of lasting impact on the world, we need to grab some political power for ourselves. The elites currently in charge aren’t going to give up power voluntarily, so we may need to fight them in order to take it.

Even if you don’t want to get involved in what you might consider the “Dark Arts” of rationality, you might be interested in how these techniques work, so that you aren’t on the receiving end of this type of political manipulation. I hope you enjoy, and feel free to give me feedback!

Rationalism is a superpower.

This stuff is actually a lot easier than it looks. Shit, give me five good programmers to manage and I’ll give you Western Europe. Admittedly it does take a vicious mindset that can be hard for rationalists to acquire (because frankly, a lot of you effective altruists are much too nice) but if you ever start to have moral qualms about manipulating the system in such an underhanded way, just remind yourself that it’s all for a good cause. :-)

sieze power through trolling.

So we are still trying to do Enders Game are we?

Anyway, once again I need to warn Rationalists that it is best to not conjure up that which you cannot put down. And systemized manipulation and lying like this goes against the whole ideas which started Rationalism. “We need to start to think better and more rational to stop the AGI destroying everybody” -> “Lets start a dishonest media manipulation campaign to take over the world”.

And there is a nice bit of arrogance at play to think this is not already being done, and that Rationalists would be somehow inherently better at it (the whole line of comments from this person makes it clear they never participated in any real world organizing capacity ever, and they are vastly underestimating how difficult it is, and how good they would be at it).

No, I’d be pretty good at cutting through red tape because like Donald Trump, I wouldn’t be afraid to use populism to hurt anybody who got in my way. But unlike Donald Trump, I would hire people who actually know what they’re doing instead of whomever did the best job of flattering me on Twitter last week.

“Why are we taking order from this weirdo when we could just install a fall guy? Lets get rid of them”

E: wow this persons blog shows a few MH issues, really hope they get help for that. (Also they seem to be a fascist, or a cryptofascist at least).

E2: another person who destroyed their mind with drugs Rationalists really can’t handle their chems.

What if all these seemingly weird rationalist takes are just from neurodivergent and mentally unwell people? Rationalist figureheads definitely seem to be that. I think this being the case would stop me from sneering.
In some cases this is certainly the case, and it should cause you to hold back but otoh bad mh doesnt excuse certain kinds of behaviours this person has been (if you believe them) and active participant in this for 8 years. E: Forgot to mention this : https://questioner.substack.com/p/the-classification-of-society?s=r > In the past few years I’ve heard a lot of conversations about how to enact social justice, mainly from bad human beings whom I think should die. Im sorry if I dont feel much sympathy here. (And no it doesn't seem to be a bit, nor does the rest of the article improve, it is just gator fails at understanding leftwing concepts in tyol 2022).

“Man, you should get into direct marketing with claims like that. …Along with your claim that you”helped make Gamergate go viral”, which really just lets me know you’re a wonk from the start (anyone who is still going on about gamergate almost a decade out on either side has very bad brainworms).
If you have One Weird Trick that lets you manipulate elections so easily that you think you could control multiple nation-states with six people, you could demonstrate that with a much smaller scale task: by yourself, make Jasmine Beach-Ferrara win the NC 11th district election this November. I’m picking her for two reasons:
-She would be my representative, so this would demonstrate a very real ability that I would immediately notice
-She’s heavily disfavored vs. Chuck Edwards
If she wins and you can then show real proof that you managed to influence the election, then maybe I’ll take you as someone beyond some terminally-online weirdo who keeps cropping up with insane ideas that seem custom-built to make rationalists look bad by association.”

damn Essex brought the heat. wonder if he ever gets a response?

> Heck, make Andrew Yang win something. Now *that* would impress me! Shots fired.
yang should never have gotten involved in politics, no instinct.
I thought being able to code was enough. How hard can politics be? A ~~banana~~ IF statement?
print "Hello world!"
>anyone who is still going on about gamergate almost a decade out on either side has very bad brainworms The exact same leveraging of Reddit for radicalisation of terminally online misogynists is currently ongoing and will have the same consequences. It would be stupid to forget Gamergate under such circumstances.
Gamergate never ended—it just got subsumed into the larger conservative movement. I feel like I've found a unicorn any time I find a RW Twitter account that isn't just posting MAGA and Q.

Shouldn’t we start by checking whether [effective altruism] actually does produce good solutions to problems?

I think it does. A lot of public policy research is already done using a utilitarian or broadly consequentialist framework.

(edit - also, if it didn’t, then you could probably start telling EAs that it didn’t, and they would change their mind. Having said all this I don’t actually think many EAs are thinking about effective public policy design)

This is some prime /r/selfawarewolves material right here.

The really offensive part of this is the bad Section 230 take