r/SneerClub archives
New beef between Alexander Scott and noted Ivermectin conspiracist Alexandros Marinos (https://twitter.com/c_kavanagh/status/1533622974976102400?s=21&t=Xxidh0DZ4-5eLFIuGHzxAA)

serious question, no mod consequences: do you (OP) just automatically downvote people who reply to your posts?

I literally haven’t looked at this post until now…
Huh When I got to it the first comments had already been downvoted, with like zero reason why that would have happened
Would not surprise me if Alexandros is both namesearching on reddit and petty.
This was in less than an hour!
I don’t see a single comment here worth downvoting. Meanwhile the fact that my comment got downvoted is hilarious.
Yeah me neither, people eh?
The abyss is staring back into us and downvoting what they see. Wouldn't be surprised if we've got some fans of either person in the OP reading threads here.
That I wouldn’t doubt, this sub is literally lurking round the corner of an astonishing number of paranoid minds in rationalist and rationalist-adjacent circles, even if that’s not at some of its most impressive peaks these days Ah, just a couple of years ago…the drama! Unusual, however, to see this but no specious reports etc
I think Reddit's vote counting system is inconsistent. For instance, the post you replied to has shown between 0 and 2 votes each time I've refreshed the page
It does that once votes start to accumulate, as the algorithm tries to find an appropriate average of up or down votes, but the very earliest votes reflect actual voting patterns
Pretty sure I read that the Reddit backend and API purposely mix up up and down votes and their summations to thwart bots and to prevent people from scraping Reddit for accurate information without paying them.

The initial post actually makes Scott look good, but further down:

To put it another way: if your vaunted sensemaking or rationalist approach does not allow you to readily notice the huge warning flags flapping around Alex, that mark him as a conspiracy theorist and self aggrandising dilettante… then you have a bad framework.

Put down the thesaurus, Scott.

Unrelated to this beef, also saw this twitter thread joking about, friend of the Rationalists, moldbug.

Dont think this is enough for its own thread (esp as im also not a fan of calling women ‘cat ladies’) some of you might get a mild chuckle out of it however.

E: sorry typos phoneposting

[Moldbug's partner](https://twitter.com/debdrens/status/1532726751281008640) seems like one of the villagers from (spoilers) >!Hot Fuzz!< - acts nice at parties, and very willing to murder to create the appearance of a model society.
"Hi, I'm a liberal, but I have a high IQ. And I want kids". "You had me at high IQ" - moldbug, probably.
"Hi, I'm a liberal, but black people scare me so NRx is true now" i.e., a liberal
Pretending to enjoy and agree with extreme needless verbosity is her particular degradation kink.
[lol](https://twitter.com/antitractionist/status/1532736198925598720) > “A friend of mine just married Mencius Moldbug!” bouncing around in my skull like a DVD screensaver
I had no idea “how cool this world was becoming” either
I think I remember Moldbug at some point mentioning being married several years back, was there a Moldbug divorce arc I missed?
his wife died iirc.

I met Alexandros at LessWrong meetups in London in 2011. Seemed a perfectly reasonable guy.

Umm, this entire sub is about how nothing about LessWrong is reasonable.

‘He was accusing me of saying he wasnt neutral. Anyway here is why he is crazy’

I don’t get what’s going on here?

Noted rationalist Scott Alexander is upset that Alexandros Marinos is misrepresenting him in a new blog post and overhyping a minor correction as a vindication of the efficacy ivermectin. He also accuses Alexandros of the ultimate sin amongst rationalists being bad faith 😱.

Photos in tweet | photo 1 | photo 2 | photo 3

posted by @C_Kavanagh

Thanks to inteoryx, videos are supported even without Twitter API V2 support! Middle finger to you, twitter