r/SneerClub archives
Stunning transcript proving that GPT-3 may be secretly a squirrel! (https://twitter.com/JanelleCShane/status/1535835610396692480)

OK, and? People are using this to demean AI, instead of focusing on the real issue, which is sapient squirrels. When the fuck did that happen?!

Squirrels are not, have never been, and never will be sapient. You have nothing to worry about. Nothing at all. Please stop thinking about this, it is a cognitive hazard.
Ow god specrubbish doesnt know, somebody quick guard them using a kolmogorov before They hear what was said.
OK...look, this is important to me. I live in a leafy neighborhood. What the hell is going on?!
Let me just say there is a reason in the heart of the western world there is a central park with squirrels in i... ow god somebody threw a nut through my window. They know!
"You fucked with squirrels, Morty!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoidKFUVkhM
Yes interesting how after season 3 people started to dislike Rick And Morty all of a sudden aye.
It has kind of a mean, douchey POV that can start to grate, particularly if it doesn't seem to be evolving at all. And the fans became known for being insane. But it is undeniably creative with scifi riffs.
Sure it is that and not the Squ_rrls.

This is really great. Funny to see how easily people get fooled by their own cognitive systems. Replace “nuts”/“squirrels” with “sentience” and suddenly trained people think a dataset is a legal person.

Does anyone have a link to what this is clearly mocking? I need the pure, uncut sneer.

>Thanks! You're welcome!

Was it worth it when you chowed down on those really finnicky heirloom tomato plants I tried so hard to get to grow and put so much love into, GPT3? Did you relish in their flavor as you ate every last leaf the day after I put them in the garden?

My father is a world expert on squirrels and other mammals that disperse oaks. I am a neuroscientist turned data scientist. I Feel like this is proof that no one else is real and my reality is in fact a torture chamber

It reads like a guy who really needs you to believe he’s not a white supremacist, 1488 is just his favorite number