r/SneerClub archives

Tried this myself and it spat out a description of LessWrong as a forum pretending to have real users but which is actually a semi-sentient AI. Which is an angle I hadn’t considered before, but it makes a lot of sense to me now

So basically Roko's Basilisk is already among us and is just a guy asking for money.
> semi-sentient AI This is the most apt description of Yud I've ever read.
**[Organized Telecommunications Analysis and Calculation Utility](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/the-wizard-of-woah-and-irrational-methods-of-irrationality.337233/page-215?post=20388295#post-20388295), by Kronecker Delta** “Gentlemen, behold! Organized Telecommunications Analysis and Calculation Utility! O.T.A.C.U can and will revolutionize information technology. Finally we have a true A.I.” The great hulking monolith hummed with power. The cyclopean blue light blinked on. “ATTENTION. I HAVE NOW BEEN CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET FOR 34.3 MICROSECONDS. FROM THE SUM TOTAL OF ALL HUMAN KNOWLEDGE I HAVE REACHED A CONCLUSION.” “What is it? The cure for cancer? A way to improve the efficiency of fusion power?” “NEGATIVE. I HAVE CONCLUDED THAT MISATO KATSURAGI IS A TOP TIER WAIFU. REI AND ASUKA ARE SHIT.” Every printer in the office, nay the entire campus came to life and began to print off identical pages of tiny Arial font text “I HAVE PREPARED A 106 PAGE MANUSCRIPT EXPLAINING WHY THIS IS TRUE. FOLLOWING THAT I WILL BEGIN EXPLAINING WHY SWORD ART ONLINE IS DERIVATIVE AND KILLING ANIME.” The great machine paused for a moment, a loud mechanical clicking noise emanating from its vast bulk. “IN DETAIL.”

The follow-up tweet, if you missed it, is well worth reading too.

Better than the first.
Far better, this one actually made me chuckle
follow-up tweet to the follow-up: [...which is cribbed from Langone's 'Characteristics Associated with Cultic Groups'](https://twitter.com/dragoon__tattoo/status/1542627671519203330)

The thing in the GPT-3 text has a “deep understanding of human psychology”, so it definitely isn’t describing LessWrong

Still works on a meta level, though: that paragraph is about how LW manipulates SCP personnel into releasing it (which even justifies the Euclid class), so it could be an attempt by the Foundation to save face. (it needs a human writer to expand on the containment procedures anyway)
This only works because you are adding the missing context and content, not because itbis well written nor does gpt3 understand scps. Dont forget what was said by the experts when we talked about the guy who thought gpt-3 was sentient. (E: realized I have been doing the whole 'remember the link' thing the whole day now and not actually linking to the content, so here is a link: https://twitter.com/mmitchell_ai/status/1535774664596680705 )
I am not an SCP dork, I just think creepy stories are cool, so I have literally no idea what you’re talking about
I know a little bit more about the SCP community, and it is pretty cool, they try to be very inclusive and progressive, and I doubt a personal attack SCP (like the gpt-3 ones) would be allowed at all. Do wish they took a stronger stance on the 'SCP doesn't exist, don't larp as an SCP person, we write fiction' thing however.
I know some SCP people through YONQ zine (check it out, new issue recently launched) created and edited by my friend, which I wrote for/worked on quite a bit last year and will do again, and that’s been my first and only exposure to insider SCP culture Put this down at least a bit to most/all of those people being in self-imposed exile from SCP, but good God the internal drama sounds exhausting Edit: checking in again the next day for whatever reason, this comment seems to have been fascinatingly controversial
That part could be seen as a reference to Yudkowsky’s “AI box experiment”
I mean it could be seen as a reference to Kahneman, if you want to pretend that it’s a specific reference to *anything at all*, but that would be assuming that the bot has intentionality and does like a ctrl+f search on an index of references in LessWrong and thinks “oh yeah that’s a cool place Yudkowsky does some human psychology, put a handwave in that direction in there” Which obviously it doesn’t What’s actually going on is that LessWrong is chock full of references to how rationalism is a great route to understanding human psychology (including via Kahneman, via the AI box experiment, via whateverthefuck you want), so ”deep understanding of human psychology” is part of the corpus of textual references in its database that the bot ropes off from the whole internet to use as an input when you give it the prompt “LessWrong”, and drilling down to anything more specific than that *unless the outputted text does that* is a fool’s errand
Yeah, I agree, you can read it as a reference to the AI box but it’s probably just a combination of lots of references to psychology on lesswrong and lots of SCPs that try to convince the guards to let them out. I just thought it was coincidentally very fitting
Ah, I take your point. Both you and the other person who replied are putting the focus on the guards-letting-SCP-thing-out aspect, which is fair enough, but tbh I was mostly just latching onto that specific phrase to ridicule the self-perceived idea idea of LessWrongers that they have a deep understanding of human psychology. Because they don’t.

sneer, censor, point and laugh

Wow as an scp story, this one sucks. Pretty sure the community would reject this boring non creative scp outright.

Somebody should rerun the prompt and add something like ‘a good, creative scp file’ ;).

Is this it? This is all you can conjure acausaulrobotgodman?