r/SneerClub archives
This post is on LW, so “unusually high g” probably describes you! (https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/bhLxWTkRc8GXunFcB/what-are-you-tracking-in-your-head)

More high g skills: realize when you made your point adequately and you dont need to include more words.

Realize how using weird sentence structures and which words make you sound like an annoying manager and not like a normal human.

Tracking if the project you are working on is actually moving forward or if you are just creating more mastubatory thinkpieces.

I can’t read “unusually high g” without thinking of that scene in Moonraker where Roger Moore is spun really fast.

(Abigail Thorn imitating Charles Grey voice) "You must excuse this rather odd mixture of styles, but I refuse to go enTIRely high geEEee..."
AI go FOOM, Mister Bond.
"Now pay attention, 007. An ordinary blog post. But press here, and it unfolds into an infohazard."

The post is about how “tracking extra information” in your head can be valuable, with down-to-earth examples such as:

  • While talking to a person, track an estimate of their internal mental state - emotions, engagement, thoughts/worries, true motivations, etc.
  • While in conversation, track ambiguous tokenization for potential jokes.

This may seem like just normal human stuff to you, but actually, you have to be a LW high-g supergenius in order to carry a conversation or tell a joke.

The same argument also suggests a reason that teaching methods aren’t already more focused on mentally tracking extra information: such techniques are probably more limited for the median person. On the other hand, if your goal is to train the great minds of the next generation, then figuring out the right places to invest excess cognitive capacity is likely to have high returns.

Tell me you’ve never met a K-12 teacher without telling me you’ve never met a K-12 teacher.

> While working on math, physics, or a program, track types/units This is an "illegible skill" because ... programming courses never cover data types? [Physics courses never teach dimensional analysis](https://openstax.org/books/university-physics-volume-1/pages/1-4-dimensional-analysis)??
yes. it's important to note that this level of unawareness is not a nerd thing, because these guys can't do that shit either
this sounds like coming from people exactly who never go outside and never had any irl conversation in years so calculate this bs in their head. tbh it's beyond sad. No mentally healthy human let alone "intellectual" would think like this
I've been trying to come up with something snarky but I can't top the self-sneer implied by the decision to host an article that encourages readers to pay attention to "extra" information such as what *their conversational partner* is thinking, saying, and showing - not one, not two, but three times.

intellectually working out from first principles that being able to model other people is useful