r/SneerClub archives

There are too few children so two rationalists will create a city state for breeding.

Other than Praxis society, these two have a clear explanation for how they will handle community stuff.

They’ll be the dictators, that’ll just be the easiest way to deal with things.




The entire thing is a goldmine.

“The Collins Institute for the Gifted (CollinsInstitute.org) is working on a new model of at-home or boarding education optimized for self-motivated students who thrive when given freedom. It applies a PhD-level attitude toward knowledge acquisition to K-12 education through a first-principles approach.”

More first principles approaches. For kids.

Founded “the pragmatist foundation”.
I.e. a website and a facebookpage with 16 likes.
Impressive foundation.

> The Collins Institute is designed to quickly identify young scholars who would be better served by a more traditional educational system. Step 1: Establish a school based on [pet theory]. Step 2: Kick out all the students who don't do well. Step 3: "Look how great our students are doing!"
> It applies a PhD-level attitude toward knowledge acquisition to K-12 education through a first-principles approach. Is this code for child sweatshops?
I was thinking the Moore Method with extra steps, but you're probably more accurate
I wonder if they’re affiliated with the [Midvale School for the Gifted](https://fifetli.blog/2019/01/15/midvale-school-for-the-gifted/)
And what about non self motivated students (aka most people)?

right now the EA meme is liable to extinguish itself through negatively modifying the fitness of individuals with the sociological profile that makes them amenable to it, which is … not good.

I think what they’re saying is that EA people are having trouble getting laid.

How do I get my Lebensboner wet
You will need to read their books, The Pragmatist’s Guide to Relationships: Ruthlessly Optimized Strategies for Dating, Sex, and Marriage and The Pragmatist’s Guide to Sexuality. > This guide acts as an instruction manual for mate acquisition strategies of all stripes, providing the foundation needed to excel at any number of tricky tasks—be it getting laid, writing a marriage contract, **training a spouse**, determining whether a partner cheated, exploring the world of non-monogamy, or finding the perfect long-term partner. What the fuck
From a utilitarian perspective the ideal is surely a wealthy widow who has, presumably, already been house-trained
I want to make a joke about the redpill idea alpha widows here, but I don't want to expose people to this idea.
Too late, I'm already widowpilled!
Alpha widow, which is a bit different from an actual widow. (and some real incel shit).
Holy shit, I thought those titles were satire, then I realized they weren't... Yeesh.
they must secure the existence of their meme and a future for nerd children
Alright, this comment and another below are setting my “make sure to sneer at what's sneerable” eye to twitching. Using the word “nerd” as an epithet is just the “I hate whatever it is they claim to like” kind of bullshit. Ray Charles ain’t God and nerds ain't (necessarily) assholes.
> Using the word “nerd” as an epithet Counterpoint, this is nerd on nerd sneering, not nerdphobia or whatever.
Roughly 100% of people in this subreddit are nerds lol, we get a pass

This is just Idiocracy but with even more fascism and eugenics. I thought we all agreed that in retrospect that movie kinda wasn’t that good?

The movie's pretty nakedly eugenicist in itself, isn't it? Society destroyed by genetic degeneration over the course of a few generations, pretty well exactly what the 20th C eugenicists were worried about
I think the genetic stuff is just a plot device to set up the future world. The message seems to be more that corporations want us stupid.
The intro and ending absolutely are. It's jarring because Mike Judge doesn't seem to be a eugenics guy, and in interviews he continues to deny the blatant eugenics of the intro, which is either some CYA BS or he somehow just doesn't see it. If you cut that out you get a pretty mediocre (and frequently uncomfortable in the bad way) comedy with occasional flashes of prescience. The movie's depiction of Costco expanding until it's swallowed up practically every corner of not only the economy but basically all human services such as education and healthcare is certainly on point in a general way. The fact that it's Costco, I think, may expose some of the writers' limitations in perspective. Walmart would be the most obvious go-to joke, especially if you're as intent on mocking "poor trash" as the movie is, but it was cowritten by a Harvard grad who may honestly never have set foot in a Walmart in his life. (Obviously Judge and Cohen can't be blamed for not foreseeing what Amazon would become.)
isn't costco the black sheep of the big box stores for being broadly neutral to unions and having higher than average pay?
Yeah, Costco is looked down on because they found a way to be (slightly) less harmful than their competitors which should translate into them getting annihilated by market forces.
The intro to the movie sucks, the movie itself is great. A civilization which provides a fully automated usa type lifestyle for 500 years which then breaks down but it is easily fixed? Seems great! And they even got rid of prison slavery. (E: the prisoners assaulting each other is bad however, nor are the facilities great, also not a fan of the capital punishmen show). And they even have a Theranos like medical machine.

We are on the verge of a “cultural mass extinction.” This will dramatically increase the homogeneity of our species and as such lower the prevalence of orthanganal perspectives


[eyelid twitches]

That's when you do butt stuff with Saruman, right?
>We are on the verge of a “cultural mass extinction.” This will dramatically increase the homogeneity of our species and as such lower the prevalence of orthanganal perspectives > >"orthanganal" > >\[eyelid twitches\] Lords also had "surfs" working their lawn.

I like how there’s absolutely no mention of where they’re going to build this paradise. What happens when their ideal town runs into conflict with zoning laws, building codes, etc? Or if one of the residents decides to turn to the local legal system rather than the whims of Simone and Malcolm Collins to decide a dispute?

They're not even going to try to build it until after 2030. They are basically in the recruitment stage. Their little homeschool education thing isn't even going live until this fall. Step 0: have an idea about an intentional community of Quiverfull + EA style people Step 1: start a "school" where you get free money from the government (thanks to voucher programs) to "homeschool" kids remotely Step 2: convince the parents (most likely the mother of the children) they need to be able to have a place where they can teach these children in an open environment, together, with love and bonding and individual freedom, blah blah Step 3: build out a planned community following all local zoning laws, 8 years time gives the Collin's plenty of time to play off of their sucker followers, in order to get them to sell their current houses and lease a house on their property Step 4: they own the property and the houses and the land and you're just rent seeking to be part of their dictatorial psychopathic experiment Step 5: they will fuck up eventually, and the courts will say stop stealing peoples money for essentially a time share cult, people will be very pissed to learn that they got bilked into moving there and they have no ownership rights, etc. All it takes is one kid or one parent saying fuck this and it goes to shit, which is why it will never work. It takes generations and taking over an entire state to implement this sort of thing as the Mormans have shown. They won't be able to hold it together with any cohesiveness.
Are you questioning the authority and judgment of Simone and Malcolm Collins?! Wait, are you one of those... busybodies?

The Collins Institute for the Grifted

Did they steal the name of the town from the tv series?

E: Also ask them if abortion and guns is legal. For edgy bonuspoints, ask them about their age of consent laws. (Dont btw, a libertarian will ask it for you)

Late edit: these people also just joined ea in june 2022, so could just be they are just using the whole ea stuff for self promotion (or promotion of their own ideological worries) without actually caring about the previous EA stances. So will be interesting to watch how this develops.

There are already a bunch of Eurekas too lol
Not just places, but also just [tv series](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eureka#Film_and_television) I was thinking of [this one however.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eureka_(American_TV_series)) > Most residents of Eureka are scientific geniuses who work for Global Dynamics – an advanced research facility responsible for the development of nearly all major technological breakthroughs since its inception.

They promise “No Community Politics”? I wonder how they’ll manage that? Just how does their “Unique Governance” work?

Eureka is and will always be run by Simone and Malcolm Collins. All community rules are ultimately set—all disputes resolved—by them. While not perfect, this system allows you to vet the personalities of the people who will always be managing conflicts (or hiring those who will) before moving and removes the risk of a busybody gaining control of community governance.

Ah, yes, very good. Monarchies, “while not perfect”, are famously free of politics.

Edit: Oh my god, they didn’t bother to include any stock photos with one non-white person. This whole thing oozes low-key white nationalism. It’s only after you’ve bought a place and moved in that they tell you about the mandatory Mein Kampf book groups.

apparently they want to be kim il sung style eternal presidents if i am reading this correctly-deeply healthy thinking lmao

Artificial wombs can dramatically reduce (though not remove) the ethical considerations around “government-created kids.”

Estimated Probability of Success: High (With a probability of negative outcomes)

Of course the probability of success is high u/acausalrobotgod can just make those wombs after it is finally created.
man i wish these assholes would stop sullying the name of a potentially insanely good technology-mid-pregnancy issues could be resolved while preserving the fetus, and women with issues that make carrying a baby to term very dangerous can now have an option to have kids that is less fraught with issues of exploitation than surrogacy. And hey, gay men could one day have biological children with each other using this tech and the conversion of a partner's cell into an egg-it really is amazing.

Genopolitics tells a different story. What is really happening is that individuals from those families with sociological profiles amenable to movements like effective altruism, progressivism, or broad Western Civilisational values are being selected out of the gene pool. As evolution does its work, every subsequent generation of the Quiverfull movement will do better and better at maintaining cultural fidelity. Any virulent meme with a negative impact on fitness will genetically select against sociological profiles that would have adopted it in future generations.

Sweet, salty, shitfuck they’re going full Quiverfull? At least they drop any pretensions of it not being a cult.

Also, lol @ every subsequent generation doing better at maintaining “cultural fidelity.” Because kids have never once rebelled against their parents, especially kids brought up in strict households.

> Any virulent meme with a negative impact on fitness will genetically select against sociological profiles that would have adopted it in future generations. No, it won't; it will get lost as statistical noise in comparison to factors that actually decide today if genes are propagated, namely, personal choice. Had a similiar argument with another rationalist on here who was convinced evolution is selecting for individuals who are adapted to Big Cities - no, people who aren't adapted to Big Cities don't die, they move to the countryside. There is no more big filter which functions as a selective factor.
Ah yes, the important big city gene. You must be American, here in Europe we started shooting people who move out of city. Gotta breed out the grassy gene. When we are done, NOBODY will touch grass!

About to complete my MA thesis which is basically a 60 page dunk on EA, and I still find myself blown away by the kind of lost-the-plot, historically/politically illiterate garbage that these nerds manage to come up with. Just when I thought I’d seen it all, Eureka Town enters my Twitter feed. Also, I love how EA touts itself as being “cause-neutral” and aggressively non-political, yet it’s so hilariously blind to its neoliberal-technocratic ideological bent. Further proof that these dweebs have never opened a book that is not Harry Potter.

EDIT: went to look at Simone Collins’ credentials, as she cites herself as “Cambridge educated”. We have here a Bachelor’s in Marketing from GWU, with an Master’s in “Technology Policy” (terrifying combination of words) from Cambridge. Just the kind of academic profile I like to see for a prospective de jure dictator.

Ooh, that's interesting! maybe this is too much to ask, but are you willing to share by PM (or publicly as a serious post on this sub if you want) the thesis if you feel ready? :) I would love to read it
Perhaps! I’m pretty self conscious about it, I’ll think about it once it’s all polished. But…there’s a lot to critique, and if you’re a consequentialist there are some decent defenses against what is called the “systemic critique”, but ultimately I think the critique succeeds. In the meantime, I recommend the paper “Effective Altruism and it’s Critics” by Iason Gabriel. Great (and scathing) intro to the general critique
> Further proof that these dweebs have never opened a book that is not Harry Potter. Bold of you to assume that they'd read the original before writing fanfic about it.

Sadder but wiser for my philosophical investigations, I have set aside the beautiful, unworkable ideal of the Good Homeowner’s Association

Hey, at least they’re eco-friendly and pedestrian first!


A city state for breeding


Created by rationalists



It's typical BS. In order to hide their crude far right politics they have to shout out a few left-wing sounding concerns like DV or global warming. But it's incredibly lazy reasoning. We can want AND less domestic violence AND lower birth rates. There is no reason to choose only one, or to have one be conditional on the other. We can prepare for the rise in DV - if there even is a causal relationship and if it's the birth rates that cause DV and not the other way around - by addressing that. Campaign against DV, raise awareness, make sure the police and court systems are adequately prepared for DV, educate neighbors on the signs of DV.. If people threaten DV because they want higher birthrates, why give them their higher birthrates? Like, I want to feel happy, therefor I take heroine, but that makes me steal car-radios. Ergo we need more car-radios in my city. The thing about global warming is the same maddingly lazy motivated reasoning.

a micronation run by two dwight schrute clones….paradise

They were given a piece in Business Insider
