r/SneerClub archives

OK this one is pretty minor but I can’t resist:

Imagine you were hungry and came across a Capitalist Food joint. You’ve never heard of them before, but their pitch is that you should like them because they are capitalist, and all the best food comes from capitalists. E.g., McDonalds. Which is in fact true.


I knew it! Italian grandmothers are only in it for the money!

Damnit wanted to make the joke that my mom is capitalism, but you beat me to it.

he managed to last 5 paragraphs before mentioning prediction markets im proud of him

More evidence that these dopes obsessed with prediction markets have never heard of sports gambling - from the comments:

Request: can you try to figure out how a prediction market for NFL general managers would work for the draft?

RH: That’s a pretty niche market, which may well be served eventually.

Uh, dinguses, there’s an active “prediction market” for the NFL draft and has been for years. Maybe take a look at that and other sports gambling and the tons and tons of data associated with it and see how well that’s doing before you decide to set this up for every other aspect of modern life?

But the reason the best food comes from capitalists is that they usually develop much narrower food brands.

This (and the following up part) makes no sense, like non branded food doesnt exist.

And the whole weird focus on food brand associations makes me think that the title of the blog is very very personal indeed.

Eating at a place which serves skimmed food doesnt suddenly make the food taste different after they tell you it was skimmed.

(And yeah this is another post in the recent trend of the Rationalists giving up in their stated goals of making people more Rational and just working with peoples irriational impulses to promote their shit, good job you discovered marketing from first principles)

He says the generic non-profit food place (which is?) probably doesn’t make food as good as the capitalist food place (McDonald’s)

Synthesis: Robin Hanson does not know any Sikhs

There is an anarchist bookstore/café in my city which I guess could be seen as a non-profit food place (pay what you want, including nothing, and any "profit" goes to some cause). Beats any fastfood by leagues, really. Also using McDonald's as an example must be a joke
Hanson is the kind of guy who angrily dares you to think of anything as satisfying, as reliable, as all-American as McDonald’s, for the money, anywhere in the world When you say something pretentious like “I’m not American” he just gets angrier and yells about WWII
For real, I have no idea why American fastfood has such cachet. Like, when inflation started getting real, everyone was suddenly talking about how fast food was so expensive. Meanwhile I continued eating home cooking - which, get this, also now costs more due to inflation!
salt, fat, and sugar are incredibly strong motivators, and home cooks are generally much more careful with them than are even the most self-consciously health-oriented fast food places
It's also apparently never occurred him to look up why Paul Newman's face is on all that (very tasty!) [salad dressing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newman%27s_Own).

Siri, what’s the opposite of Anthony Bourdain?

Now consider prediction markets.

I wish that, just once, we wouldn’t

A solution here I think is: application-specific prediction market brands.