r/SneerClub archives

I’ll leave this up because it’s incredibly funny and, fair is fair, does use the word “Bayes” a lot, and also I’m really hoping that it’s an equally awful asshole trying to turn the tables on Richard Carrier, who is if memory serves at least somewhat LessWrong-adjacent, but mostly because the sneers over at /r/badphilosophy were not up to par (actually they were fine, I must have been in a bad mood)

I’m also tickled that as /r/badbayes as it is, it is significantly more sophisticated and actually Bayesian than 90% of the Bayes fandom are capable of over among the usual designated targets

>actually Bayesian Is it though? I have some bones to pick here as well. First off, nowhere in the post does he use the *actual* Bayesian formula, P(H|E) = P(E|H) \* P(H) / P(E). He also introduces some superfluous "background" (B) term which necessitates some idiosyncratic "&" notation -- his "prior probability" is written out something like P(H | B) whereas the posterior probability is written out as "P(H | E & B)", but since we're never really talking about "probability distribution without taking into account the background", it's far from clear what "P(H)" is supposed to mean. I feel safe in interpreting his "Pr(M|B)" as a "P(H)", as he translates it as "the probability of a miracle (henceforth the resurrection) given background knowledge \[only\]". He assigns 75% to this value, since "the Christian God is probably true" is not "evidence", it's "background knowledge". * Broke: the resurrection is powerful evidence for God! * Woke: God is powerful evidence for the resurrection! His "Pr(E|M&B)" is clearly mislabeled. He describes it as "probability of the resurrection given the evidence". But "the resurrection" is the hypothesis here, so actually he's describing the P(H|E) term -- the posterior probability, i.e. the very thing we were supposed to be calculating in the first place. And of course he assigns 95% to this value, because "the evidence" discussed here is basically "the entire New Testament taken at face value *except* for the resurrection itself, perhaps with a few minor assists from Josephus or Tacitus to corroborate the existence of a 'Jesus' operating in the area around that time". So even if this was purely a class on Bayesian statistics and we didn't even *bother* trying to give estimates to any of the terms here, I could only award a handful of points for *maybe* identifying P(H) correctly, but otherwise he's using the wrong formula and is utterly confused as to the other terms of the equation.
I said “significantly more…actually Bayesian” than people who change their minds about how many black people are stupid on the basis of a blogpost and call it “updating my priors” without even typing a number You don’t seriously think I read the post in full?
> I could only award a handful of points Yeah, so better than 90% of the Bayes fandom.

“First we have to discuss our priors: 1. God probably exists because how else does anything exist? (no I will not explain further) 2. Jesus previously did magical miracles (which definitely happened and were definitely magic)”

And you know what, I actually agree with this guy; if you accept those two priors, Jesus’ resurrection seems very reasonable!

This is basically the same exact logic as the basilisk and the Monty Python "witch trial": 1) assume this series of increasingly ridiculous assertions, 2) the conclusion is obvious!
Or, I thought, more closely analogous to the divinations of [Carnac The Magnificent](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carnac_the_Magnificent)

Christianity is easily superior other potential religions. Comparing Mohammed to Jesus for example is simply laughable

Read: my prophet could beat up their prophet in a fight and thus my God is the most realist QED

Post like this should be existential dispair for any selfaware atheists subbed to debateachristian. It exposes the whole futility of the whole sub.
Because you've shown an interest in similar communities: r/playchesswithapigeon

Everything aside, wtf is wrong with that sub?!

Debate a Christian but every flair is Atheist?! lmfao


Obviously there’s going to be some disagreement, so all that can be done here is try to come up with a number, and if you disagree you can come up with your own (same goes for other background knowledge).

They’re so close

The internet has destroyed me.

I cannot tell if this is a hilarious satire of Bayes rationalism or the ramblings of a madman.

Poe's Law

If God did exist, then it should be expected that something like Jesus should happen, because God would want us to know He exists, what He’s like and for us to have a plan for the future

And definitely the most effective way to do that is to take human form, live an unremarkable life for 32 years, wander around the desert for a couple more years, and die.

And wait 4,000 years to do that.
the wild thing is seeing christians who don't dispute an old earth and accept that we were around for like a million years worshipping bears and shit, eventually forming all kinds of these very elaborate religions all over the world, and then suddenly god picks out this random little tribe in the middle east and says "you guys get special treatment". And this is somehow the OPTIMAL way to spread his word. man if god actually does exist i really hope i can get at least 2-3 questions in before he sics the 11 foot tall demons with cock hands on me, i'm so confused.
Cock hands? I’m listening…
This whole post is just an exercise in jumping to conclusions, but "if God therefore 'only begotten son, etc etc'" might be the funniest leap of all.

Pop Bayesians is a brilliant machine for turning three wild guesses that you pulled out your ass into one number that you’re absurdly overconfident about. I’ve also seen people that don’t even bother with the actual bayes part and just nudge their made up number by an arbitrary amount towards whoever argued with them last. Impossible to spot any problems with these approaches!

i can’t bring myself to read this, looks like a mountain of post-hoc rationalization for why we should think poorly documented religious claims from 2000 years ago are true.

if u are religious that’s fine, but it’s not based off a dispassionate analysis of the evidence, which is basically a religious book and a few passing mentions by historians, it’s because the story resonates with you and faith takes care of the rest.

I mostly agree. I will say though that the attempts to verify/disprove Jesus’s existence from a dispassionate stance are fascinating and revealing about how even an attempt to have no bias is a bias in and of itself. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quest_for_the_historical_Jesus which I think is in line with the point of your comment.
Without reading it and based on my exp listening to fundamentalists/very religious people, im going to bet he just assumes the bible stories are true and works on from there.
Well, he assumes the Bible stories are true, but he also doesn't seem to have paid very much attention to them.
So it goes.

even Christians would agree that some random guy stands a very low chance of being raised from the dead even though God could potentially do that.

The Bible has a whole bunch of random guys raised from the dead, but go off chief.

Richard Carrier wrote a whole book using Bayes to reach the opposite conclusion

In fact a few days before the linked post above this was posted https://www.reddit.com/r/DebateAChristian/comments/vri2rr/a_bayesian_argument_against_the_resurrection_of/ so we could just be sneering at a parody. Otoh, they have been having a bayes fight over this shit for a long time it seems.
> parody I skimmed the post history and they seem completely serious to me. It seems more likely that this user is trying to be serious and is just very, very bad at it.
Well, darn, shatter my small hope for humanity right there ;).
Yeah, I watched Carrier on YouTube, debating (IIRC) Bart Ehrman. Even as the most prominent & credentialed exponent of Bayesian apologetics, his arguments were laughable. Change a couple of his assumptions and the whole thing simply melts away.
As David Wolpert says, Bayes is GIGO.
Ehrman has a book on the historical Christ that I think was largely motivated by Carrier, it's pretty good.

Christianity is easily superior other potential religions.

It’s always nice when you can just dismiss every other culture and thousands of years of belief and theological discussion in a single sentence, isn’t it?

Who needs faith when you have Bayes?


So I thought this might be a troll for a while, but I think this later reply is evidence that no, this motherfucker is going to estimate the number and proximity of angelic presences at the apex of a textile manufacturing implement.

I’m not reading all that but I assume the wrestling probability thing is in there somewhere.

This is the stupidest post I have ever read. Amazing find!