r/SneerClub archives

Kind of childish of me but come on


thats what the kids these days call a red flag


Not quite sure I saw that comment
It’s in there


"Wow did this guy not read my Harry Potter fanfic?" is quite possibly the funniest response that's ever been given in response to a relationship question.
I get severe first-season-of-The-Office type secondhand embarrassment whenever I'm reminded that HPMOR exists and that a lot of people like it
From now on, I will provide all relationship advice in the form of pointers to my coffee shop AU of *Naked Lunch.*
CHAPTER 87 of the fanfic, even.
But which verse?

Ah the old pick up artist spinning plates trick. (for those not in the know needing further brain damage, this article probably describes it in detail CW: pua stuff, so prob a bit of sexism (And remember, to PUAs being vague and dodging a question like ‘are we in a relationship’ is not lying))

E: and not childish at all, shows again how the ssc lexicon can be used to manipulate people. She obviously wasn’t interested in some sort of meta level discussion here.

came here to check whether someone posted this lmfao

Reminded me of this old classic. I thought gwern’s comment was peak rationalist there https://imgur.com/9fOL3fO

If your reasoning for your personal actions involves evolutionary psychology, you've already long, long since lost the plot.
Otoh, people do pay Gwern enough patreon money for him to cover all his living expenses (and unclear how much more), and we do this shit for free, so he clearly has the upper hand on us. (seems he has not posted on his site in months, lol, now that is nice patreon money ([his last post](https://www.gwern.net/LARPing))
The day sneerclub produces something like [this](https://www.gwern.net/Embryo-selection) I will start giving you money, pinky promise.

Further gem in the comments of the Twitter thread: the timeless (decision theory) story of forbidden wordcel-shape rotator romance. Truly Romeo and Juliet, writ modern.


Apparently the guy browses reddit. So it is only a matter of time before I get an angry reply because I called him a pua person.

Run girl run

For real. This has to be super frustrating to live with.

The thing is, I can’t imagine this idiot having other women.

Since this Reddit recommends slatestarcodex’s page to me every day.
Today, somebody who gives the game away and explains why they have time to constantly write unfathomably long blog posts


Truely the gift that keeps on giving