r/SneerClub archives
An impressive performance from team sneer (https://i.redd.it/a4026dm3k1f91.png)

I’m one of the few people you’ll meet who’s sneered at more takes than I’ve read.

Oh God, how was this measured?
That chart alone is worth a good 4 or 5 quality sneers.
some fun observations from that image: * Equating performance on an unspecified math quiz with intelligence * Absolutely wack scale * Tiny sample size * possibly equating subreddit visits with subreddit users/posters? very funny overall, but any measure that puts neoliberal in the top ten most intelligent subreddits has to be flawed somehow
* Assuming that subreddits have user populations that are largely distinct, with little to no overlap.
It's not even a math quiz, it's just a collection of random trivia questions
What if everyone on neoliberal is there to sneer at it?
If only...
Why do you hate the global poor?
Are there other specific "intellectual" subreddits we should be sneering?
Maybe /r/RationalPsychonaut?

“I shun them like COVID” isn’t listed.

Every good general knowledge quiz needs multiple comment threads about the difference between “bool” and “Boolean” in Java.


Found it in a post about some quiz posted on that subreddit, this one is "chart of mean scores by activity level" https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/wcz47n/quiz_results_and_analysis_how_did_gpt3_do/