r/SneerClub archives
". But if we can’t genetic engineer superbabies with arbitrary IQs by 2100, we have failed so overwhelmingly as a civilization" (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/wg9qxm/but_if_we_cant_genetic_engineer_superbabies_with/)


It has to happen, look at the prediction market!

I don’t think it’s racist to care about ethnic demographic shift - I think Japan as it currently exists is not completely interchangeable with a Japan made of 1/3 ethnic Japanese people and 2/3 ethnic Kenyans.

What a frustratingly stupid strawman. No one currently worrying about “ethnic demographic shifts” is talking about “what if Japan was 66% Kenyan”, they’re saying “what if the USA went from 57.8% white to 55% white, that would be a huge catastrophe” - and that’s why we call them racist!

Also kind of telling on himself (if not baiting) that his thought goes to Kenyans and not, you know, the largest ethnic minorities already in Japan, which are Chinese and Korean. One can imagine what a Zaitokukai keyboard warrior already has to say about their current presence.
Also sorry but mixed race societies are great. Cultural exchange and fusion is beautiful.
This guy managed to cram the sentence "Honestly, 800 million Chinese people still seems like a lot" into the same post as this pathetic attempt at a notracistbutt
Yeah, it's kind of assuming all these kenyans would suddenly zap into the country at once. In the more realistic case where the immigration was a steady pace over generations, japanese culture wouldn't change much more than it would've anyway, just with slightly different skin colours and some extra traditions coming into the mix, just like what happened with all the immigrants to the US and canada and other multicultural countries.
Might as well just straight up post "Europe for the Europeans, Asia for the Asians, etc."
The Japanese are concerned about this (though not the 66% Kenyan thing, they're more stressed about the idea of >1% non Japanese) but yeah, this is a complete and utterly absurd strawman. Dude's whole deal is just pretending to be reasonable about dumb premises.

Joke’s on him, all of our IQs are entirely arbitrary

"What's important for the future of humanity is that everyone be really good at a test devised by a few early 20th century white men who thought that cocaine had great medicinal value."
It doesn’t?
But what if they're like REALLY good at rotating shapes tho /s


Name a single good last psychiatrist post
no but seriously you were singing the praises of hunter s. thompson’s fifth rate bored shrink great great nephew
I don’t see the “of course” though
new here, what does TLP stand for?
[The Last Psychiatrist](https://old.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/t33hcs/scott_alexander_reviews_sadly_porn_by_the_last/)
\+1 \[also new here\]. also what is siskind's covert agenda ?
not sure if it's really covert, but probably referring to siskind's HBD/general right wing bullshit masquerading as intellectualism
Do you want an episode of narcissistic rage? Because this is how you get an episode of narcissistic rage.

I like how his last hypothetical Amish-world arguably disproves the whole concern, since regardless of relative birth rates it seems absurd to envision a world overrun by Amish and Orthodox Jews. Like, if the way your interpreting this data across demographics and culture groups suggests that this is a plausible scenario you’re probably looking at the data wrong or else the data isn’t nearly as meaningful as you expect it to be.

But of course that would require Scott to honestly question the significance of IQ data, and he was reticent about that even when he was pretending he didn’t associate with right-wing loons.

Right, population limits in an agricultural society are ultimately going to be determined by, well, how you do your agriculture. And yes, Amish people do have agricultural technology, tractors and whatnot. What they don't have is ConAgra and Monsanto. If you limit your technology to approximately one Green Revolution ago, you're obviously going to limit your own population capacity. There's a reason ancient Mesopotamia didn't have a population of 300 million.
He's also citing an article from the Dalily fucking Caller, which already makes me doubt its veracity. Amongst other things.
I think the whole message of 'dont worry about overpopulation, the whole of the USA will be overrun by Jews' will provide him with quite a few (and angry) incoming links, and if I were him I would be worried that I had given the antisemitic stormfronters some additional arguments by posting this. Ah, if only we could look at the referral stats of that page.

why would there probably be a technological singularity by any time ever

i drew a curve

Wann dei Klaem uff de Amische sich verlosst, unn du bischt net Amisch, odder en Mennischt, odder iewen yuscht Pennsilfaanisch Deitsch, ich muss mutmaasse, ass du alles uff machscht.


Why worry about 2100 when the AGI is going foom in 20 years and we all get to be immortal?

We already had that. It’s called Baby Geniuses and it sucked.

Well, Scott, at least you’ve managed to trip the genetic bullshit detector of this genetically regenerate specimen of stock historically selected for mental acuity.