r/SneerClub archives
adding this screenshot to the Wikipedia entry for "guile" (https://i.redd.it/vsl9h8d6rcg91.jpg)

Speaking of funny Aella posts: https://imgur.com/a/engb28a

i assumed this would be the \*other\* pedo tweet from her that people have been passing around. Very cool that there's seemingly a large backlog of things like that from her.
Why would anyone even want to engage with a thought experiment like this?
Je-sus Christ in a Ford F150

Infuriating that that the Bayesian Loving Science and Reason Crowd doesn’t understand what fucking basic random sampling is.

The fact that Aella thinks any of her surveys hold water when she uses Twitter for sampling is fucking hilarious

Oooh she’s a very good faith social scientist now how kewl

Dgerard is having a thread about it on twitter which adds some context on Aella for those new here.

mostly from this august venue just think of all the Aella brilliance we missed when there was a moratorium on Aella bad posts
> just think of all the Aella brilliance we missed No, I don't think I will.

this survey about fetishes!

,000 that this is angling to support autogynephilia theory

[your winnings, sir!](https://twitter.com/maestro_hell/status/1556771506411241474)
“Assign a 50% probability” I cannot believe people actually talk like this in casual settings lol
I saw her defend herself by saying she is agender which falls under the trans umbrella. While 'im x so I cant be xphobic' isnt even a defense, I wonder if that is even true, is that a part of being trans? Or just being genderqueer? (Not specifically asking you btw, just wondering out loud).
I think terminology probably isn't fixed yet. Personally (and in my friend circle), I'd consider agender to be a type of nonbinary identity and nonbinary identities to probably be trans identities. I'd also use nonbinary and genderqueer as synonyms, but I don't know many folks who identify as genderqueer. I think a different objection is that, even if 'I'm x so I can't be xphobic' held, it seems plausible that transphobia might in some uses pick out a hostile attitude to a certain type of trans person (e.g. binary trans folk). So even if Aella is agender, she can still be transphobic since she is agender and transphobia in that sense picks out prejudice against binary trans folks which she is not. (I don't know the context of Aella's transphobia so, mutatis mutandis, in the preceding lol.)
> (I don't know the context of Aella's transphobia so, mutatis mutandis, in the preceding lol.) They got big mad on facebook when reddit banned some of the transphobe subreddits, and went mask off. There was a thread about it on here when it happened, so you may be able to find it. I can't really dig it up at the moment, though.
[Found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/hvw75m/aella_goes_maskoff_on_facebook/)
Beware of camming for bigots lest you become those who jack off to you.
I'm probably an outlier in that I found Aella through her bad rationalist/bigoted takes and learned she used to do gnome porn after the fact. I can only imagine how strange it must be to know her as the gnome porn girl and see her go down this path.
Very much a Milkshake Duck moment, ie, "We regret to inform you the gnome girl is racist."
Thank you! Of course it's a 'free speech' argument lol.
Always is lmao. Nothing draws out the bigots like somebody else saying bigotry is bad. I love that Reddit banning some GC subs spurred her to not only talk about how the terf forums are lovely places for debate by all, but then go on a rant about how much she hates BLM and such. It's bizarre.
Someone with a stronger stomach than me could probably write an interesting essay on Aella and race. I still randomly flashback to her 'SJWs won't talk about how black people disproportionately engage in catcalling. Also I think catcalling is good, it improves my day. So I'm not being racist, since I'm saying black people disproportionately improve my day' tweet storm. Or maybe style. The weird shifts from just asking questions to highly emotional denunciations of enemies in vague language.
I would say it is. Agender is under the nonbinary umbrella, and nonbinary identities are a subset of trans identities. It's like saying that a blueberry is a berry, which along with other non-berry things forms the category of "fruit." But yeah, absolutely not a defense.
Not all nonbinary people consider themselves to be under the trans umbrella, though, which makes things even more complicated. The intersection of the sets "nonbinary" and "trans" is nonempty, but the symmetric difference is also nonempty.
Really? I remember her making a blog post (perhaps a year ago) in which she insisted that nonbinary people "ask her to suspend her disbelief" in a way that binary trans people don't--essentially admitting that she can't bring herself to accept nonbinary identities conceptually. I could imagine someone writing the above out of sheer denial, but also the overtly contemptuous way she's continued to handle LGBT issues has me skeptical.
It is not my place at all to say if she is or isn't something, so I'm not going to comment on that at all. I was just wondering if agender was a part of the trans umbrella or not, if she says she is agender that is what she is then. (I also think policing the gender of people you dislike sends a really bad message, even moreso if you are a cishetwhiteguy).
I'm trans. I won't go so far as to claim she's faking, but having now read over the Twitter thread where she makes the assertion, I will say that her conception of what constitutes a nonbinary gender identity is unusual, and that using it to defend this survey feels disingenuous. That's all.
Isn't that post more misogynistic than transphobic? She's saying cis women are so bad at math that there are an equal number of talented trans woman mathematicians as cis woman mathematicians despite trans women being a far less common.
There's a little of both. It's a common trope for transphobes to say that trans women are erasing cis women's successes. "all the best women athletes are trans, all the best women scientists are trans, all the best women politicians are trans" etc. It's transphobic because they're implying trans women are men, and misogynistic because they're implying that the best woman in a field is worse than the most mediocre man.
Unfortunately (or perhaps, fortunately?) the image in that link is dead.
[Does this work?](https://external-preview.redd.it/HjqtqfNr3AV2SdZJfn39HO9GCc9ffGszn1QoR0mRxog.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=c41071804e3027ca62d8465c6066733a6f9d61b7) The discord attachment in the post is dead, but it seems to display just fine as a Reddit image and in the post itself.
Oh, how strange! That works for me, but even triple-checking the old post reddit just gives me the broken image symbol.
It didn't load for me when I tried to use the in-line image viewer, but opening it in a new tab worked for me.

I don’t trust like that.

Just hit up her /u/ page and apparently her reddit account is suspended. Anyone know when/why that happened?

someone went through the survey, and GUESS WHAT it’s looking for evidence to claim autogynephilia is a thing


Trans woman here. I wouldn’t touch that survey with a ten foot pole, not even if I was paid to do it lmao.

DM me, I've been looking for a trans woman with a ten foot pole
lol! That's a good joke. Side note, in case you're actually asking: I'm sure you're nice, but I'm not really looking for a new partner.
Hahahaha it was a joke, not a proposition.
You guys are histerical

Is it worth filling it out with garbage to mess with it or nah?

I saw some debates on Twitter about this. Some people think that trolling the survey is worth it, others are concerned that since she's obviously not acting in good faith she'll accept any result that she can use to slander trans people. So if you just answered every question with "I FUCKING LOVE CRAMMING SPOONS UP MY RECTUM" or just spammed emojis, she might actually try to spin that as "look how deviant and disgusting trans people are" or "look how immature and insecure trans people are, they think my simple honest survey is an attack" respectively. I think it's better not to engage, especially because Aella's tweet advertising the survey got ratioed by a factor of ten by someone else calling out her bullshit and advising the trans community to avoid it.
And I suppose if she's just asking random people on the internet to fill it out, she's not hugely concerned about data quality anyway. Thanks, I won't bother.