r/SneerClub archives
Eliezer Yudkowsky, hospital architect (https://i.redd.it/v4h3s72ypyg91.jpg)

if anyone wants to try I’m extremely down to help

the last time i had real hope about stuff like this, I got stalled because I got one or two negative responses from ppl with relevant skills & got demoralized

Sneering works.

"The last time I talked to someone who knew anything about this they convinced me it was a bad idea, so this time I would prefer to only speak to people who don't know what they're talking about."

cuz the Thiel-funded “rational” herpes vaccine worked out so well that Kaiser Health News did a ten-part series on it

I can see his thought process here he was like “well they are allowed to do other things that skirt regulations like Casinos and cigarettes so maybe we can do this unregulated thing. And it would be good instead of bad. Why I’d be a hero!”

"Do they want you to do this on their land?" "Literally not a concern."

prediction markets?
non-guild doctors?
what the fuck is he talking about? what does this have to do with improving first nations healthcare access? that seems like a fiendishly complicated issue involving things like needing to encourage preventative medicine, extend better addiction care and community outreach, improve local community healthcare access, improve access to balanced pre-natal nutrition, improve eldercare-and of course all of this is also going to be tied up in poverty alleviation since poverty is SHARPLY associated with negative health outcomes, and then we get into environmental justice issues with how first nations communities are affected by pollution, noise, lingering effects on quality of services and housing from generations of discrimination (which is still 100% going on)….
I literally just rattled this off and it’s NOT comprehensive or complete and it’s still orders of magnitude more in tune with the reality of the situations than just spitting a few empty buzzwords that relate to your favorite pet solutions to everything. the problems with this are not because the bad government man won’t let the noble EA build magical hospitals that fix all issues with PrEdiCtiOn MaRKeTs

> what does this have to do with improving first nations healthcare access lol no, other way around, he wants to take advantage of their legal status as sovereign microstates to set up an unregulated clinic that Silicon Valley techbros can get to by car and experiment with alternative medicine that's too dangerous for homeopaths and chiropractors and also place bets on who survives
He wants to know if reservations are exempt from regulations that prevent zany things that are a priori obviously better to him and his team of smart iq thinkers, not whether he can help native Americans get better healthcare
As for if it does or not... It depends. All reservations must follow Federal Law, Not all reservation have to follow State Law. Some reservations follow some State Laws but not all of them. Some establish Tribal Laws that are the same as the State Laws. Finally, Some Tribal Laws only affect Tribal Members while other Tribal Laws affect all the people on Tribal Land
And I thought America had the bespoke pharmaceuticals since its expensive healthcare system supposedly pays for all the R&D that those socialists over the pond just free-ride on.
I mean, we do. I constantly see TV (well, Hulu) ads for drugs for things like "non-small cell carcinomia that has not previously responded to platinum-based chemotherapy and does not have gene XXXX". I assume the plan here is to find the 1000 people in the US eligible for the drug and try to get their insurance to pay $200k a year for it. I swear I'm not making up that description, by the way: it really was that detailed.

colonialism, but even stupider

First as tragedy, then as farce...

Most of the hospitals in the US are already built on “Native American land”!

lol, as a Native, I got the joke. But honestly, none of those are built "correctly" as described by the picture

Welcome to the colonial phase of Rationalism.

E also ‘correctly designed ergo my bugbears like prediction markets (love that the first times people thought up these in an online (non sports) context it was assasination markets)’ eurgh.


Yes let’s bet money on patient outcomes, that’ll improve medical care.

add hospital design to the list of things Yud is apparently better at than the people who actually do it professionally

Is “guild” Yudspeak for “the only reason for so-called professional standards is to maintain an oligopoly”?

And Michael "Metamed" Vassar in the replies!
TIL: Eliezer Yudkowsky blocked me on twitter somehow

Encouraging an oddly literal form of survivorship bias.

“I’ll build my own hospital! With blackjack! And math pets!”

Man I was looking for stuff about AI art generation and ended up on this subreddit and I have to say this is one of those fascinatingly incomprehensible things on the internet to those without context

What the fuck does the stock market have to do with running a hospital

*Prediction* markets
**Doctor**: so let's see what we've got *(glances at my chart, whistles, slips the nurse a $20 so they can short my name on the prediction board)* any new symptoms?

LessWrong and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Would it stay legal? No.

TIL helping people is colonialism now. Jesus you guys are retarded

Hey dipshit, I’m pretty sure I know the best way to do therapy, next time you are in international waters, I’m just going to do it to you without asking if you’re interested, using whatever the least restrictive legal regime allows me to do. Are you opposed to huge doses of lithium and me cutting your tongue out?
There’s a difference between forcing someone to get a treatment (which I don’t know if you would disagree with, as mandatory vaccines fall under this) and building something that sells a certain treatment