r/SneerClub archives
China has 28 times as many people who have an IQ above 160 as the United States (…) This means that China could launch 28 Manhattan projects at the same time. (https://www.facebook.com/668725636/posts/pfbid0TtCDHv1CBN7MZer4XQMDwQw2XMS85iRGqpAZT8vMdMfKhpGNiQAkhshxRDX1Ythvl/?d=n)

normal person: checks if their pre-existing beliefs have any crazy consequences that do not seem to correspond with the real world, re-evaluates them

rationalist: checks if their pre-existing beliefs have any crazy consequences that do not seem to correspond with the real world, believes them unconditionally

It really is wild how much a movement that is ostensibly founded on the principle that people should change their beliefs based on available evidence more often produces people who are absolutely unwilling to change their beliefs based on available evidence. What's even the point of calling yourself a "rationalist" at that point? It's like calling yourself a "socialist" and advocating purely for completely deregulated free markets.
they're not optimising for true belief, they're optimising for weird cool beliefs that aren't popular in the mainstream so they can feel special
oh no, did you think the name was derived from the adjective "rational"? I'm so sorry, it actually comes from the verb "to rationalize"
Well rational means rational thought which is actually historically opposed to empiricalism or observation-based science
normie: "okay, so maybe high IQ alone isn't sufficient to achieve huge progress in short periods of time" scott computers, a rational, so furious tears boil up in his eyes: "you fool, you absolute dunce"
That made me laugh more than anything in a week. "scott computers", furiously frustrated.
Hahaha Scott Computers! Thanks for that one.

This is one of those “nine women can make a baby in one month” type deals huh

Oh my God thank you for this that line so perfectly describes like 95% of rationalist discourse. I can see the entire SSC article like the proverbial statue in the block of marble. "People get really upset when you even ask whether nine women can make a baby in one month. I dunno. Maybe its my cis het white male privilege talking but I think understanding human gestational development is kind of important and something we should maybe be studying. Florfty percent of women struggle with infertility or maternal health issues. At bare minimum maybe don't start screeching that people are deranged misogynist incels for trying to make pregnancy a little easier on women."
I shouldn't encourage this behavior but that is *letter perfect* SSC. Priceless.

That’s the stupidest set of wildly yet confidently incorrect suppositions I’ve seen on the internet this week so kudos to the person who wrote it- I feel dumber just for having read it.

Alexander Kruel btw is XiXiDu, the guy who got harassed into a nervous breakdown by Yud’s acolytes a good few years ago, and has become a rationalist since

How is it that whenever I learn more about these guys' real-world actions (as opposed to their ideology as expressed in their online writings) it's always something even cultier than the last thing? "HEY YOU DISAGREE WITH US SO WE'RE GOING TO HARASS YOU UNTIL YOU JOIN US and then presumably love-bomb you about how cool and rational you are for updating your priors to match the group consensus"
I thought he became some kind of anti immigration fascist since.

The Manhattan project was famously a thing the US recruited a lot of foreigners to, including many who from occupied Europe. Niels Bohr fled to Sweden on a fishing boat and was flown to the UK strapped in the bomb bay of a fast bomber. But I’m not sure “be welcoming to immigrant academics” is a message this guy would like.

But more to the point the bigger factor than availability of geniuses was a willingness and ability to throw enormous resources at the project.

Im personally also not that sure the Manhattan project actually was a positive thing on the human flourishing scale of things.
As long as there is an even number of Manhattan projects, it will be fine. What we should be worried about is China birthing enough STEM geniuses to bring the number up to 29. At that point, I fear we'd need to send some of our own STEM geniuses to even it out 30.

Assuming that intelligence alone can get you such results is the dumbest thing I’ve seen in my life… The fact that the rationalists believe this clearly shows that there’s no one of high intelligence among them…

And the statistics in the article look more suspicious than gas station sushi…

If those medieval Muslim mathematicians and scientists were so smart, how come they never achieved nuclear fission, huh???
Theres actually a number of books on failed nuclear and biological weapon programs - all of which very which challenge rat beliefs re supergenius/AI doomsday scenarios. I should say demolish really because lol.
>Theres actually a number of books on failed nuclear and biological weapon programs Can you recommend any such books? Sounds fascinating.
Barriers to Bioweapons and Unclear Physics.both are on libgen!

Lol he literally said ‘28 Manhattan projects at the same time’.

I get this is some sort of way to make a parallel between industrial capacity and intellectual capacity. But the fact that you only need one Manhattan project should show you why this parallel is a bit flawed.

E: ah yes, this comment is saying what I was trying to say much better.

E2: ow god the comments on his facebook post are so bad.

Made a screenshot for those who are more into Object level and not into Meta.

And as the screenshot has links:

Link 1 (With bonus link to the actual twitter account which this is the thread from, because going back to twitter from the threadreader is difficult)

Link 2

(both links stripped of the tracking url parts).

See also: China is mass producing destroyers*



Really dropped the ball by not calling them Star Destroyers


One thing that right-wing rationalists and internet communists share is a conviction that China is some high-tech paradise now despite the fact 40% of the population still lives rurally and most of them live in extreme poverty by U.S. standards. The Chinese rural population scores under 90 in IQ tests but you rarely see that mentioned in the whole stupid discourse around National IQ.

i was so relieved to see this was from here and not one of the communist subreddits (not that they’d have much compunction about propagating it either lmao)

Yeah-h-h, that’s how that works



What is the basis for the IQ claim? Has there been a new *randomised sample* population based IQ study in China and USA, or is it pure speculation?

(I don’t click on Facebook links)

His source on the facebook post is just him saying that. Could be anything, could be that the population of China is just a bit larger, or that and taking the Chinese IQ statistics at face value and doing the math (but considering the IQ stats I heard (which I don't trust, any IQ fetishists, please don't), and the population numbers, you run into some really racist math if you want to get at 28 times (because you need to significantly push down the IQ of the US I think)). E: thinking about it for a few minutes more, you prob can also get these results due to the shifting of the normal distribution to the high IQ part if you just trust the Chinese IQ stats, but I have not done the math on that.
Thanks for the summary.