r/SneerClub archives

“… the best way to do that, looking realistically at humans, is to gene-edit some very intelligent people with all the genes that tends toward the naturist.”

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to be naked.

E: how is greaterwrong related to lw again? (Not meant as a negative re this post btw, just wondering why someone created another lw spinoff, and which folks went there) ah nevermind “GreaterWrong is an alternative way to browse LessWrong 2.0”.

it's a lower-javascript interface to the site or something
Ah explains why it doesn't run like a sloth.

I suppose in the future, a problem will be classed based on the number of von Neumanns needed to solve it. I really find it amazing that so many (most?) rationalists truly believe the sole bottleneck to solving any particular problem is the lack of super-genius von Neumanns working on it. And then there is Yud who believes he is uniquely qualified to solve AI alignment and save humanity because he scored high on the verbal part of the SAT when he was 11. Their entire self-worth is determined by IQ score. The best is when one of them scores lower than what they had imagined and has an existential crisis because of course what’s the point of living if you aren’t capable of solving humanity’s greatest problems?

Give me fifty Dr Manhattans!

Slow down there Ozzy, he hasn’t even gotten tipsy enough to smile from Mars yet.