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Central Banking, Rationalist Style (https://i.redd.it/bqyrfeupvaq91.jpg)

Now imagine what it would take to amass the same platform through controversial takes alone, and you begin to see just how much a gigachad Yud actually is.

It's like he's trying his hardest to emulate Peter from Enders Game, gain clout by shitposting his hot takes to maladjusted nerds on the internet
“Dragon house” never fails to make me laugh: a regimented, routined living space named after a group that was the least regimented and routined of its peers

“massive surveys”

Huge tracts o' surveys

I’m sorry, I’m still confused after the clarification. What the fuck is he saying?

This is the man rationalists say is the best communicator of our generation
Eh, she was a redditor back when that meant something (it meant something kinda grungy and smelly, but still). I think the nerdery is sincere. It just also happens to position her well to make money from lonely male nerds.
Yud believes that one of his triumphs was telling Japan's central bank what to do (Inadequate Equilibria) Aella has nothing to do with central banks , and has never claimed to.
When I was 15, Yudkowsky hadn't been born.
The original tweet seems to be a reference to https://nitter.fdn.fr/guzeyzey? I still have no idea what EY is trying to say. I think it's a very weird in-joke for the benefit of a select few.
So this means that the first tweet is about guzeyzey and she actually has connections to a literal central bank?
All I have are the same tweets as you, wish I could help you.
I’m just trying to put the pieces together myself ;)
It reads to me like a complement in a condescending way. "Look what she managed to do without our 'central bank' help, by working hard and also being very hot" not how he doesn't complement her intelligence or creativity, just her euh massive surveys and being controversial. And he also does it all in a weird plausible deniable way, in other words he is [negging](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negging) her. E: I assumed the central banks was some sort of weird reference to centralized powers that be btw, prob wrong on that one, but only way I could make it make sense.
He's disappointed that a community comprised of the finest minds ever assembled still has a surprising number of lizard brains.
Apparently, there is a limited number of hot EA spots, and those should be reserved for people who cannot succeed in another way. If you have central bank connections, then you can succeed in another way, so it would be quite inefficient for the movement if you took up one of the hot EA spots despite having central bank connections. Aella_Girl is not being criticized but praised here. She is a commendable example of how to use of the hot EA role correctly. She achieved success through this role, and could not possibly have achieved any success in any other way. This is how the role ought to be used. But there is another person who uses the hot EA role while also having central bank contacts, and that person deserves severe criticism. You see how much sense of all of this makes?
I am now more confused. Thank you
This is how I parsed it too, but I think it's some sort of in joke we're just not meant to understand

As a rationalist, I am rationally concerned that some fellow rationalists may not have a penis. Please do not interrogate me further on this point.

As a Rationalist I just dont geld well with people without a penis.

“massive surveys” like her poorly disguised attempt to “prove” that autogynephilia is a thing?

Massive echo chambers*

Ooh I love to see Yud/Aella fireworks.

Ok, I think I got it now. Aella is the “Hot Rationalist” and got a platform by being hot, and then used that to do the dumb twitter polls. Yud is complaining that the “Hot EA” is primarily in the EA community because of her central bank connections, and is coincidentally the “hot ea”, instead of being a camgirl who donates a bunch to AMFMIRI.

I read all the comments as of my post and I still don’t know what they mean by ‘EA’

Can someone say what EA is an acronym for?

Effective altruism
I see, thanks! What is the difference between effective altruism and utilitarianism? I just read a little about EA but as far as I can tell it seems to be an ethical code to promote the most well being and happiness in as many people as possible. So I am not understanding what makes it different compared to other philosophies that seem similar. Is it that you are sacrificing your own resources? Is that what differentiates it?
Initally EA was about "boring" but cost-effective health interventions, like mosquito nets. The rationalist community came along and said "give us a dollar and we'll see to it that the paperclip maximizer never gets built". A good chunk of EA is now mostly about imagining ways to avoid pretty much every sci-fi "existential risk" you can imagine, with the very notable exception of climate change.
EAs will trip over themselves to say they're not utilitarians for PR reasons. (They know that the repugnant conclusion is a hard sell.) But EAs were originally considering calling themselves Effective Utilitarians. That last observation courtesy of Émile Torres, well worth following on Twitter. He's one of the few critics of EA/rationalism getting any attention. [Here's](https://twitter.com/xriskology/status/1577300181279719428) a recent thread of his that's a good primer on longtermism, a central tenet of EA. He's also written a few [excellent](https://aeon.co/essays/why-longtermism-is-the-worlds-most-dangerous-secular-credo) [critical](https://www.currentaffairs.org/2021/07/the-dangerous-ideas-of-longtermism-and-existential-risk) [articles](https://www.salon.com/2022/08/20/understanding-longtermism-why-this-suddenly-influential-philosophy-is-so/) in newsmagazines.
Epic Autism

it sounds to me like “hot EA” is someone other than Aella and he is negatively comparing them to Aella who he thinks is better deserving of the term “hot EA” than the “hot EA” is.

Other than that I have no idea what this means

Taking this one damn tweet at a time… Why is it bad that a prominent figure in EA circles has “central bank contacts”? Wouldn’t it be a good thing to have social connections with people who have more money than they know what to do with and who probably incline favorably towards “good deeds” that involve clicking a button to pay somebody else to do work? Isn’t the world of big banking, international finance, etc., a social circle that EAtistas should cultivate?

he jealous

is he saying that Aella has central bank connections or

I am confused by this

I wonder what Yud thinks central banks do

(I was gonna say “at least this wasn’t a crypto post” but realised I can’t be sure)