[NSFW] Like a car crash you can't look away from, I went to the post-Reddit site for theMotte, and this was one of the first posts I found (nsfw for words you probably don't want to read)
posted on October 02, 2022 05:03 AM by
[clicks stopwatch] negative 2 seconds, that’s a new record.
Unironic gamer moment
How many websites are there now where the pitch is “Like X popular site, but more racist” Gab, Voat, Truth Social, there must be dozens now, but they keep making more, all of these sites suck so much that even the racists typically flock back to the big ones and live with the bans.
I didn’t want to read that, but I needed to.
There truly are culturally stunted brains out there, and it horrifies me - but I also need to be kept refreshed on these men because I’m sure I deal with them every single day.
So the initial purpose of that sub was to “strengthen” arguments for racism and shit right?
I remember arguing with some loon on here years ago and all his post history was on that sub, but I couldn’t figure out their whole deal due to all the in-group lingo and acronyms they would hide everything behind.
So there are several people saying exactly this. I already found a post like this earlier.E: nevermind prob the same post.
Ow btw, for who is wondering yes, ScottA still soft endorses themotte.