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Because this Fossil Future is pretty “great”


But on the recommendation of my colleague Bryan Caplan, I’ve just read Alex Epstein’s contrarian new book Fossil Future. And my overall review is that, on the big issues, he’s basically right: CO2 induced planetary warming is going slowly, doesn’t remotely threaten extinction, and its harms will be more than offset by gains from our growing fossil-energy-powered wealth. It would be crazy to actually try to end fossil fuel use by 2050, as many are now “committing” to do; fossil fuels will likely remain our most cost-effective way to do many useful things long after that.

Unmentioned: that human suffering will result from continued fossil fuel use; that while extinction is unlikely from climate change, civilization disruption is almost inevitable and that will change whatever naive “progress” graph Hanson is drawing; and that there are other issues from carbon emissions (ocean acidification, geopolitical) besides climate change. Hanson blithely considers the lives of billions to be superfluous as long as it is not “extinction.”

How does Hanson arrive at this conclusion? A strawman:

Most fundamentally, Epstein diagnoses the key problem well: the main emotional energy behind climate activism is the desire to stop humans from having any substantial impact on nature. In my terminology, they see nature as sacred, and thus as eternal, pure, not in conflict with other sacred things, and to be sharply distinguished from, not mixed with, and not at any price sacrificed for, profane things. We are not to calculate such choices, but to intuit them, aesthetically.

Note the original book that this is a “review” of does not frame any of this as “sacred” that’s Hanson’s term, the major objections to “burn it all” have to do with the lack of scalable solutions to atmospheric climate, that any projection of future economic value will necessarily miss all the people who die in these situations and Hanson completely ignores any “long tail” or complications from the largest mass migration in human history (i.e. resource wars).

Epstein is right that our elite academic and media systems focus on a few celebrated and oft-quoted climate expert/activists, who are not that representative of the larger world of experts. And these activists are opposed to nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, and hydroelectricity, all of which avoid CO2 warming. They even sympathize with those who oppose new solar and wind energy projects, and any land developments, that have substantial impacts on nature. It seems that, thought they may deny it in public, what they really want is a smaller human world, with fewer people using less materials and energy.

The first bolded section should be sneeerworthy on its own, given the nature of media coverage on climate change and the overwhelming support the IPCC reports have among climate scientists. The second is mildly true, but then Greta Thurnberg herself just pointed out that Germany should keep its nukes running instead of restarting coal. And there are deflationary or minimal human strains of near-ecofascism, but they are absolutely in the minority, but that all population models show a reduction of human population as developmental levels increase. Hanson is married to the “infinite growth” model ideologically, as in it’s a philosophical axiom for his longtermist beliefs, and despite his work on xeno-sociology and ET modeling, he weighs the complexities of interstellar life without any consideration of the details.

We see a lot of the Yudkowsky dudes here, but Hanson is probably one of the most sneerworthy people alive right now.

LessWrong started on Hanson’s blog, and Hanson provided Yudkowsky’s intellectual cover in the early days, he’s 100% on topic here

Epstein literally worked at the Ayn Rand Institute before spinning off his own fossil fuel funded propaganda mill. This is probably a plus for these guys though.

There's always some pushback in the comments there, but it's wild how Hanson sneaks the most insane conclusions into the most boringly stated premises.
I like how he insists on inventing his own terminology for every topic despite being terribly uncreative at coming up with new terminology.

Hanson is the guy who „correctly“ answered that one person being tortured for 50 years is better than a large number of people getting dust specks in their eyes. We absolutely do him here.

the one who runs toward Omelas
The one who exports omelas
No, that’s _The Disposessed_. The ones who rationally repackage bad Ayn Rand essays as orc fan fiction is by Krugman and Asimov. The ones who sell NFTs of Omelas indulgences is more 2022, but you don’t need to believe me, my friend Sauruman made bank selling his Orthanc Stones for etherium and GameStop.
God that’s so stupid. What kind of an oversimplified model would make a person assume that suffering would be completely linear? Would HE rather get a dust speck in his eye every day for a decade, or be tortured for an hour? Its the social science equivalent of a physicist thinking there are literal, spherical cows.
But you see, itʼs a really, really, inconceivably big number of dust specks! And because 1) ethics is maths and 2) my gut feeling decides how to quantify it, it follows logically that this is worse than torture! Yeah, it really is Rationalist thinking in a nutshell.
virgin sneerers: naive utilitarianism seems to have some issues?? chad Robin Hanson: I won ethics by becoming the Utility Monster
There's a tendency in these guys to get reductio ad absurdum'd (forgive me) and then just go with that absurd caricature from that point on.
Itʼs a remarkable determination to stick to initially plausible-sounding premises, no matter how ludicrous and/or vile the conclusions are. How about „reduced ad absurdum“?
It's a weird kind of... Almost anti-consequentalism. If the premises sound good they are valid regardless of the outcome.
Reduced Ad Absurdum, now with more misunderstandings of infinity, brought to you by web3.

its harms will be more than offset by gains from our growing fossil-energy-powered wealth

Oh good! And it’s a good thing that fossil fuels are infinitely renewable too, otherwise I’d see a really big problem with that plan!

There's a thing that happens when I read Hanson where it gets worse the more you think about it, like, it's an arrangement of rationally presented points where the conclusion ends up being completely insane. It really wrinkles my brain matter.
This is how I feel about longtermism in general. It’s like weaponized “rationality” used as a cover for a bunch of nerds who want to live out some scifi larp at the expense of the real world

Do we do Robin Hanson here?

Should have asked a prediction market.

If you're not willing to bet me a million dollars that we do Robin Hanson here, you must not truly believe it.

Get rid of fossil fuels by 2050? That’s crazy. Where else will we get enough power to run a simulation of Robin Hanson’s galaxy brain?

See, this isn't even a joke or misrepresentation, it's their explicit reasoning, under the term "human flourishing" which is an absolutely incredible name for a project that doesn't even consider the human loss of climate change or understand that biodiversity is vital for our ecosystem or any number of barely-second-order problems with their positions. Hanson didn't even consider that civilizational collapse could delay whatever his tortured definition of progress is.

Hanson has definitely shown up here before.

I wish he’d just stick to the alien stuff, it’s his least harmful topic of commentary and the area in which his ideas have been most influential.

it all outdoes penalties for cuckold

Hanson and his buddy Tyler Cowen have both funding and institutional power that are directly responsible for our Usual Suspects being taken at all seriously, especially in the tech world. If anything they are even more culpable because of that. It’s appalling that they are considered real academics (though Cowen is at least some kind of economist, whereas Hanson is more like a raving conspiracy theorist with a PhD and a cushy job)

Yeah, Hanson appears to just talk about whatever he feels like with varying degrees of rigor. He's definitely an actual academic, and he's a lot more precise in his language (and math- the Grabby Alien paper is quite good and gives some novel parameters for SETI) but there's a layer of absolute insanity underneath even his mellow claims.
GMU Econ department = fulltime libertarian apologists

In what world does he think global warming is going slowly, shits moving at light speed. We’ve already speed run to the mass wildfire and drought hell scape phase

Overcoming bias is like ground zero for this shit if I have my information correct. Yud started his posting carreer there.

“Climate activists are sometimes annoying, therefore the problems they mention are invalid” is such a bizarre pure ideology position to take and yet it’s so common. On the bright side if the right wants to put its head in the sand and ignore the single largest economic event that any of us are likely to live through for weird cultural reasons then they should be economically irrelevant in like 20 years.

Also, his strawmen… aren’t actually bad things. A smaller human world would be good, actually! A desire to stop humans from having any substantial impact on nature (for a given impact of substantial, but we all know that the standard here is our modern world) is a totally reasonable one.

(Plus, hydroelectricity doesn’t avoid CO2 warming; it’s usually less than greenhouse gases and it’s low on average but the large projects in tropical regions can actually have a very intense climate impact.)

Tyler Cowen had a banger this week as well, dining with Claremont nrx’ers.

“You also might become more skeptical about immigration, not because you are racist (though of course there are racists), but because you see it as a plot of the Democratic Party to remake America in a new image and with a new set of voters (“you will not replace us!”) ”


I’ve never seen these guys discuss nuclear proliferation as a result of a all out nuclear build… :x