r/SneerClub archives
Yud suddenly understands why bias and representation issues matter in digital media (https://twitter.com/SockJustSock/status/1584704053090869248?t=maiDOJPAnQ1pRImyUXy0WQ&s=19)

“Now that this problem affects me personally….it is now a real problem.”

He literally admits to that in a follow up tweet without any sense of reflection. https://twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/status/1584719334873894913?t=hPLXo-rwMXd7jk-ZFhJhnw&s=19
Overcoming bias by rationalizing it in Bayesian "prior" jargon. Classic.
Did he seriously just All Lives Matter AI in his own incorrigible rationalistic manner? LMFAO

How smooth brained do you have to be to think that calling opinions priors magically makes yours more valid

AI disproportionately imprisons people of color: I sleep

AI doesn’t want to draw my fan art: real shit?!?!?!

No you see, there is logic to this madness. That AI [only affects *some* black people whereas he cares only about things that affect *all people*. ](https://twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/status/1584801579042865153?t=d3W3h3e2pO6-aThh78R0WA&s=19) He took all lives matter to a logical extreme in a way that only he could.
read that tweet and immediately returned to sneer club
Oh right, he blocked me at some point before I could be mean to him directly.
from further down the thread: "Now, it's true that solving problems that only kill \*some\* people, can sometimes help in solving much larger problems that will kill \*all\* people. But most solutions to little problems don't actually help solve big ones. You have to pick them with a severe, careful eye." the entire history of science research has some exciting news for him about how people end up solving big problems
he long ago broke his allegiance to such foolishness
And let's remember, the issue that affects all people that he's working on here: the problem of getting an illustration for the fantasy novel he's writing without having to pay an actual artist.

proceeds to pull priors out of his posterior

The truly enlightened do not have posteriors (probabilistically), as that is terminology from frequentist drivel and also the 666th sign of the Basilisk.

Sounds like the sort of AI problem that would only kill some not all black people? I prioritize AI issues that I expect to kill every black man, woman, and child on the planet. Anyone who doesn’t so prioritize, of course, doesn’t actually give a shit about black lives.

Holy fuck, that’s a direct quote, not a reduction. As always, I underestimate their ability to unconsciously and unintentionally self-sneer.


"I don't want to answer, but here's enough information for anyone with basic awareness of the problem to figure out the answer."

Well, now we know Mr. Eliezer Yudkowsky needs to personally experience a problem for it to be real. Let’s begin a task force at once.

Just wait till he gets something into his eye, he will make it into some galaxy sized problem. [Oh no](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/3wYTFWY3LKQCnAptN/torture-vs-dust-specks)
Holy shit this is real?! I thought this was a satire people were referencing.
Welcome to sneerclub where you can never tell if it is satire, a gross exaggeration, or a direct quote.
I mean since he's so brilliant and rational he's clearly well-equipped to solve any problem, which means bringing him to his attention is the most effective way to find solutions, and since some problems like stubbing your toe or having your computer crash before you can hit Dave could conceivably one day lead to total extinction under not-impossible circumstances it would be irresponsible of us *not* to devote a disproportionate amount of society's time and energy to personally inconveniencing him as much as possible.

A perfect example of the many things which are wrong with Rationalism.

I want so much to reply with a sneer but I don’t want my alt to get blocked too