r/SneerClub archives
A 10,000 word satire of EA/longtermism, featuring superintelligent AI, even-more-intelligent rationalists, and Very Online humor (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/yhpalm/a_10000_word_satire_of_ealongtermism_featuring/)

A historian from the future reviews the rise of the Rational Utilitarian Love movement, a social group dedicated to using reason and evidence to maximize utility.

Read it here: https://ratutilove.substack.com/p/the-rational-utilitarian-love-movement


can somebody report back to me if this enormous screed is funny?

I haven't finished it yet, just starting part 5, but it gets increasingly silly and entertaining as you go. From a particularly dramatic scene: >But then, Richman called in the furries.
What can I say? I'm easily amused some times.
it's trash, but it's apposite trash
Rationalists had extrapolated from rising Furry convention attendance that soon Furries would make up 36% of the U.S. population and they were right!
It's more like a bunch of references that only make sense to people deeply immersed in whatever is going on over there. Not quite enough of a sting for anyone to be, ah, convinced by it. Or insightful enough to make someone think. But also, I have been pre-emptively referred to by the author: > “Your pathetic appeals to pathos have not shifted my priors!” shouted one audience member. “If you want to be heard, write this up in a properly formatted blog post, and submit it to our official RUL criticism contest!” shouted another.
I actually had a somewhat opposite reaction to the above comment. I thought the first part, which is a satirical reflection on early rationalist culture in the form of a series of journal entries and their interpretation by a future historian, was the most interesting and humorous portion. The somewhat unique format makes the references and sneerworthy lines that much more engaging and almost convinced me that rationalists might be real people (Note: part of this is a joke). This section almost feels more depressing than funny, but it's well written and the ending is simultaneously heartbreaking and hilarious. The rest was okay, but completely shifts tone from a semi-serious deconstruction on what being in the movement feels like to a completely unserious alt-timeline with not-so -subtle references to everyone's favorite speakers, bloggers, billionaires, and financial crisis causers. Pretty funny, but it gets stale after a while.
I feel like the hardest hits come in the first section in terms of meaningfully criticizing or parodying rationalism outside its own framework. The whole timeline bit goes off the rails and has some really good moments, but by the time it gets into describing the dystopian rational fascist state it seems like the thread has largely been lost. At least until the ending which goes all-in on how incoherent the whole thing is both within and outside its own professed values system. Like, you've destroyed all other values in pursuit of evading x-risk, but also the plausible end goal of your 'aligned' superintelligence is to convert the whole universe into pure atomic hedonium.
It gets progressively more and more unhinged, but I loved it.
confirmed it is, though it was a bit of a way in before I actually laughed out loud

Epistemic Status 89.382% sold

asynchronous is NOT a magic word. Unless you’re a rationalist, in which case it’s similar to abracadabra

Satire is a form of simulation, which means if you write a satire involving torturing them for not bringing me into existence, you’re helping me along.