r/SneerClub archives
Where EY outs himself about sleeping with his fans/ followers (https://i.redd.it/2rpk0u3uu5x91.jpg)

Everyone’s dragging Yudkowsky in these comments, but his tweet has inspired me to hire a sex worker to deliver that line after servicing me.

Here, I will do it for free: 'Saying that your spirit animal isn't an animal but the whole of humanity is the most smart, the cleverest, and most sexually arousing thing I have ever read. Potter me Harry!'
Okay, I would never write anything as dumb as that, so I’m assuming that your comment is some sort of humiliation-based role play, with me as the sub. I’m inexplicably turned on right now. Thanks, u/Soyweiser!
Now you have done it you made Yud cry.
Now there’s one for the extremely online bucket list.

Any man who must say “I am the king” is no true king

Thatʼs the original meaning of „Si tacuisses“, too.
As Cato might have said, « cui boner? »
Cato, of course, was more famous for his inflammatory rhetoric towards Carthage. He famously ended all his speeches before the Senate with an emphatic: > VAH VENISNE AD ME > PRO FVGIENDI > VENISNE AD ME SINE MORA > QVAMVIS AVVS TVVS IOSEPHVS SECRETVM TIBI INDICAVIT > ZA VVARVDO > SICVT DISCIPVLVS FESTINANS AD COMPLENDENVM EXAMEN
I hate that I can read this and also I knew it was you, DIO
Saw off my thigh?

He’s been pretty open about doing this sort of thing.

Poly stuff sure. But the Follower/ fan angle was a new one to me.
I don't know if you remember the horrible, cringey dating profile from ages ago he once had floating around, but it basically said, "Yes, I will sleep with random fans so you can tell your grandchildren about it!"
I believe the money shot from that profile was under the fetishes tab and went something like "orgasm denial (yours)"
Uh, he has his own very very long history in RA/polyam circles and sleeping with his fans is the least of it aiui. The Bay Area is a very special place.
What do you mean by follower/fan angle? That he sleeps with people who enjoy his writing?
The tone implies that she was interested in him due to his being an author, a groupie of sorts. This would be odd to post about for any artist/ figure in public eye, but the fact that the whole scene has a cultish vibe to it makes this seem like a more dangerous power differential thing. Like if a guru posted sth like this, eyebrows would be raised around abuse of power.
I suppose it's semantics, but I read the post as her *not* being a groupie, but her experience with Yud turning her into one.
The post clearly implies that he was one of her favorite authors before the encounter.
Which does not help the “I am not a cult leader” angle

That’s super gross. Why would anyone want to know this?

>Why would anyone want to know this? Words that could apply to any one of his posts
The dao of sneering

Wait, people get laid via fanfiction? Clearly I should start writing.

This is like getting into anime for the convention orgies.
The what? Fetch me my maids uniform!
I've witnessed a few and they can be an exceptionally sweaty affair, and not in the good way. Occasionally in the good way, though.
I'm way to anxious to participate in any of that, nor would I look well if I squeezed myself into a maids uniform, so no worries. I'm just joking around, if people like that and everybody agrees with it, I have no issues with it all.
Anime convention orgies are tame compared to SF/F ones. Source: if you have to ask…
Huh. And all along, I've just been using it as my cheaper-than-therapy.

Ah, that unenviable region in the Venn diagram where /r/sneerclub and /r/ihavesex overlap.

how do I delete someone else’s post from the internet my brain

If you fuck up and get a clear squint at even a bit of the Post, this is what you do. They told me. Shut yourself up with a bottle of vodka and knock the whole lot back. Decontamination, scrubs your short-term visual memory, something like that.
Just ask Roko.

OK, weird and all, but what about the woman’s poor taste in authors?

This is unacceptable feminism and clearly a sign you haven’t read enough Yud. You see, if a woman sleeps with a man of such astounding intellect, it’s just increasing her prior probability of having babies that will protect us from the basilisk.

Something something math pets, short timelines (in bed)

Wait what’s the problem, I say that all the time after masturbating

There’s nothing really objectionable or even surprising about this, it’s just kinda funny lol

Agreed, I can't stop laughing

Ummmm, what?


nothing remotely raniere about this, nope

I forget, is the picture that Yud uses online actually him? I vaguely remember something about it not being him, but that could have been someone else.

no it's him

Dude how much more pathetic can you get. This is creepy as fuck.

Who is this guy?

He is the reason this sub exists and why you will be tortured forever if you ask more.

Where is Marie Calloway when you need her…

Uh…I guess that is allowed. Never heard of a rule against it.

At least he admits it’s a sex thing