r/SneerClub archives

An overview of Kirkegaard v Smith can be read here.

Emil Kirkegaard has now changed his name to William Engman to avoid debt collection and moved country to Germany.


missed opportunity, should have gone full Eggman

Pardon me, but he can’t do that because I am the eggman
The real eggmen were the walruses we made along the way, goo goo g'joob

I have to say if this lines up how it’s lining up in my head I get immense schadenfreude thinking about what a horrible time he must be having

You seem a little bit obsessed with the man.

Anyway, doesn’t Germany have quite a few antifascist anarchist types? Brave move on his part.

> doesn't Germany have quite a few antifascist anarchist types? Brave move on his part. I doubt the guy goes outside much.
With the cheap public transport they can just come to him.
>You seem a little bit obsessed with the man. It could all go away if he simply paid the debt and did the right thing. He has been a debtor since December 2019 when he owed £13,500.00. To avoid liability he provided a false address to the High Court of Justice (so lied under oath). Once his correct address (in Denmark) was found out, he changed his name and moved country (Germany). His debt keeps accruing by post-judgment interest; on September 12 2022, when last calculated, it was £45,821.70.
Not saying he isn't a bad dude, just joking a bit about how you are a single issue account. I obv can't honestly complain about being obsessed when I'm also a big poster here.
That’s so, but the fash also have a growing representation in elections these days (not to mention the news spreading xenophobic propaganda, as per). Something like 10% in 2021. I can see how he’d be intrigued.
Sadly that is all over Europe, the now openly conspiratorial and antisemetic Baudet had in one (simultaneous regional) election in 2019 15% of the votes. (In some locations it was the biggest party even (we have a multiparty system, but biggest party does give some benefits)) it for a time polled at 20%. This was before Baudet really said the quiet part out loud btw (he is now calling certain people lizard people, and Icke was invited (and refused locally)). And we also have the wilders party (who also used to be huge one election), and a baudet light spinoff party, who didnt like the open antisemitic remarks (ja21). (If you add up all these groups they make up a steady 20% of the Dutch which is more than our leftwing (SP/GL/BIJ1) which is 15% (not counting our center left parties btw (PVDA/D66)). Scary shit.

OP is an antifa. We all know why Kirkegaard is persecuted. It’s because he’s a ethnonationalist who writes on taboo topics like race and intelligence.

> he's a ethnonationalist who writes on taboo topics like race and intelligence. Which sounds to me like a pretty good reason to shun and mock him. What if I told you that anti-fascism is actually very very good. Edit: I was just thinking that I must’ve fallen for a bit here because that post is just too perfect, but it seems like this account may well actually be Emil
Must be the first time I see fascist actually lowercase all of antifa. I initially also read their post as part irony (the username) and part just explaining it for the random people who enter this sub.
Could be that it’s someone following OP around to fight with them in defense of Kirkegaard using the most perfectly galaxy brain arguments, or it’s OP deploying the Socratic method, but whatever it is I’m here for the entertainment. There was a person who apparently spent their days name searching Margaret Thatcher on this website so they could fight with anyone who said mean things about her. Ended up in my mentions on five or six separate occasions, much to my amusement. I suppose what I’m saying is that it takes all sorts.
> OP is an antifa imagine saying this as a bad thing
Please take this outside and slap each other pettily in the street instead