r/SneerClub archives

“I’m dying, what? Christ of the edgelords in the top five? Just because you don’t quite get what he’s on about does not mean he’s on to something. On something perhaps, likely even, but i pass no judgement.”


Why are they so obsessed with IQ? “Raw intelligence” is the least interesting thing about another person. What makes people interesting are their passions.

Consuming raw or undercooked intelligence may increase your risk of meme-borne illness.
They sure are passionate about IQ though
These are the adult versions of the kids who grew up expecting to be the smart Gates-esque nerds who make it big and finally get to rub it in the faces of anyone who made fun of them or they feel is beneath them. Of course they'll go out of their way to rationalize why the people they don't like are actually dumb and bad, because they themselves are smart and being smart is the only virtue that matters. It's insecurity, superiority and projection all the way down.
At least IQ is ostensibly measurable. They talk constantly about that, really focus on it as totally measurable, but what's interesting here is showing that they really just go on vibes—I like that guy's writing, *therefore* he has a high IQ (I imagine). In that way it plays exactly the same role as QALYs. There is this measurable thing that I infer to be maximised by these actions that I talk about in terms of QALYs.
Extremely good point. It's the same as the "facts don't care about your feelings" types who will ignore any and all actual facts about the effects of, say, immigration, because actually they don't care about facts, immigrants just make them angry.
Facts [racism] don’t care about your feelings [facts]
IQ is probably not a very good test, tbh. It tacitly assumes that symbolic reasoning is the same as intelligence, which is something that I don’t think is considered the consensus opinion anymore. You also have the issue where it shows huge variations across cultures, but it also changes over time in the same country. We have to constantly recalibrate IQ tests every decade or so because scores keep going up, which really shouldn’t happen if it was measuring some innate property of the human mind. Frankly I think it’s probably useful at the extremes and otherwise useless.
Oh no doubt. "Ostensible" was doing the work for me there. The laughable part is that \*even if\* IQ was what its worst proponents claim it to be, they're still quick to assign that empirical measure based on whether someone's writing gives them the brain tingles. Functionally "IQ" is just a metonym for intelligence in statements like that, but it's also doing work: it's emphasising how SCIENTIFIC and EMPIRICAL they are when they indulge their (ugh) priors. QALYs have utility when deployed narrowly by non-crank scholars working in the relevant fields. They're explicitly to numerically compare the incomparable, like losing a foot to a combine harvester vs dying of listeria, for the (good) purposes of allocating limited healthcare resources. Perhaps IQ is comparable, perhaps not. I don't really care. I just know it doesn't do what the cranks want it to do.
It’s definitely not the racism. They talk all the time now it’s not the racism and always deny that it’s not the racism whilst talking about how superior their white science is. It’s definitely not racism!
The more you say you're not racist, the more not racist you are. It's just logical.
My T-shirt saying “not involved in race science, as any high-IQ person can tell” is raising a lot of questions already answered by my shirt
I even printed it in white text on black proving I am completely color blind and also used LaTeX to do the preprint, thus proving my infinite IQ
To be fair, they dont always talk about the racism, it is more of an implication thing, and not caring if somebody is racist (as long as they are not crass about it. Wonder if they consider rudeness a sign of low iq, would be very cargo culty). (Im saying this because new readers here might get the impression that neoreactionaires are raging racists who only talk about race and iq, but it is a bit more subtle than that. Dont make the mistake of not instantly finding racism and going 'see the sneerclubbers are wrong' (but they do talk about it from time to time, see scotts email leaks where he admits he agrees with nrx on race and iq) this post was sponsoredby me hearing a few people talking about racists and realizing the only racists they were talking about was skinhead like caricatures).
You are correct but this permanent sneer on my face requires me to object strenuously to you performing the good work of reminding people that a lot of neoreactionary thought is a gateway drug into scientific racism and not the other way around. But also I am obviously a fool because unlike good basilisk fearing folk I got a degree that has Latin text on it. Quo erat shitpostratum.
Yeah, sorry woke up in the wrong well today. I'm actually trying to get out.
It also presumes that intelligence is one specific thing and that it can be measured. Both of those those statements are probably incorrect.
This is a really good point, thanks for bringing it up.

If not (this person that I have in mind for the spot) then who (will fulfill the arbitrary criteria that I have in mind which somehow end up excluding anyone not white)

Dare I ask … “dating call email”?

You were better off not knowing: https://graymirror.substack.com/p/uncle-yarv-0-dating-call
Without reading, lets do some predictions, he wants to get laid/have a few wives and so he is writing a super long blog post where he makes himself out to be super special and unique and calls this (as he is a big nerd) a dating call. Bonus points if it involves a horn being blown like how you imagine vikings of old prepared for battle. Now lets click the link. E: ah I was mostly wrong (got the guessing it was about dating right, but no points for that), less bad than expected. There goes my superpredictor status of 2022. 0% right.
Tbf, I read his blog post imagining he was holding a viking horn that he blew at the end and all panties in the room crashed to the ground, soooo pretty spot on. (Sarcasm. Please, dear god, read this as sarcasm, please.)
I did hear he had a lizard room. Either dgerard or cstross or somebody like them was once in his student dorm or something. E: [it was cstross](https://twitter.com/cstross/status/1533194815084580867) (edit 2, jesus christ that annoying twitter doesn't update the url bug happend again).
He should just lead with the fact that he once had a bunch of pet lizards. That *may* be a *much* better front than leading with the 'fact' that he has a very big, wet, juicy, wrinkly, grizzly, impressive, enviable IQ. Just a thought. Trying to hook it up for him, give good advice.
That's not sarcasm. Fact: Lizards > IQ.
Ow yeah imho this reflects well on him and bad on cstross. (Modulo him not having endangered lizards, taking care of them well etc etc).
I just want to say I never in a million years expected a stross/moldbug crossover. Seriously.

TIL IQ works like xbox gamerscore

Correlates negatively with romantic success?