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These bigbrains sound like your drunk paranoid QAnon uncle (https://twitter.com/robinhanson/status/1588918216264650752)

Lol, yeah indeed. Much more likely is that Musks actions make advertisers nervous as he seems unpredictable (he randomly cancelled talks with advertiser people for example), and the car companies are just pulling out because due to Musks weird financing structure it will hurt Tesla if twitter goes down

E: also lol at the big markets guy having a meltdown about markets doing market things. Even Paul Graham is going ‘bruh you allright dude, are you high?’. (While the people who agree with Hanson seem to be allround crazy conspiracy people).

What is really ironic is that advertizers are more in tune with the masses than any other group. It is their job. So they are just coming down on this "cabal" of advertizers who rightly need to recalibrate and acting like it is in a vacuum.
yeah, nobody misunderstands capitalism quite like its paid cheerleaders large brand advertisers are centrists, appealing to an assumed central audience. nobody involved wants anything weird, disturbing or horrible. musk tweeted a Pelosi conspiracy theory and they went "wtf"
Not that electoral politics encompasses the whole of the political spectrum, but within that spectrum (where corporations have to live anyway), what a lot of the big ones do is endorse and donate to the incumbent candidates, regardless of party. They value stability and predictability, as you said. Culture war is a great small-time grift, but it's peanuts to a massive enterprise like Shell or Exxon. And neither party in the US is making life more difficult for Shell or Exxon. Why should they give a shit whether or not Elon can say the n-word, other than to do what they need to do to keep the racial slurs from showing up in screenshots next to their ads?
I think it is more than just the conspiracy theory. Apparently before the sale there were groups of advertisers who went 'Musk what are your plans?' Apparently, I'm just repeating what I read online btw no exp with any of this, a percentage of advertisement spending is planned a year in advance, and this mostly reduced to zero because Musk just either didn't have a plan, or refused to even attend these meetings. I assume the Hansonites will spin the existence of these groups, and this predictable pattern into a conspiracy theory, totally memory holing that Musk was in fact acting weird and wanted to get out of the deal before the sinking, and so it is not strange that he didn't talk to any advertisers, as meetings and actually long term planning in a professional way don't seem to be his thing. But yeah the billionaires metaphorical dick must be sucked so it is Soros who did it. (somebody tweet 'cograts on your new horse' at Hanson ;) ). E: eurgh, yeah should have thought out this post more, I start with 'not just a conspiracy theory' and then mention it is just a conspiracy theory, acting like 'there is always a small truth behind a few conspiracy theories' is some great wisdom. Any tl;dr: my main point is yeah there are groups who are responsible for the reduction in ad spending, but that is just a normal act of business not a conspiracy.
These groups clearly exist, but how much they’ve actually done is highly debatable. Similar groups, probably with a lot of the same people, have tried to dissuade advertisers from buying Facebook ads, and well… Chances are the advertisers had these concerns from the jump, and the pressure campaign didn’t do anything that wasn’t already going to happen.
I personally like the theory that some of the advertisers pulled out because they saw a chance to hurt their competitor Tesla due to Musk linking both companies in a [financial death spiral type construction](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_spiral_financing). If you look at the list of 'we need to boycot these companies frens' righting weirdo's are already spreading it has quite a few car companies. Volkswagen and GM for example iirc. That and just the big 'produces all the food' companies.
Musk blocking ad agency people who tweet benign and professional concerns about brand safety to him is not helping.
That too. Each day in this saga reveals more 'wtf was he thinking' shit than the last.
Man, Hanson really is doing the "strong" coordination is when advertisers withhold money from an advertising vector they no longer think will add value to their brand. Did he think there was strong coordination when coach buggy advertising dollars dried up in the early 20th?

big elite coalition to crush Twitter now due to its current leader defying its stated wishes

Dude, just say “woke capitalism” and save us the time. Nobody wants a Randian fanfiction of Musk.

I mean, Musk unquestionably does.

I don’t get how anyone who worships Musk can complain about “elites”. He’s kinda got a lot of money/status/etc.

the people who prattle on about "elites" are usually just using it as a code-word for jewish
I think it's just [this comic](http://thumbpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/funny-cartoon-invaders-leader-religion1.jpg) with "our wealthy philanthropists" on the left and "their nefarious elites" on the right.
And look at that, this one elite guy is doing so much to crush twitter.

lmao mr calm and “I don’t know why you’d be offended by the fact women are irrational” rational himself

Advertisers tend to be the first people to pull out during financial uncertainty, which would be the case even without Musk. He also fired all the people that handle relations with the companies that post ads on Twitter, so this is all completely expected and probably has less to do with cultural issues than most people think.

It’s fucking hilarious that a professor of economics doesn’t understand how this works.

Economists typically understand fuck all about business. They study the economy and assume that all decisions and behavior are rational. Meanwhile businesses spend a great deal of time to find out about and use irrational tendencies and behaviors in order to to turn potential consumers into current customers. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying the economics is bunk, and businesses typically don’t understand the economy, certainly not as well as economists. It’s kinda like the difference between climate and weather.

“Sounds like”? The tweet right after goes straight into antisemitic conspiracy

IMO this is actually really interesting. Hanson has noted that his ideas frequently fail in the real world, and has correctly reasoned that a powerful society-pervading force (reality) keeps making his ideas look silly.

However, rationalism is about debate between people, and doesn’t leave much room for experimental evidence. So, if his ideas are being shut down (and they are), the only opposition he can imagine is people following other ideologies. The possibility of physical reality having an impact on which ideas succeed doesn’t seem to register.