r/SneerClub archives

Huge bong rip

Wh-what if

What if every tweet has a truthscore, backed by a prediction market

Like make it all

all acausal n’ shit

Maybe Twitter ITSELF becomes the singleton if we can make enough truthscore

Make that line go up real hard

Don't forget about the blockchain!
We'll reward users in fractional altcoin based on the resulting truthscore of their posts and how much ad revenue they drive
A marketplace of ideas, if you will
Once you've bought facts, they're yours, even if you don't read them.
If it’s a prediction market, Elon could just buy “facts” he likes better a very high truth score… until the market’s resolution method kicks in… unless Elon controlled that also!
$4 truths good, $8 truths better this is good for twitcoin

As a Rationalist I rate this tweet 10/10 truthothons.


imo elon should hire some of the top rationalists to work on higher level content vision for twitter. trying to get at truth is really hard to do, and this is basically the rationalist community focused expertise


The New Priests of Truth are specifically People I Like

Idk, even though twitter is private it remains a business hemorrhaging money and I hate to say it but rationalists can be a fairly alienating lot.


yea dont put them as the face, keep them hidden behind a few layers of normies

So basically they want a secret cabal of their peers anointing truth and directing public discourse in what they claim is “the modern town square“. This is good for freespeechcoin

Oldthinkers unbellyfeel freespeechcoin

How far up your own ass do you have to be to think that Twitter is trying to find the truth?

Okay what specific truth has the rationalist community actually discovered or brought to light? Anything???

i cackled tbh

Elon could hire SBF

Bonus: prison labor is cheap!
