r/SneerClub archives
Actually, r/TheMotte has ~18 thousand subscribers (https://i.redd.it/ft1z0gjdx6z91.jpg)

Nothing sus at all about having access to a network of 10,000 peadophiles

Seriously. The only thing that would be more worrying is if the number was more specific.
TBH, not in itself. Some random dude doing investigation could probably get that number just by looking into the sex offender registries. It would be a bad sampling, but that's a different thing.
Gosh that thread is embarrassing for her tho. Like perhaps the fact that she has an incel mentality talking about "high value mates" might have something to do with why she can't find a nice boyfriend?
The Aella thread yeah (thought you meant grimzs at first) does show how the whole idea of trying to count and catalogue everything thing just melts your brain and makes human connections harder. Wonder how prevalent it is among the Rationalists to constantly do this to their own detriment. She also does the whole 'nerds/jocks' putting themselves outside of the normal world thing again (calling others normies unironically (or even ironically) is such a red flag imho). And tbh, I think her problem isn't the sexual promiscuity, personally (as a high IQ person ;) ) I don't mind promiscuous people, people who try to normalize CP for twitter points otoh...

You know, there are ways to study these things. You could have a cohort of pedos who either served their time or entered counseling to avoid offending, and monitor those who consumed lolicon/shotacon manga and other legal CP mimics vs. those who abstained, and see who offended/reoffended.

OR you could release a survey titled Survey For Pedophiles onto the broader internet and interpret “data” that is probably 100% troll responses, because every real pedophile thinks you’re a fed who can see their IP address. Or maybe go on the dark web and network creepily with some pedophiles who are motivated to lie on a survey like this because they would want CP decriminalized. You know, the rational thing. I fucking love science.

Sorry none of those studies are done by Rationalists, so they never had the skills, intellectual capabilities, raw IQ, and rawr animal sexual magnetism to do the research properly, they just have to be redone. It is basic bayesian epistemology sweaty.
Self reported online surveys are the only real way to do science. After all, if that weren't true, I would have to get out of my computer chair.
I seem to remember child sex abusers having a relatively high recidivism rate? Which still means only a minority reoffend, but still relatively high compared to other types of crimes? (though as usual the relatively long prison sentences tends to screw with the statistics somewhat)
I don't think the numbers are neccessarily wrong, it's just, IIRC; the vast majority of criminals don't committ the same crime more than once (the exceptions being some type of "career" criminals, and those tend to be a minority of all criminals)
>It HAS been studied. Watching CP or CP adjacent materials increases risk of offense. Most recent was a post quarantine study out of the UK. Do you have a link to the paper? I don't really want to try entering keywords for this one.

I asked over 10,000 Vikings if stealing other people’s shit is cool and good

I asked over 10,000 foxes if guarding the henhouse would increase or reduce their risk of eating any chickens.
And the Vikings are also being honest when they say that stealing people's shit is cool and good. We're not exactly Overcoming Bias™ here

*aella posts*

this is the one thing we did’nt want to happen

imo elon should hire some of the top rationalists to work on higher level content vision for twitter. trying to get at truth is really hard to do, and this is basically the rationalist community focused expertise

later that day: so, there I was, hitting up my 10,000 pedo homies

Direct link, I guess

Nope. Not clicking that.
Now you have done it, you made the NSA sad.

Everyone in that thread is going on a list.

They won’t be missed.

Imagine being exploited as a child and finding out that your pictures are in some virtual spank bank dedicated to getting TheMotte users off.

Apparently the feds keep a list of people known to have been the victims of CSAM production, and pay them in proportion with how often their specific content is found in criminal cases. There was a thread going around a while back from someone talking about how it worked.
That’s fuckin’… Like, on the one hand compensating them for the shit they went through makes sense, on the other hand every check they get has to be kind of a stomach churning moment of revictimization
That's horrifying but good??? at the same time.

“We asked 10,000 people if they’d ever steal. Turns out there are no thieves among us. QED.”

what a tweet 🤣