r/SneerClub archives

Making excel models to track your level of trust in people should stand out as unhinged behaviour.

Makes sense when you remember these people are entirely divorced from their instincts, dissociated from their true selves, have neurotically repressed their emotional experience, and retreat into quantification and ‘rationalism’ as a crutch to make sense of a chaotic world they’re frightened of.

it's like a club of neurotypical people actively trying to have (a stereotype of) autism
THANK YOU I thought I was the only one who saw rationalists and thought “oh good, hipster autism” 🙄
One time I read "effective altruism" as "effective autism," which does fit the stereotype of autism. I could see them actually saying something (much more verbosly) like "we should adopt the thought processes of neurodivergent people because they are contrary to mainstream thinking!"
Also the approach of "the largest organization doing my ideas just collapsed, I can solve this by doing my ideas *even more*". At a certain point, you have to consider that maybe all the iconoclasm you're doing discarded some ideas that were worthwhile all along.
“True has never been tried before” as a way of life.
Yes, we've seen the skulls.
Scott's just desperate to make sure that his audience doesn't see that the emperor wears no clothes. I see posts like this all the fucking time from leaders of companies that are going under. "Haha, we just laid off 50% of the workforce and lost our biggest clients, but our fundamentals are still good!!! Looking forward to doubling down to get out of this rut, I know that with teams this talented we can do anything!!"
double [down] or nothing
This is the kind of behavior that would result in a recommendation for serious psychological treatment. Which is ironic, given his former profession…
He's just the biggest example of "people who go into psychology are themselves messed up"
Normally by the time you get to that level of depersonalization you've had the cult leader to fill in the void created with however they want to exploit you. Rationalists seem to not have that step outside of "maybe do crypto reactionary political things?" or "hey maybe we should build that basilisk after all."
I mean they’re already running sex cults (sorry “polycules”). [And there’s definitely no allegations of sexual misconduct against them ](https://deluks917.wordpress.com/2019/09/20/private-post/) EDIT: [oh boy theres more](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/WmscKHmyZvuRg48HL/women-and-effective-altruism)
some of it [today](https://hybridzizi.tumblr.com/post/700949779112509440/hybridzizi-everyones-talking-about-where-we-went)
Goes all the way to the top according to the stuff I saw.

The solution is always prediction markets!

Perhaps a better method would be writing Harry Potter fanfic involving them and seeing if they vibe like a Slytherin or whatever the evil house is.
Isn't Scott's magnum opus more of a Qabbalah fanfic?

How is anyone actually friends with this guy? This is just exhausting.

I'm genuinely curious if Scott has any kind of friendly relations with people who would be his peers, and not just his starstruck followers or followers who are desperate to seem smart by association.
I sense your skepticism. I’m therefore recording your skeptic trust score into my excel and will preemptively not be friends with you.
That seems like a mutually beneficial outcome, tbh.

I touched on this in the thread about Yud’s tweets, but I’m legit mad about how weak and weasely these clowns’ responses are.

The rest of the time they’ll tell you to be skeptical of experts and popular consensus, but when their friend’s scam gets exposed, it’s all “many others invested in this too and surely you couldn’t have been expected to know better”. As if plenty more didn’t correctly call the ponzi a ponzi and stay away.

Scott then goes even further to assure that he too had been on board. Like if you had asked me if it was a smart move putting your money to a wildcat bank in Bahamas that promised risk free double digit yearly returns from unproductive assets, I would have told you that hell yeah. I am very smart. Please follow my blog for more insights. This is not financial advice.

i wonder if me being the anti-crypto guy helped their folly lol

To paraphrase Keynes: The prediction market can stay irrational longer than you can stay emotionally solvent.

When the prediction market changes, I change my emotional animacy. What do you do, sir?

Ngl this almost made me feel bad for him but then considering all the race science these FTX guys were into, I don’t

How odd that in point 7 he talks a lot about SBF’s donations to the Democratic Party but completely ignores Ryan Salame’s donations to the Republican Party. You’d think that showing money flowing to both parties would increase the strength of his point.

So at least one person has claimed to me that this is self-parody or satire.

It's always self-parody.
>make a list of everyone I’ve ever trusted or considered trusting, make prediction markets about whether any of them are committing fraud, then pre-emptively be emotionally dead to anybody who goes above a certain threshold to me this sounds like 'neither serious nor joking but a secret third thing'. In any case this is clearly not 100% serious
Rationalists often remind me of the Stewart Lee bit about people making offensive jokes: “In addition to being a joke, it also happens to be their sincerely held belief.”
[taps the "we are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be" sign]
doesn't everyone do that a little bit?
I think almost everyone does that a lot, tbh Nothing wrong with it as long as you then don't try to 'its just a joke lol' your way out of criticism
I don’t know, do they?
Which was an undertone of Scotts early writings (which were just anti-feminist writings in hindsight (or clearly when you arent a nerdy dweeb like me). So you are totally legit in just taking all jokes as also being true.
Epistemic Status: weirdo therapist going by the pen name scott alexander
That is how I read SSC for years! I thought we were being cheeky with terrible takes with opposite conclusions.

Isn’t the whole point of their preferred decision theoretic approach to avoid having arbitrary probability thresholds and instead marginalize-over-and-select-best?

he should distance himself from fascists rather than people his prediction markets think are untrustworthy.

I have no idea what’s going to happen with ACX Grants now. Some of the infrastructure I was hoping to use was being funded by the FTX Foundation and may no longer exist. It might or might not be more important to use all available funding to rescue charities about to go under from losing FTX support.

fuckin ell scoot

Haha I was wondering where that money was coming from.

I don’t get it. Anyone mind explaining?

Look up prediction markets, it's another thing that's weirdly normalized in rationalist spaces despite not much evidence of effectiveness.
If you point this out they go all "real prediction markets have never been tried!" on you

This was kind of super obviously tongue-in-cheek in context, it came at the end of a long apologia about the FTX fiasco with respect to EA charities that are now hanged out to dry.

It’s only objectionable in that it’s meant to underline how supposedly impossible it was to not take SBF’s good intentions at face value.

Lol the internet can be rough sometimes, make a self-deprecating joke and people take it as a confession


To the extent that there's a link between them and autism it feels much more like it's repurposing toxic behaviors you can find in spaces with a heavy neurodivergent presence - or more generally just introverts and nerds. The Geek Social Fallacies article is almost two decades old at this point, this stuff isn't new. What happened with the rationalist community was taking this nerd supremacy attitude, trying to expand and codify it into a general philosophy, and immediately descending into sci-fi crankery, reactionary politics and an even more grandiose self-image.
A lot of my friends are autistic and most of them went heavy leftist, the meme that autism somehow makes you a cold calculating machine without empathy is tiring. The rationalists don’t behave the way they do because of autism, they do it because they self cantered and arrogant
I'm in that case too, like probably a bunch of people in this sub. There's nothing specifically autistic about rationalists, but the kind of self-image they have of themselves is a tempting fiction that nerd spaces can sometimes cultivate.
From what I've seen, rationalists aren't so much autistic as they all think they're Young Sheldon.
>There's nothing specifically autistic about rationalists I think it's a bit of both. You don't need to have autism to find rationalism appealing, but the whole "unified system of rational logic to explain a complex and ilogical world full of chaos, that completely misses any social context" is highly connected to people with autism. My partner has autism and I heavily recognize the "everything you said is technically correct but completely misses the point" vibe.
I think if they're anything, they're narcissists - they check every item on the diagnostic list including ones that probably shouldn't be on the list. Or I guess a good description could be narcissists doing "hey fellow nerds" to other neurodivergent types to take their money. People who are bad at social interactions do not end up earning a living entirely out of being a flunky to a rich guy or some very customer facing job or the like. I can see though how among the victims they would have people who are to some extent disabled when it comes to recognizing when you're getting taken advantage of, since that is done very ineptly.
Even if I was an emotionless beep-boop robot because of autism it would just lead me more directly to the immortal science of marxism-leninism.
I don’t think it’s good practice to portray people on the spectrum as “emotionless” , even in a throw away line. Harmful stereotypes , etc.
There is such a conversation, but you’re treading very close to simply imputing autism to them as a “handicap”
I think we can do without imputing autism to large groups of people as a handicap of their social structure, especially in a place which takes it as read that that social structure is inherently faulty
I think it’s a mistake to impute an anti-art stubbornness to autistic people