r/SneerClub archives
Scott Alexander solves getting scammed with prediction markets on friendship: (https://i.redd.it/mfrc1x3ojxz91.jpg)

I hope he does this for romantic relationships too, to be consistent. Sorry honey, the market has spoken. I’m filing for pre-emptive divorce for your likely infidelity.

"yeah, well heres why im not doing that despite the risk!"

I love how he hasn’t wondered if he can trust the guy who runs a prediction markets site.

Or even the users of prediction markets themselves
If you want him to trust you, you can just make a large bet on you not betraying him!
unfortunately statistically people that he trusts turn out to be scammers like FTX so by investing money into making him trust you, that makes you become less trustworthy truly a paradox
What is with these people and their constant predictions?
gambling addiction
Control freaks.
Making accurate predictions is essentially their definition of intelligence, on which they stake all their self-worth.
Or even the guy who told him prediction markets solve everything.

Let’s run a prediction market on Scott Alexander’s bad takes

I predict that they fucking suck lol
that's the middle square in bingo of bets
> Let's run a prediction market on Scott Alexander's bad takes litteraly lol, thanks for the laugh

How can the guy who wrote an anti-libertarian FAQ be this transparently stupid in a “markets will solve everything” sort of way?

Wait a second... surely you're not saying the guy known for tungstenmanning every belief system might just have his own biases that survive that entire process? That his blog posts were nothing more than performance?
Because he writes these anti-X FAQs to try to trick people into taking X more seriously
Yeah, the fact that the King of The Race Realist Libertarians wrote some anti-Things he Thought Were Awesome FAQs was such a transparent exercise in plausible deniability that I'm surprised they tricked anyone.

Okay hear me out: Roko’s Basilisk is real, it is already torturing all of us, and the torture is putting up with people like Scott Alexander and Nathan Young.

What kind of insane gambling addict is willing to put money on “this random dude Scott Alexander is friends with is/isn’t trustworthy”?

Heck, even in the case of public figures. Is anyone really willing to put money on the line for the case of whether e.g. Hugh Jackman is going to commit fraud? And how are we actually defining fraud, anyway? Does it require a criminal conviction or is, say, cheating on your partner enough?

Am I listed?

The entirety of the list spells one of your ten thousand secret names

Does anyone have a link to those prediction markets he mentions? Because I really want to see where they stand.

Well, [this](https://manifold.markets/IsaacKing/will-eliezer-yudkowsky-be-found-to#fZcDA1goloKOsldcEtt2) is just delightful. I love how in a couple comments they find an obvious flaw with prediction markets (aka fraud), agree that it's actually the best way to use prediction markets, and yet somehow the thought of "maybe prediction markets aren't actually useful" doesn't seem to cross anyone's mind.
Huh, it doesn't seem as if Scott Alexander has added that list of everyone he's ever trusted or considered trusting yet. He *can't* be dumb enough to actually do this, right? I literally figured out the fatal flaw in that idea before I finished reading that paragraph of his; how the Hell couldn't he?

Does he include himself on the list? What if the markets predict he can’t trust himself?

[Scott right now](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/885/519/eef.png)

dang, i had my chips on “name is something resembling fraud because of nominative determinism” for the scooter cope

It’s almost like trust is an important component to human interaction or something

Logistical problem number 2: when exactly does the “Dave is trustworthy” bet pay out?

Step 1: publicly place a large bet on your trustworthiness through 2023 Step 2: through a sock puppet place a smaller bet on your commiting fraud in 2024 Step 3: allow the first bet to shift odds against the second Step 4: on Jan 1 2024 after collecting your modest reward, commit fraud. Reap rewards of fraud. Then reap rewards from betting on fraud while presumed honest.

I wonder how much money he had put into FTT tokens.

“at the end of 2023, will people in EA think they handled the FTX scandal well?”


