r/SneerClub archives
Big Yud on catgirls (https://i.imgur.com/ropRaCm.jpg)

I feel pretty confident in assuming the context of what he’s replying to doesn’t salvage this at all.

To be 100% fair it’s referring to an AI art he made where it somehow drew one of the people with cat ears But I’m not gonna let facts get in the way of the circlejerk
That fact would in no way get in the way of the circle jerk but would only facilitate it.

Ah finally relatable Eliezer content.



That’s a lot of anthropomorphising of algorithms. Hope it’s just an affect and not a life-defining misstep.

Yud looks more like a wrestler in one of those images than he looks like himself. Go on [SpectrumPW](https://twitter.com/SpectrumPW) get slammed by Sterling!
The only thing he fears more than death is one of their chokeslams.

I wish minds were computational so that I could get mine uploaded onto a supercomputer and then press the off button.

I don’t want to know what the context is. In fact, after reading this, I don’t want to exist on this planet anymore.

Prepare yourself to get paperclipped into a catboy/girl/x

I deeply resent this with every atom of my body and every [fundamental part] of my soul, thanks