r/SneerClub archives
Friends of the sub Brace Belden and Liz Franczak sneer at SBF, effective altruism, and rationalism (https://soundcloud.com/trueanonpod/moneyball-ii)

This felt like a crossover ep for me, didn’t realize this sub liked them though, thought they might be a bit too dirtbag for this crowd

> thought they might be a bit too dirtbag for this crowd This sub is apolitically hostile to anybody further to the right than your nearest Amazon workers union, and to e.g. any transphobic dipshits who may be piggybacking thereoff, if anybody wants to assign any politics more coherent than that to this sub at large they can fuck right off tbh Edit: lmao fuck off whatever crowd came round to downvote this, you dumb pieces of shit, this isn’t your sub
I'm a simple man. I see a username with an anime reference and I sneer.
I don’t personally use the word “leftist”, for a number of reasons, and neither you nor I should be using the R word on this sub. I also don’t know why you bring it up, and if it’s to some genuine purpose it’d be cool if you weren’t a coward and came out with it.
I think my point has been demonstrated
Why don’t you say what’s on your mind, asshole
You can pick up your unban in modmail
Feels weird to treat "dirtbag left" as a coherent concept instead of a meme that had its peak two presidential elections ago.
I wouldn't say it's coherent, but it's useful as shorthand
I don't listen to the podcast but I've been digging the sub recently, it's one of the more decent subreddits to hang out and radicalize people nowadays.
The sub is more tankie than I'd like tbh
That’s just a core feature of left wing politics on reddit: as tankies are the crybaby dweebs who demand to be taken seriously of left wing politics, and reddit is the website for crybaby dweebs who demand to be taken seriously, so it goes with tankies and reddit Think of any political ideology and how it expresses itself on reddit: the neoliberals, the libertarians, the racists, whatever. It is the same.
Tbh, SA's leftwing forum part has worse tankies. At the start of the illegal imperialist invasion of Ukraine that place was weird, stuff like predicting the russians would move north from Marioepol to Charkov and entrap most of the Ukranian army to their east. Sure Tankie, the Russians will just move 250km in a day.
there's a few people whose posts i'm saving to loudly trumpet as reasons to take them very seriously, including the Grayzone advocacy
Take them seriously? Against you mean?
to praise them for their amazing political judgement. You should definitely listen to this guy, look at his track record of predictions.
Ah right like that.
I listened about 10 minutes then decided the hosts were assholes and I didn't care if they had stumbled into a good opinion today

Behind the Bastards also did some stuff (in regards to the FTX scam) my streams are crossing.