r/SneerClub archives
In which Scott Alexander says he'd name Charles Murray as Welfare Czar if he were president (https://slatestarscratchpad.tumblr.com/post/154827572901/you-wake-up-on-the-morning-on-the-20th-of-january)

I wish I had found this back when the NYT article came out, people were saying that Cade Metz was full of shit for saying that Scott was aligned with Murray.

Lol he also picked Tulsi. Think there is only one name on there I dont think is meh and that is the self defense pick. > Everything else can be filled by randomly selected black women so that I can brag about how diverse I am. Euh
randomly selected Black women are probs better choices than most of the people he named
Certainly, but you get that isnt the partm im eyerolling about ;)
His attempts to obfuscate his racism are getting lower and lower effort. Scott's keeping up with the times!
Not Sanders?
Sanders is the 'prevent from impeachment' pick. Thinking that is a legit threat is a bit of a lol in itself.
I was talking about him being Secretary of Labor.
You are going to have to explain your point in a few more words.
Whoops, I misread and thought "self defense pick" referred to his Secretary of Defense pick (and not Sanders).
Ah this explains, no worries.
On that note, he also chose the real guy behind The Last Psychiatrist as his would-be surgeon general, in case you didn't know (who also described himself as a "hardcore Republican" in the same lecture that led to him getting doxxed. I think TLP was better at hiding his politics, though the sexism definitely leaks through into his work). Realistically though they'd probably just point out that Scott says he'd hire "randomly selected black women" (because qualifications don't matter when they're black?), even though it's for the express purpose of appearing "diverse".
> leaks Lmao, speaking as somebody with enough problematics of his own to deal with, I’d call it raw misogyny The black women thing, and the way you put it, does point to something I always find genuinely fascinating I only really see (in my limited POV) with the rationalist crowd. Albeit bearing in mind we’re talking about highly stereotyped avatars now, not actual people we can quote offhand. And that’s that you *will find* pluralities, even majorities, of any one rationalist crowd saying “look at this obviously sarcastic jab, how can you possibly say he’s being sarcastic”, I don’t know what particular thing causes that to happen but it’s always funny.
I had a reply but i think I’d rather just pull the usual “let’s not do the imputing ASD to people we’re already talking about in terms of stereotypes thing” yellow card
for what it’s worth I’m sure there are some people where this is ASD behaviour, but I’m highly doubtful it’s enough, especially given how variably ASD is expressed, to really call it here
So he indirectly doxxed the last psych? tsk.
Ironic considering that Mr. Siskind got angry at the NYT for using his real name not five years later.
Also if they couldn't deny that these folks are racist, you'd only get to "there's nothing wrong with being racist as long as its evidence based, of course racism is associated with people who weren't rationalist and thus did it wrong".
They know it's horseshit but they also know most people won't check, and that their centrist to right wing audience will believe the "the left is calling us racists again for no reason" shtick.

the policy ideas are more hit or miss, but between of course murray, tulsi, thiel, musk, and especially the anonymous bitcoin guy as treasury secretary, the cabinet appointments are making me actually cringe to read written even semi-seriously

Trying to name the Bitcoin Guy as Treasury Secretary is so stupid it wraps back around to kinda funny for me. Has anyone even managed to communicate with him in the past, like, ten years? It's like saying your pick for Secretary of the Interior is the guy who posted some greentext you thought was funny back in 2006. How the fuck are we tracking him down to give him the job?
Nobody knows who the guy really is, even if there are a few likely suspects (iirc one of them is in jail). He has not talked since he created the whole shit, and owns a huge amount of bitcoin (so much that imho if it were to ever move a little bit, it would cause a massive crash in the market as suddenly there is another huge supply of bitcoin and the bitcoin market already has a 'no real dollars' problem (and now a 'no real bitcoins' problem, which is amazing that the cryptogoldbugs behind cryptocurrencies have recreated fractional reserve banking, but worse (as is the tech tradition))).
As far as I can tell, there hasn't been a single indication since 2011 that satoshi is even alive.
Now I'm curious whether people who buy into crypto as the 'next money' think he's dead or HODLing like them.

You really get the impression here that he never mentally developed from that teenage “I know best and if only I was in charge everything would be perfect” mentality

That's literally all rationalists and the majority of effective altruists

I sent him this ask lol.

I was kind of hoping for a bit more investigation of the idea of having to navigate political structures when you're placed into a particular position (namely, the position of newly elected President Trump). Like, it's not just "what would you do as president?" but "what would you do as president under this set of constraints?" Back at the beginning of his term, a lot of people were still kind of in awe of Trump a bit since he had pulled off what everybody said he could never do. So if you isekai'd into Trump you would have some latitude to get away with doing weird things and still have Republican politicians support you. You'd tell them, "My instincts won me the unwinnable election, and now you want to question me? Go fuck yourself." But if you tried to do things that were *too* weird there would still be the risk of being removed from office. The idea of operating within a political reality that's a bit different from most other American politicians was the interesting thing to me. And maybe some of Scott's answer is premised on that idea, but he wasn't super-explicit about what would be different from him assuming the presidency under other circumstances.

He thinks the president, on January 20, decides who the vice president is?

Fun fact is that in Russia, the president does get to decide who the second in the line of succession is. Yeltsin chose Putin for being particularly unlikely to go after Yeltsin or his family, then resigned so that Putin could run as incumbent. If Putin chooses a successor, it'll be an even worse piece of shit. The place has not taken power away from anyone in 31 years now.

Not to be dumb, but is this definitely real? I don’t know much about how Tumblr works, is this confirmed his account?

I'm not sure if he's ever admitted it directly, but it's been brought up in the SSC comments multiple times [this one for example](https://slatestarcodex.com/2014/11/21/prisons-are-built-with-bricks-of-law-and-brothels-with-bricks-of-religion-but-that-doesnt-prove-a-causal-relationship/#comment-160091)
yeah, it's his
It’s real but imo it reads like a joke post.
This dude doesn't get the benefit of the doubt though
Well, he himself wrote the 'jokes can be used to justify the things they joke about' post. So he knows how jokes work and why people go 'euh wtf dude' at jokes.
But in addition to being a joke, it also happens to be his sincerely desired cabinet.

I don’t know if Murray was the worst choice. The Stephen Hsu pick for NIH gives off all the wrong vibes. The fact that he would pick two, mostly out and out racist in his cabinet, how could you not think anything other than Scott also holds the same ideas.

“The worst choice” is a low (high?) bar, but setting aside the question of hyperbole Murray is a really bad choice!
Oh I agree but for some reason I am more disturbed that Scooter would give the NIH to a race realist like Stephen Hsu

Steve Hsu is yet another race realist right-winger lunatic and he wants that guy to head the NIH

Replace prison sentences for nonviolent crimes with corporal punishment.


iirc a somewhat common NRx talking point.
You'd be surprised how many inmates would prefer it to losing years of their lives in a concrete box

- Tell Russia that if they can defeat ISIS, they can have as much of Syria as they want, and if they can do it while getting rid of Assad we’ll let them have Alaska back too.


.- Agree with Russia and Ukraine to partition Ukraine into Pro-Russia Ukraine and Pro-West Ukraine. This would also work with Moldova.

Oh, so rational foreign policy is when NATO does the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact 2.0. Not even, the Russians get even more goodies!

I wonder if there’s any connection between his political leanings and apparent desire to just roll over to appease the ambitions of the Russian government. Hmmmmm… must be my imagination.

He's a rationalist, i.e. among the most gullible people on the planet. ​ Go back to February 25th there is probably a post outlining why Russia is actually not invading Ukraine, despite the invasion having already been well underway by that point, simply because Russia said they weren't.

I kept reading this and it just kept getting worse, holy shit

Wait, all his geopolitical stuff is just ‘allow people to do genocides’?

With 20/20 he would have been worse than Trump.

I had to do a web search for Charles Murray. Oh geez, he’s The Bell Curve guy.

Ew. Someone was not shoved in enough lockers as a kid

I'll never understand how this "bullying is good, actually" horseshit came to be
Truly, nerds are the most oppressed minority
Doesn't work that way. Kids get bullied for being LGBT and it changes nothing. These rationalist dudes would have always turned out this way.

Matt Yglesias


If you want to interpret him generously, then you can point to fact that Murray is an advocate of negative income tax – and speculate that Alexander’s support for basic income might have lead him to sympathize with Murray on that point while at least partially misunderstanding his ideology overall. Obviously Murray is pro negative income tax out of a far right perspective, hoping to undermine and replace other welfare programs. According to the following review, he has also misunderstood or misrepresents studies on negative income: https://basicincome.org/news/2020/06/review-of-charles-murrays-in-our-hands-a-plan-to-replace-the-welfare-state-from-2009/

So I’m not saying Murray is a good choice for any position of power. My point is just that you can interpret Alexander as naive and uninformed about Murray’s other goals and policies. He might otherwise be similarly far right to Murray, but it doesn’t seem like a open-and-shut case.

Charles Murray’s claim to fame is the “Bell Curve” book about race and IQ rationalists all either secretly or openly believe in it and therefore is why their high priest wants to put that bastard in charge of welfare
I'm well aware of Murray's claim to fame. The scenario you present is possible, that Alexander does belive in the idea of innate IQ-differences between races -- and that is why he sympathizes with Murray. It's also possible that he sympathizes with him for other reasons, while either naively misunderstanding or tolerating his racial beliefs as a necessary evil.
I would suggest that, given the giant pillar of smoke\* that's been climbing the heavens over LessWrong/SSC for a decade now, that the most parsimonious explanation for Scott's behavior is that he has sympathy with Murray's views on heritability of intelligence, and more specifically his views on the racial differences of IQ he is famous for. If Alexander wanted to find a negative income advocate, it would be relatively trivial for him to find one that was literally anyone other than noted advocate of racial theories of identity, Charles Murray. \*that much smoke means there's fire, where fire equals "race realism"
you are bending over backwards for him for no reason whatsoever this is like saying if someone likes Trump it only means they liked Operation Warp Speed and not all his other odious activities
I'm not saying the positive interpretation is necessarily true. Nor even more probable. Just pointing out that it exists. My reason is that I occasionally try giving people the benifit of a doubt or at least point out how that could be done.
> you can interpret Alexander as naive That's some tangy irony.
> If you want to interpret him generously Did you get lost on your way to IntellectualGenerosityClub?
This seems unwarrantedly hostile.
Maybe it’s genetic In any case, when I first arrive in a sub I don’t know, I tend to read the room before commenting In this context your original comment seems unwarrantedly hostile to the atmosphere of people who know Siskind’s online presence incredibly well making fun of him; you also give the impression of being a know-it-all
Okay, we'll have to agree to disagree on what appears what in this context.
As the president and founding member of [ToBeFairrrrrrrClub](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G19B7lTgwCE) myself, I thought it was funny -- hardly hostile. I don't think you necessarily deserve the downvotes, at least not initially. I appreciate when people try to keep the sneer quality high. Truth is, this wasn't a particularly easy one to sneer at. It's a whole lot easier when someone says something patently ridiculous in total earnestness. In this one, Scott is obviously trying to be cheeky on all the picks, and leaving it wide open for interpretation what he "really" meant for each one. The sneer here is really maybe 10% at the text itself, and 90% at the context.
Really sucks that Murray is the only person to ever talk about and promote negative income tax. If only there was a secondary person he could have picked without all this negative racist baggage. So yeah sucks. Nevertheless
On one hand, SneerClub entering Eternal September is annoying. On the other hand, “why can't we just have civil debate??” concern trolls getting owned is funny as hell. In any case, why speculate about Siskind's motivations, when we can do some [research](https://twitter.com/ArsonAtDennys/status/1362153191102677001) and know?
> ~~if you want to interpret him generously~~ if you are a dumbass
That doesn't seen very nice.
interpreting him correctly seems pretty nice to me
No I'm referring to implying that people who reach another conclusion are dumbasses. You might be 100% correct on Alexander, it still doesn't seem nice to call people who are wrong dumbasses. Not that I'm saying that the alternative interpretation of him as misinformed is correct. I'm presenting it as a possibility. Also, this alternative explanation doesn't make him come of as well informed/intelligent. So its not like any of the alternatives are flattering.
boy are you lost
Can you provide us with a nicer way of calling you a dumbass? https://www.freethesaurus.com/dumbass https://www.thesaurus.com/browse/idiot Which of these would you prefer?
Somebody calling you a dumbass *and* idiot with the use of a free online thesaurus is not targeted harassment at you, dipshit Block them if you’re that upset
Good attempt to foster critical thinking, but the mob has spoken apparently. They sure are Good People(tm)
If the "mob" are all smarter and better-read than you, does it still count as a mob?
Well, that "if" resolves to 0 as it's false, so not really relevant Yes, still a stupid mob of vile rabble
A large group of people all coming to the same conclusion independently because it's the position best supported by the facts.
That's a rather aspirational view of this subs ability to discern facts lol
But they have discerned the facts and made an extremely logical case, and I've never seen Scott Alexander make any sort of rebuttal to them. It is Scott Alexander's fans who behave more like a mob, unable to engage with any sort of reasoned criticism of Scott's positions.
Or they agree with his positions and don't want to say so explicitly, which definitely seems to be a thing
In my experience it is Scott Alexander's fans who behave like a mob - hence the censorship I received in Rationalist spaces.
Censorship is wholly stupid. I'm disappointed to hear that
You're the bestest, most enlightened, unbiased critically thinking rational genius :))))))) Always so special and contrarian
Neither did the sarcastic comment I was responding to! 😄
Awesome! So glad to still have you paying attention to this
Wouldn't you like to take me on a helicopter ride? ;)))
Mask off :))) someone's feelings got hurt?

Good choice