r/SneerClub archives
Eliezer Yudkowsky advises his fellow Effective Altruists to take the FTX money and run. For the sake of charity, you understand. Others mention clawbacks in bankruptcy, but ehh, it’ll probably be fine, right? (https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/FKJ8yiF3KjFhAuivt/impco-don-t-injure-yourself-by-returning-ftxff-money-for)

Plumbers who worked on the FTX building should likewise not anguish about that and give the money back

That’s it, I’m starting a petition to force Yudkowsky to spend an extended length of time working an actual job so he can start to understand the difference between “getting paid for a service you’ve provided” vs “getting a bunch of money to fund your future time sitting around thinking about things”.

I’m torn between thinking this is hilarious, and not hating the general public anywhere near enough to inflict Yud on them.

Hello Eliezer this is your lawer speaking. I am advising you today to please keep posting this shit

The story that [apparantly](https://amycastor.com/2022/12/18/crypto-collapse-binance-is-not-so-fine-ftx-delaware-vs-ftx-bahamas-celsius-voyager-gemini-tether/) (scroll to the ' Strange things in the Bahamas' part) some 'inhabitants of the Bahamas' got 100 mil out of FTX while it was already doing a chapter 11 makes this post by Eliezer even worse.

speaking as somebody who I don’t think actually got any money directly from FTX Future Fund that I can recall

Call me crazy, but in this situation, this seems like something that I would have spent the last few weeks doing a lot of research into until I was very very sure what the actual case was with this.

AFAIK individually he didn't get FTX money but [his research institute did](https://twitter.com/robbensinger/status/1595893840484843521)
Also he did directly get money in that they reimbursed his hotel stay while he was in The Bahamas.

The obvliviousness in the comments is so lovely to see. As well as their immediate and obvious tendency for engaging in future SBF-like scenarios.

It's actually kind of amazing how hard it seems for them to get their heads around the idea that there are plenty of charitable organizations out there that are admired by lots of people. What they need to do is *be normal*. Create a normal well-run philanthropic organization and hire people who know how to run these things. Even some of their Consumer Reports style reasoning might be useful in directing funds to the neediest people in the world. And sure, if someone wants to create an organization devoted to researching pandemics, that also sounds good. Do it! Create a normal bio-research company (or whatever), etc. etc.
Also, that dude's post from the other day was really good! Don't invest in sketchy get rich quick schemes. Again, it's not hard.
I think the deeper (deepest?) problem, is it's not clear *to them* if they're trying to do philanthropy or creating a cult.
the vast gulf between Effective Altruism and altruism that is effective

“ The money you hold could maybe possibly compensate some FTX users”

Wow he’s being so blasé about literal fraud.

No wonder ftx happened, if the prime thought leader is taking such a casual attitude towards basic ethics.

What a bunch of trash people.

Also he’s justifying the lack of retiring cash as … the ftx customers are probably richer than you. What a mess in terms of ethics and philosophy.

The sounds my neighbours heard when I found this….

Of all the things that this cult leader has said, if you ignore the overly complex and flowery language this doesn’t seem that nuts.

If someone did get money from them for some service, that’s not something that will likely be pulled back and I can’t see a responsibility to get rid of it.

the "service" he means is getting money in the name of EA to pass money to other orgs in the name of EA, which I don't think is very closely analogous to plumbing

Turns out Big Yud is really Disingenuous Chud. Who’d have thunk?

edit: wordcel supremacist and proud. Fuck capitalism, fuck the Conservative Party, fuck overprivileged fucks who don’t know what they don’t know. Intelligence is everywhere and these cunts refuse to see it. The struggle of the worker is real and we are being gaslit by the Capitalists. Workers of the world unite. I would literally get a tattoo of Karl Marx’s face over my face if I could. Study the humanities and philosophy you god damn sons of bitches.

Stress is rising but we’re divided and conquered. Hurt is real but butthurt is relative. Let’s learn how to talk so we can talk.

Now that I have your attention…

Watch this.

I do what I want (subject to constraints relative to my personal goals and ethics). Logos, pathos, and ethos.
Oh wow, you're one of those degrowth morons as well? It's like walking around a zoo in here
Copeth and seetheth
Yep. I also have an econ and CS background. Rational tools != misuse of said tools. Just because you fuckers all only care about maximising self soothing behaviours (wealth hoarding) doesn’t mean others don’t see the real picture or care to work together. Your model of reality is not the same as someone else’s. Time is a scarce resource requiring efficient allocation just like money is, no? Want to talk ideas instead of ad hominems? Too late, you’re already blocked and I choose when to walk away. To do effective science you must continually touch grass
>To do effective science you must continually touch grass Instant classic

Knowingly retain the stolen property you received with this one weird trick!

Sounds like something from https://twitter.com/BadLegalTakes


and another thing: im not mad. please dont put in the newspaper that i got mad.
Edit: Nevermind, I got some people mixed up. Thanks for correcting me poptart.
IDW cultists are all such charmers :)
Turns out I messed up and combined a few users into one. My bad.
nah, that was a different username, pretty sure it’s a different person too
Ah yes, I confused the 'defends Scott using Murray' person with one of the people who replied to that. My bad. All these usernames of the various anti sneerclub people are so confusing at times.