r/SneerClub archives
How to develop an advanced AI, step 1: Start with an AI Oracle (https://i.redd.it/a18jquqeux6a1.png)


I had a friend who told me he was building a time machine, but was relying on his future self to go back in time and give him the schematic.
This is somehow more plausible than the linked chart.
Did this friend get too baked on the good shit you guys get and watch Primer? Look forward to coming back.
His Time Machine company failed when one of his customers patented the invention before him.
It’s thee; bitches

I have no words (I looked at the graph this was from). Like, I have so much to say they are all stuck in the back of my mouth like mr burns diseases. (There is so much stuff like ‘use a simcity game to plan the optimal society’)

Ow god the comments at LW: > An article in Splinter News was released few days ago, showing leaked emails where Jonah Bennett, a former Leverage employee who is now editor-in-chief for Palladium Magazine (LinkedIn ), was involved with a white nationalist email list, where he among other things made anti-Semetic jokes about a holocaust survivor, says he “always has illuminating conversations with Richard Spencer”, and complained about someone being “pro-West before being pro-white/super far-right”.

I have 35 mutual friends with this guy on Facebook, mostly EAs.[emph mine] This makes me think that while at Leverage he interacted a reasonable amount with the EA community. (Obviously, I expect my EA mutual friends to react with revulsion to this stuff [note he didn’t mention he told their EA friends, not checked if this assumption was correct].)


Bennett denies this connection; he says he was trying to make friends with these white nationalists in order to get information on them and white nationalism.

Bold strategy Cotton.

I think it’s plausible that this is somewhat true.

Sucks that white nats are only talking to each other in secret and not openly on forums etc. (im kidding here obv, there is no reason to befriend white nats, they freely share their hate all over the place, and their forums were in the open). (in fairness, this poster did mention they made a mistake and withdrew their support for this racist)

I had a former friend wander into SSC/LW/EA over the pandemic and came out a racist after two years. I finally cut ties when he started babbling about how 'the white people weren't breeding enough', HBD stuff, and he needed to have 10 kids.
Sorry to hear you cut ties with Musk.
Wait, Musk had friends?
Of course he has. And for all his faults (this box is too small to list them all) he still seems to be reasonably loved by his various exes. The problem is that he is an petty asshole billionaire manbaby with too much power because capitalism not that he is literally Thanos. (He prob is about as smart as movie Thanos however)
Thanos just wants to fuck a skeleton. That's a pretty relatable goal, tbh.
That was best thanos.
So I wasn't active on this sub when the Leverage stuff was first posted, but apparently they were literally trying to take over the world? Everything about this is bonkers. Also, regarding Leverage's connections to EA: I admit I haven't read through the entire thread that I linked to yet, but one thing I noticed is that [Leverage organized an EA summit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEK_l4Qtnyw) that is acknowledged as the precursor to the EA Global summit.
Ow yeah the leverage stuff was a bit nuts (I don't recall a lot from it however, so I not going to quote things). I'm just amazed at times at the steelman work is put in to defend racists. Compare that to (I quickly googled to find an example and found one) [this person](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/EGKqcjhF44ga9Hhrd/where-can-i-read-about-the-roko-s-basilisk-drama?commentId=ovGKZgwphrStCSsEs) talking about how rationalwiki is spreading roko's basilisk for the evil reasons and how david gerard is the big bad behind all this. RRRRRAtionalwiki is the Politcal WOKE LEFT! (The proof? rationalwiki doesn't bothside gamergate). (Also note that the person is misrepresenting here what happened in reaction to the roko's basilisks idea being posted. The all caps rant (copied on rationalwiki) by Yud was important. (It also misrepresents what wikipedia says about lesswrong, and that page is quite funny when you find a quote from 2014 where somebody says they worry about the high amounts of money and failure to realize they might be wrong might do to the LW people). This person blaming a guy who has not posted (at that time) on reddit for a year and also didnt post in the subreddit he linked to for that subreddit and the roko crazyness aimed at LW is also quite a thing (in actuality the only active mod in that sub posts on themotte).
David Gerard is indirectly responsible for Grimes's lackluster output since the Elon breakup and I will **not** forgive him for starting the chain of events that caused [Shinigami Eyes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzPElFdxMCM) to exist. (I'm quite familiar with the Roko's Basilisk story) >It is. Rationality is their flag, not their method. Quality sneer from that thread!
"Shinigami Eyes" the tool to detect transphobes on twitter? ;) And never really looked that much into grimes her music (I don't really care for much surrounding her, I just want to ask her why [she did the robot dance for Musk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsNc4nEX3c4)). And wow that song is too online for me. (wait, does she kill a guy with a [slur] tattoo? euh ok weird) (Yeah, I'm mostly here ranting about the misrepresentations of that post for others, insiders can see (and already know) how it is wrong and the whole double standards always at work). > Quality sneer from that thread! Sadly, no selfawareness ;).
Could we censor slurs here please? Also, was that in the music video? I had a really hard time following it. Never listened to Grimes before and if this was a representative sampling I might not do it again
Done, sorry. And I have no idea.
> I'm just amazed at times at the steelman work is put in to defend racists. So, hypothetically speaking, if I was a racist and believed in these ideas and, still entirely hypothetically, as a devil's advocate you see, wanted to convince others of them, here's how I would present the case:
You are now banned from the lw forums for not being generous. Also you are a dirty leftwing sjw who just wants to cancel people!
Dunno if anyone saw my previous comments about running into rats who had just come back from a greg johnson thing but they were palladium guys.

Taken from the Leverage Research master plan, found here




40 GOTO 20

I’m really tired so I misread “AI Oracle” as “Al Qaeda”, which is probably a more workable idea anyway.

Dude, how do you think I’m here talking to you (from the future, using timeless trade to somehow make this signal get recorded on reddit in your time).