r/SneerClub archives
'To understand “beep-boopism” as I will describe it here you first must understand rationalist tumblr.' (https://cromulentenough.tumblr.com/post/172258068576/worldoptimization-i-to-understand)

it helps to know that “worldoptimization” here is recently plea-accepting financial felon and 100% tumblr rationalist Caroline Ellison of FTX/Alameda.

my god i remember watching half this shit happening

she didn’t get onto chicken-necrophilia-gate, the origin of my own still-used tag “#dead chicken do not fuck”, though this reposter did

> "#dead chicken do not fuck" This kind of stuff is the real lovecraftian horror. The desire to know more vs the sanity damage I know reading it will cost.
And we never really heal that sanity damage back
the end game is to become the abyss. I am apparently personally Satan to chunks of the rationalist subculture for instance, conspiring to destroy their reputation across the internet because I am the evil that hates good, and not because e.g. they're a horrible shitty abusive cult.
I had largely checked out of the community before this. Can someone please explain “the chicken fucking thing.”
Dammit, I had forgotten about the chicken fucking thing and now I remember the chicken fucking thing. Thanks David.
>chicken-necrophilia-gate Hwat
there are many reasons this sub has the attitude it does
>chicken-necrophilia-gate i was there gandalf

Nostalgebraist went from being an interesting critic of LW to a defender after he started dating a LWer, and now I think he mostly hides behind a bot he programmed.

Still like The Northern Caves though

He still does some good MIRI critique on occasion, just from within the rat-adjacent community rather than outside it. I really enjoyed the post "[Why assume AGI's will optimise for fixed goals](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/dKTh9Td3KaJ8QW6gw/why-assume-agis-will-optimize-for-fixed-goals)?", which casually points out that the base assumption for the entire AI extinction argument is completely unproven and kinda dumb. (Nobody at the lesswrong comment section was able to justify the assumption)
yes, but otherwise he's a worked example of taking on your ideology from your friends
"Optimizing for fixed goals" all derives from Bostrom's instrumental convergence which sells books and gets people to donate loads of money to guys who dream up science fiction about paperclip maximizers. It is not based on anything quantifiable and is easily refuted. They had to invent the corrigibility thesis just to get people to keep believing in the evil AI overlord.
Northern Caves isn’t bad. Not excellent but it was a decent way to spend an evening.

So may times I see a SneerClub post title and think the title is a Sneer just to find out it’s a direct quote.

This is where I start rooting around for that “Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about.gif”.

Oh fuck I’m mentioned in that.

Can someone help me hide from the world?

the things one starts, eh some time in 2012 i made a section header in the RationalWiki article on LessWrong that said "Roko's basilisk"
Leading, indirectly, to Elon Musk purchasing Twitter a decade later.
A lot of people are genuinely terrified when they learn about roko's basilisk though... it's debated if it's even ethical to make someone aware of it without knowing their mental state before hand
I was gonna write several paragraphs in response to this issue, but I'm too busy hunting down every single person who ever cockblocked my parents
It's God, punishing those who refuse to worship properly. They're right to be held accountable.
It’s a comment on a blog written by a dipshit, not some grand philosophy
It's also illogical, and hinges upon you caring about some virtual recreation of you being tortured for eternity as if that effects you in anyway whatsoever. But I've spoken to people like that guy who replied they should be scared of Gods Wrath or some shit like that; they really think it matters or is real despite being a thought experiment that, again, only affects a virtual recreation of you even in the hypothetical.
I mean, it's rebuilding a hyper-Calvinist model of predestination from first principles using extremely bad assumptions about how AI, utilitarianism, Bayes' theorem and basic logic work. It's people who believe themselves to be far cleverer than they really are psyching themselves out and having crises over it. What they need to do is calm down, log off, talk to sensible people and maybe read some books outside of their extremely narrow areas of interest, but they won't.

Im going to assume this is a parody/satire post

i fear you have rolled a natural 1 against Poe's Law
Oh no...
worldoptimization is Caroline Ellison's tumblr, I posted this in celebration of her guilty plea.
Yes I assumed this was a post from worldoptimization and that beepboopgate prettygate, speckgate, and neotenygate (*shudder*) are not real things. Please don't tell me they are real...
Neotenygate was when Nydwracu(Remember him?) got really mad at people liking The Simpsons and The Mountain Goats and decided it was a sign of Deep Societal Rot, as the NRx are prone to do.
While still being very 'oh no' at least it isn't as bad as I was thinking it was. I was expecting something like 'In our Dragon house like group living space we run an sex positive Eclipse Phase setting where everybody plays with [Neotenic morphs](https://eclipse-phase.fandom.com/wiki/Neotenic_1e), we have secretly taken over the Jovian republic and run it as our feudal empire now. But one of our non TTRPG playing roommates is getting a bit disturbed. So we kicked her out and took her deposit. She blames us for living in a tent! Help!' (This was the max level of transhumanist weird nerd thing I could quickly thing of (E: also I now associate the word neotenic with Eclipse Phase well done creators of that rpg ;) )). Anyway, unbelievable how much worldoptimization comes off as a parody description of a drama event.
Yeah but also bad, [im actively making up people/scenarios to get mad at.](https://old.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/zslbb5/rationalists_try_the_other_side_of_uk_politics/j18v4b4/)
see, i'm also certain the precise scenario you describe has played out multiple times just in the Bay Area
Without evidence im not going to be so sure. For one im dangerously close (or well, crossed the line) to 'making up a guy to be mad at online' and I have talked to a few smart ttrpg players, and they find the Eclipse phase an lets say aspirational setting, fun ideas/setting but the rules just make it unsuited for normal play. (The text of EP also makes it clear that the whole morph played this way is not intended like that at all (My complaint about that is, why give it stats then, don't include it in your list of available morphs, just backstory it) but I always found it in a bit of bad taste). And im also not going to google this to see if you were right :).
Or in many, many online groups. brb, searching 'neotenic' in the bad player threads on Something Awful and RPG.net.
there was apparently a blindingly revolting incident on the official EP forums somewhat adjacent to that, but I worry it may be a bit much to mention here.
yeah best to keep it on topic.
...more that it was excessively mind scalding.
yes, he is user severnayazemlya referred to in this post
Okay checks out he had a problem with immigrants.
he also called me a Hoxhaist once
you must construct additional bunkers
Completely off-topic but your handle is \*chef's kiss\*
thank you! :)
What is it with authoritarian weirdos deciding that people liking art they don’t like is societal rot?
they're Nazis, after all
Nydwracu goes by she/they pronouns now, btw. She's still active on tumblr and I check her blog from time to time. They've grown a lot in some ways, but not at all in others. On the one hand, she's renounced the far right and spends a lot of time criticizing them, and she posts some pretty insightful stuff about gender and queer issues (eg. https://www.tumblr.com/kaumnyakte/659961857512194048/which-naturally-appeals-to-people-who-would-like). On the other hand, they're just as much of a dipshit about immigration as they've ever been.
>Please don't tell me they are real... They're all completely make believe, I promise.

I cannot get over how boring reading her prose is. She is so dumb and her opinions are so tedious.