r/SneerClub archives

I wonder what his username/handle was. Sad he killed himself just under a month after this AMA. I wish all the good ones wouldn’t check out like that.

I like that he took the fight directly to them. If I had his chops, I would probably do more of that. At the same time, I can’t help but think engaging with them was not good for his mental health. Nothing good comes from spending time with terrible people, no matter the context of the interaction.
Also, what exactly is a neuro-conservative? It makes me think of Sam Harris—certainly sneer worthy—but I suspect it refers to something else.
My guess is that it's a made up word, so whatever your mind associates it with is probably valid. In another comment he uses the term "Stem-Conversant Conservanerds" to describe the "grey tribe"
So I just found this out, but [this news had been posted here before but was deleted.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/cnfh2b/david_berman_is_one_of_us/) (Sorry for the repost, mods. The deleted post didn't come up in my initial search.) Anyways someone at r/indieheads revealed his username to be pylonshadow https://www.reddit.com/user/pylonshadow/comments/?sort=new
Thanks for digging that up. Good guy.
I was curious too
no no, nothing wrong with reviving something from 3 years ago as such, it’s happened before and will again, much more a matter of what to repost and what not to repost. i faintly remember seeing that one now you mention it.
Loved his work, I was so sad when I learned he died.

American Water is one of my favorite albums. And I’m a big fan of Purple Mountains, too. That DCB was a sneerer is just awesome to learn.

The awful fun fact about David Berman is that his father, Richard Berman, is one of the most vile people in America.

I loved his stuff that crosses over with the Avalanches. That’s so sad to read knowing what happened later

Missed out on a chance to see Silver Jews play in college and didn’t know I’d never get the chance again.


wait it was that dude? I just discovered them like 3 months ago

RIP, Smith and Jones Forever is a bop

Is that term “neuro-conservative” original to him? Either way, marvellous turn of phrase. I only know Berman because I know of Silver Jews, which I’ve never really listened to, and had no idea he’d died, maybe I should give his work a shot.

It is as far as I know, almost all of the other results for the term on google were for someone who used "neuro-conservative" as a username.

Gonna go listen to Snow is Falling in Manhattan now. He was fighting the good fight.