r/SneerClub archives
"how do I signal my genuinely sweet and feminine nature on my dating profile? should it go before or after the section on wire fraud" (https://web.archive.org/web/20180402142019/https://worldoptimization.tumblr.com/post/172464351641/me-how-do-i-signal-my-genuinely-sweet-and)

Effective Altruist Scott Alexander was a personal friend of Caroline Ellison and interacted with her on tumblr, but somehow didn’t see any red flags from the self-described “fake charity nerd girl”.

I imagine his effective altruism is, like his liberalism, esoteric cover for his reactionary views.
I think the biggest red flag was that she is a member of a racist, millenarian cult. But Alexander's a member of the same, so he wouldn't view that as a red flag. Clarification: Is the red flag the post or that given how open she is about financial crimes on Tumblr, she must have been even more open irl / in personal exchange? Also are they confirmed as friends? I know they interacted on Tumblr, but I don't know how deeply either on it or out of it.
I'd say there were at least 3 red flags: she joked about committing financial crimes that she actually committed in this post, she [revealed herself to be willing to take ridiculous risks in another one](https://speakertoyesterday.tumblr.com/post/700814996538523648/worldoptimization-slatestarscratchpad-all), and called herself "fake charity nerd girl" (note that they're supposed to be Effective Altruists). Scott confirmed they knew each other and had met IRL in [a reddit comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/zqbqqk/did_anyone_else_notice_that_sbf_was_a_commenter/j0y3caf/), and he described himself as being "friendly" higher-up in his open thread 250.
keeping it effective

Didn’t follow the Stringer Bell Rule for Criminal Conspiracies

you should detail your criminal conspiracy in a mind map, using software written by your neoreactionary rationalist race scientist friend's startup
Ultimate Premium Enterprise Edition sneer

Imagine, as a lawyer, trying to defend your client from a huge criminal case and being confronted with that.

You tell her one thing: "you take the plane now, you go to the attorney general, and you plead guilty to everything he proposes". Oh wait...

This is like the tutorial stage of a game where you play as a prosecutor, where every step is made as obvious as possible (“check the defendant’s online history for clues!” social media page calling themselves a ‘fake charity nerd girl’ and joking about wire fraud pops up) so you understand the basic gameplay loop and controls.

With other co conspirators talking to the media all the time about their crimes...