r/SneerClub archives

A hopeful note is that most people who have tried bihacking have managed to make themselves Kinsey 1s or 5s– very, very few people completely fail. This might be because those with more fluid sexualities are the ones attracted to bihacking in the first place, but regardless, if you’re a guy who’d like to be able to kiss men, it may be well within your power to be able to do so.

My brother in Christ, you LITERALLY SAID IT. If they want to kiss men, they’re starting out flexible.

I was told this became a thing specifically because of the shortage of available women, so you had all these nerds uh…

Situational sexuality can be a thing. It’s just that the context I first heard about it from was talking about prison.
Nerd sexuality isn’t unlike prison sexuality as it turns out.
This makes a hell of a lot of sense. If you could sit down and choose your sexuality, with sliders and everything... what would you select? What about if you were a nerd?
It’s often mentioned in the context of militaries before they let women into combat roles, especially the navy. That’s what that quip about the British navy being all “rum, sodomy, and the lash” is about.
I thought that was because they were British, but that makes sense as well.
Being British probably didn’t hurt in that regard.

Adding conversion therapy to the list of Christian things that rationalists have reinvented in their own image

Consider prison. At least half the people having prison sex want it.

Weird pray-away-the-straight vibes.

How did this come about? Did some prominent rationalist do a Bayes to discover that bi is the optimal sexuality?

Google basically comes up with the above article and some reddit threads also discussing results.

My understanding is that a lot of stuff got deliberately scrubbed from the internet. This apparently - I was told - came into being as a result of the sex ratio in rationalist community. Edit: it’s interesting they did this when now they’re more known for (male) biphobia now.
If that's how the rationalist community chooses to do incelism, I guess that's not worse than many other alternatives by a longshot, 'untitled' notwithstanding.
Typical sex cult stuff really.
They are known for biphobia now? What’s that about? I don’t doubt it, I’ve just not heard this before.
Happened to me. Had some postrat get all mean and personal (bringing up my parents) out of nowhere. This set off a nasty chain of events over the next year. They love bi women conversely?
Of course they love bi women. It’s a big group of largely straight men. Sorry to hear about that. As a fellow bi dude it really pisses me off that people are still doing shit like this in the year 2022.
>Did some prominent rationalist do a Bayes to discover I mean, it's obvious even without computing that it would give an optimal sexuality of "Bayesexual"
Rationalist sissy hypno porn
I can actually beat that.
It was a big topic on rationalist-adjacent Tumblr around this period. There is no way I could find the post, but I recall a lot of conversations about the topic.
It *does* expand your pool of partners, and these people are in famously accepting San Francisco. It makes sense on paper: if you could choose your sexuality, it would make sense to be bi there...

So basically a bunch of latently queer dudes with a lot of weird baggage around that fact psyched themselves into coming out of the closet and, because of a dangerous lack of self-awareness, attributed it to willpower and pseudo-psychology?

Straight culture is fucking wild, I tell you.

my friend have you ever heard of one mr rod dreher?
“Primitive root weiner.”
Oh I’m afraid he’s gone farther as of late…
How do you go further than leaving your wife and kids for some “masculine” Hungarian fascists?
Write and talk about how young men must be taught heterosexuality or be otherwise seduced by homosexuality. Then the whole demon thing which is really something else - dude is cracking up hardcore. Anyway theres now plus ten threads on him over at brokehugs. Its really something.
Brokehugs? Discovering the subreddit only made my confusing bigger. Ah sort of sneerclub for r/christianity it seems
Hanging out with a nonce cardinal. When people tweeted at him, he deleted it and reposted with HES INNOCENT LOSERS and locked the comments.
Oh god, what has he done now.
bruh like most of his family has a legal no contact order or some shit against him.
I mean, while that is for sure Peak Divorced Man—as was everything about Dreher even while he was married—I'm not sure how else that relates to what I was saying.
Well it turns out he had a boyfriend back in the day among other things - while looking like a twink from the lost boys. Edit: also literally just came out that his dad and uncle were in the local Klan.
None of these things are terribly surprising, all things considered.

well ooooohhhh-kayyyy then

This is the most insane thing that I have read in a while

Episexualstatus: unsure.

I don’t care what filth their polycules get up to, these will still be absolutely the straightest queers on God’s brown earth.