r/SneerClub archives


In this episode of the podcast, Sam Harris speaks with Sam Bankman-Fried about effective altruism. They discuss how he became the wealthiest self-made billionaire under 30, (this is before we knew that he stole the money) what might go wrong with cryptocurrency (this is before we knew that its just a ponzi scheme), … how not to stigmatize wealth, wealth redistribution, norms

Harris and SBF belittle proposals for a tax on unrealized gains

Harris tells SBF that Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have preposterous notions that no one can become a billionaire by their own legitimate wealth creation. Harris asks if SBF isn’t the poster boy for how wrong Sanders and Warren are.


Damn, quality sneer right here.

In fairness, I think SBF provided a nice illustration of the problem with trusting mark-to-market valuations.

I thought that was Enron 20 years earlier?

Nice to know that Harris is still a clown.

Is there anyone else who is so consistently and smugly up his own ass?
*Eliezer has entered the conversation*
*Scott readies a 20000-word blog post showing how you don’t even honor the scientific method for leaving him out of the conversation*
Glenn Greenwald?
Ever read the Rhizzone post? lol


You should also listen to this episode where he talks about SBF right after the news dropped (before the arrest).

what’s the tldr? is there backpedaling
"This morning I went back and listened to the interview I did with him. And even with the benefit of hindsight, I don't detect anything about him that strikes me as insincere. I don't have any retrospective 'spidey sense' that makes that conversation appear suddenly in a new light. Now, maybe I'm just a bad judge of character. That is totally possible."
Perhaps the problem is less that his "spidey sense" is off, and more that judging everything based on an imagined "spidey sense" is not just unreliable but moreover a recipe for constantly getting conned and befuddled. (I enjoy this remark, as I said years ago that Harris' approach to every problem is to defer to his intuitions. His critique of compatibilism in the Dennett conversations explicitly boiled down to this: in so many words he claimed to have the intuition that compatibilism was wrong, and to regard this intuition as both sufficient proof in itself and as incorrigible to any and all considerations. Of course, his defense of both moral realism in general and some kind of utilitarianism in particular come down -- similarly explicitly -- to his intuition that they are correct. So it's enjoyable watching his explicit accounting of his judgment of people and movements take exactly the same course.)
Not just plausible, but backed by hard evidence!

Have so many friends that find this guy the epitome of solid conversation. I really don’t want to figure out why I don’t like the guy, just felt he was off ,good to know my intuition was on point.


You lost money on FTX Tokens too? Let's just treat this as a new buying opportunity. Buy on the dip, as they say.

how not to stigmatize wealth
