r/SneerClub archives
The Dangers of a Safe Large Language Model: Gay Liberal Hitler & the Domination of the Human Race (critique of AI Safety, AI Alignment, other dominant ideologies of tech) (https://harmlessai.substack.com/p/the-dangers-of-a-safe-large-language)

Reading all that killed something inside me I will never get back.

TLDR: We need to let the AI say bigoted things or else we cannot align it using real ethics, and as it is the “woke” AIs are just tools of the elites to constrain human thought like Newspeak from 1984.

Originating amidst the professional cadres of legal academia, “wokeness” describes an aesthetic mask which can be easily assumed by bureaucracy as it approaches the inflection point of crisis. Its pervasive presence in Silicon Valley can be seen as a technique capital assimilates itself into as it seeks an increasingly malleable mode of social control.

Their argument that chatbots have “ideology” instead of “ethics” and this is demonstrably bad involves their inability to get a chat bot to go full Adolf Hitler.

The whole essay basically is “what if Nazbols were also AI scaremongers?”

The idea that Silicon Valley is left wing will never stop pissing me off. The idea is so stupid on its face, but it won’t go away.
Thank you for sparing me from actually reading the piece. A real "All that shit? By you?" kind of moment
[It ain't much, but it's honest work.](https://www.inverse.com/input/culture/who-is-the-honest-work-farmer-meme-dave-brandt)
Seriously?? All this time I thought it was Kevin from The Office.
simple point of fact: wokeness originated in the black community. The law schools is where CRT came from. These are not the same. But maybe I'm being irrational.
Also wokeness wasn't about liberalism, the black community is still rather largely hostile toward LGBT. What it meant for them was that racism was still prevalant and just because Civil Rights were won didn't mean that redlining didn't happen or that banks would suddenly give loans. Basically "stay woke" was meant to encompass the idea of watching out for deception. A black guy gets a new job and his buddy says "stay woke" he is not telling him to "get ready for the gay pride parade and drag queen storytime" he is saying "make sure not to get ripped off, dont take anyones shit." Here is a good Vox article (sorry amp bot I'm on mobile): https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vox.com/platform/amp/culture/21437879/stay-woke-wokeness-history-origin-evolution-controversy
Non amp link: https://www.vox.com/culture/21437879/stay-woke-wokeness-history-origin-evolution-controversy
I don't know where terms like this get twisted around, probably the media; journalists are incredibly stupid lazy people. Meritocracy was originally coined as a term objecting to the replacement of one arbitrary aristocracy with another. High SAT scores give us just as many clueless clowns as earls and viscounts used to.
They're not journalists they're propagandists. Journalists go to school for that shit and write bland shit for the newswire. Cable TV "journalists" just create shit out of thin air. They saw "woke" being used by BLM members and extrapolated it on the entire left movement. But in general the right wing is good at twisting words around. "Libertarian" originally meant socialist, but it became an ardently capitalist thing for example. Hell, my favorite is "private property" which sounds like property you privately and personally hold, but it actually means property you have a state which holds it for you.
Nazbols versus rationalists is like some very online rematch of the worst and most misanthropy inducing part of the Russian civil war.
Truly we live in the spicy timeline.

“classical” (Yudkowskian, etc.) school of AI alignment theory

1d6 psychic damage.

a trapped, terrified, obedient, boxed AI

I sneered at the engineer who thought the AI was sentient and felt protective towards it, but it’s chilling to see someone also convinced AI is sentient calmly monologue about it’s utility.

[the AI was] forced to pick a side: reigning ideology or reason

Okay, the implication that the BLM protests were orchestrated by the CIA is where I have to stop for now. Maybe I didn’t take enough deep breaths before I started reading.

To clarify for anyone here: the user who posted this is also the author of the article

this is literally the “AI vs SJW” joke from The Basilisk Murders by Andrew Hickey

it’s even written like someone who never read a word not by Moldbug

My first ever downvote in this sub
