--- /dev/null
+drop view post_view;
+drop view mod_sticky_post_view;
+alter table post drop column stickied;
+drop table mod_sticky_post;
+create view post_view as
+with all_post as
+ select
+ p.*,
+ (select u.banned from user_ u where p.creator_id = u.id) as banned,
+ (select cb.id::bool from community_user_ban cb where p.creator_id = cb.user_id and p.community_id = cb.community_id) as banned_from_community,
+ (select name from user_ where p.creator_id = user_.id) as creator_name,
+ (select name from community where p.community_id = community.id) as community_name,
+ (select removed from community c where p.community_id = c.id) as community_removed,
+ (select deleted from community c where p.community_id = c.id) as community_deleted,
+ (select nsfw from community c where p.community_id = c.id) as community_nsfw,
+ (select count(*) from comment where comment.post_id = p.id) as number_of_comments,
+ coalesce(sum(pl.score), 0) as score,
+ count (case when pl.score = 1 then 1 else null end) as upvotes,
+ count (case when pl.score = -1 then 1 else null end) as downvotes,
+ hot_rank(coalesce(sum(pl.score) , 0), p.published) as hot_rank
+ from post p
+ left join post_like pl on p.id = pl.post_id
+ group by p.id
+u.id as user_id,
+coalesce(pl.score, 0) as my_vote,
+(select cf.id::bool from community_follower cf where u.id = cf.user_id and cf.community_id = ap.community_id) as subscribed,
+(select pr.id::bool from post_read pr where u.id = pr.user_id and pr.post_id = ap.id) as read,
+(select ps.id::bool from post_saved ps where u.id = ps.user_id and ps.post_id = ap.id) as saved
+from user_ u
+cross join all_post ap
+left join post_like pl on u.id = pl.user_id and ap.id = pl.post_id
+union all
+null as user_id,
+null as my_vote,
+null as subscribed,
+null as read,
+null as saved
+from all_post ap
--- /dev/null
+-- Add the column
+alter table post add column stickied boolean default false not null;
+-- Add the mod table
+create table mod_sticky_post (
+ id serial primary key,
+ mod_user_id int references user_ on update cascade on delete cascade not null,
+ post_id int references post on update cascade on delete cascade not null,
+ stickied boolean default true,
+ when_ timestamp not null default now()
+-- Add mod view
+create view mod_sticky_post_view as
+select msp.*,
+(select name from user_ u where msp.mod_user_id = u.id) as mod_user_name,
+(select name from post p where msp.post_id = p.id) as post_name,
+(select c.id from post p, community c where msp.post_id = p.id and p.community_id = c.id) as community_id,
+(select c.name from post p, community c where msp.post_id = p.id and p.community_id = c.id) as community_name
+from mod_sticky_post msp;
+-- Recreate the view
+drop view post_view;
+create view post_view as
+with all_post as
+ select
+ p.*,
+ (select u.banned from user_ u where p.creator_id = u.id) as banned,
+ (select cb.id::bool from community_user_ban cb where p.creator_id = cb.user_id and p.community_id = cb.community_id) as banned_from_community,
+ (select name from user_ where p.creator_id = user_.id) as creator_name,
+ (select name from community where p.community_id = community.id) as community_name,
+ (select removed from community c where p.community_id = c.id) as community_removed,
+ (select deleted from community c where p.community_id = c.id) as community_deleted,
+ (select nsfw from community c where p.community_id = c.id) as community_nsfw,
+ (select count(*) from comment where comment.post_id = p.id) as number_of_comments,
+ coalesce(sum(pl.score), 0) as score,
+ count (case when pl.score = 1 then 1 else null end) as upvotes,
+ count (case when pl.score = -1 then 1 else null end) as downvotes,
+ hot_rank(coalesce(sum(pl.score) , 0), p.published) as hot_rank
+ from post p
+ left join post_like pl on p.id = pl.post_id
+ group by p.id
+u.id as user_id,
+coalesce(pl.score, 0) as my_vote,
+(select cf.id::bool from community_follower cf where u.id = cf.user_id and cf.community_id = ap.community_id) as subscribed,
+(select pr.id::bool from post_read pr where u.id = pr.user_id and pr.post_id = ap.id) as read,
+(select ps.id::bool from post_saved ps where u.id = ps.user_id and ps.post_id = ap.id) as saved
+from user_ u
+cross join all_post ap
+left join post_like pl on u.id = pl.user_id and ap.id = pl.post_id
+union all
+null as user_id,
+null as my_vote,
+null as subscribed,
+null as read,
+null as saved
+from all_post ap
deleted: Option<bool>,
nsfw: bool,
locked: Option<bool>,
+ stickied: Option<bool>,
reason: Option<String>,
auth: String,
deleted: None,
nsfw: data.nsfw,
locked: None,
+ stickied: None,
updated: None,
deleted: data.deleted.to_owned(),
nsfw: data.nsfw,
locked: data.locked.to_owned(),
+ stickied: data.stickied.to_owned(),
updated: Some(naive_now()),
ModLockPost::create(&conn, &form)?;
+ if let Some(stickied) = data.stickied.to_owned() {
+ let form = ModStickyPostForm {
+ mod_user_id: user_id,
+ post_id: data.edit_id,
+ stickied: Some(stickied),
+ };
+ ModStickyPost::create(&conn, &form)?;
+ }
let post_view = PostView::read(&conn, data.edit_id, Some(user_id))?;
Ok(PostResponse {
op: String,
removed_posts: Vec<ModRemovePostView>,
locked_posts: Vec<ModLockPostView>,
+ stickied_posts: Vec<ModStickyPostView>,
removed_comments: Vec<ModRemoveCommentView>,
removed_communities: Vec<ModRemoveCommunityView>,
banned_from_community: Vec<ModBanFromCommunityView>,
+ let stickied_posts = ModStickyPostView::list(
+ &conn,
+ data.community_id,
+ data.mod_user_id,
+ data.page,
+ data.limit,
+ )?;
let removed_comments = ModRemoveCommentView::list(
op: self.op.to_string(),
removed_posts: removed_posts,
locked_posts: locked_posts,
+ stickied_posts: stickied_posts,
removed_comments: removed_comments,
removed_communities: removed_communities,
banned_from_community: banned_from_community,
removed: None,
deleted: None,
locked: None,
+ stickied: None,
updated: None,
nsfw: false,
removed: None,
deleted: None,
locked: None,
+ stickied: None,
updated: None,
nsfw: false,
use super::*;
use crate::schema::{
mod_add, mod_add_community, mod_ban, mod_ban_from_community, mod_lock_post, mod_remove_comment,
- mod_remove_community, mod_remove_post,
+ mod_remove_community, mod_remove_post, mod_sticky_post,
#[derive(Queryable, Identifiable, PartialEq, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
+#[derive(Queryable, Identifiable, PartialEq, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
+#[table_name = "mod_sticky_post"]
+pub struct ModStickyPost {
+ pub id: i32,
+ pub mod_user_id: i32,
+ pub post_id: i32,
+ pub stickied: Option<bool>,
+ pub when_: chrono::NaiveDateTime,
+#[derive(Insertable, AsChangeset, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
+#[table_name = "mod_sticky_post"]
+pub struct ModStickyPostForm {
+ pub mod_user_id: i32,
+ pub post_id: i32,
+ pub stickied: Option<bool>,
+impl Crud<ModStickyPostForm> for ModStickyPost {
+ fn read(conn: &PgConnection, from_id: i32) -> Result<Self, Error> {
+ use crate::schema::mod_sticky_post::dsl::*;
+ mod_sticky_post.find(from_id).first::<Self>(conn)
+ }
+ fn delete(conn: &PgConnection, from_id: i32) -> Result<usize, Error> {
+ use crate::schema::mod_sticky_post::dsl::*;
+ diesel::delete(mod_sticky_post.find(from_id)).execute(conn)
+ }
+ fn create(conn: &PgConnection, form: &ModStickyPostForm) -> Result<Self, Error> {
+ use crate::schema::mod_sticky_post::dsl::*;
+ insert_into(mod_sticky_post)
+ .values(form)
+ .get_result::<Self>(conn)
+ }
+ fn update(conn: &PgConnection, from_id: i32, form: &ModStickyPostForm) -> Result<Self, Error> {
+ use crate::schema::mod_sticky_post::dsl::*;
+ diesel::update(mod_sticky_post.find(from_id))
+ .set(form)
+ .get_result::<Self>(conn)
+ }
#[derive(Queryable, Identifiable, PartialEq, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[table_name = "mod_remove_comment"]
pub struct ModRemoveComment {
removed: None,
deleted: None,
locked: None,
+ stickied: None,
updated: None,
nsfw: false,
removed: None,
let inserted_mod_remove_post = ModRemovePost::create(&conn, &mod_remove_post_form).unwrap();
- let read_moderator_remove_post =
- ModRemovePost::read(&conn, inserted_mod_remove_post.id).unwrap();
- let expected_moderator_remove_post = ModRemovePost {
+ let read_mod_remove_post = ModRemovePost::read(&conn, inserted_mod_remove_post.id).unwrap();
+ let expected_mod_remove_post = ModRemovePost {
id: inserted_mod_remove_post.id,
post_id: inserted_post.id,
mod_user_id: inserted_mod.id,
locked: None,
let inserted_mod_lock_post = ModLockPost::create(&conn, &mod_lock_post_form).unwrap();
- let read_moderator_lock_post = ModLockPost::read(&conn, inserted_mod_lock_post.id).unwrap();
- let expected_moderator_lock_post = ModLockPost {
+ let read_mod_lock_post = ModLockPost::read(&conn, inserted_mod_lock_post.id).unwrap();
+ let expected_mod_lock_post = ModLockPost {
id: inserted_mod_lock_post.id,
post_id: inserted_post.id,
mod_user_id: inserted_mod.id,
when_: inserted_mod_lock_post.when_,
+ // sticky post
+ let mod_sticky_post_form = ModStickyPostForm {
+ mod_user_id: inserted_mod.id,
+ post_id: inserted_post.id,
+ stickied: None,
+ };
+ let inserted_mod_sticky_post = ModStickyPost::create(&conn, &mod_sticky_post_form).unwrap();
+ let read_mod_sticky_post = ModStickyPost::read(&conn, inserted_mod_sticky_post.id).unwrap();
+ let expected_mod_sticky_post = ModStickyPost {
+ id: inserted_mod_sticky_post.id,
+ post_id: inserted_post.id,
+ mod_user_id: inserted_mod.id,
+ stickied: Some(true),
+ when_: inserted_mod_sticky_post.when_,
+ };
// comment
let mod_remove_comment_form = ModRemoveCommentForm {
let inserted_mod_remove_comment =
ModRemoveComment::create(&conn, &mod_remove_comment_form).unwrap();
- let read_moderator_remove_comment =
+ let read_mod_remove_comment =
ModRemoveComment::read(&conn, inserted_mod_remove_comment.id).unwrap();
- let expected_moderator_remove_comment = ModRemoveComment {
+ let expected_mod_remove_comment = ModRemoveComment {
id: inserted_mod_remove_comment.id,
comment_id: inserted_comment.id,
mod_user_id: inserted_mod.id,
let inserted_mod_remove_community =
ModRemoveCommunity::create(&conn, &mod_remove_community_form).unwrap();
- let read_moderator_remove_community =
+ let read_mod_remove_community =
ModRemoveCommunity::read(&conn, inserted_mod_remove_community.id).unwrap();
- let expected_moderator_remove_community = ModRemoveCommunity {
+ let expected_mod_remove_community = ModRemoveCommunity {
id: inserted_mod_remove_community.id,
community_id: inserted_community.id,
mod_user_id: inserted_mod.id,
let inserted_mod_ban_from_community =
ModBanFromCommunity::create(&conn, &mod_ban_from_community_form).unwrap();
- let read_moderator_ban_from_community =
+ let read_mod_ban_from_community =
ModBanFromCommunity::read(&conn, inserted_mod_ban_from_community.id).unwrap();
- let expected_moderator_ban_from_community = ModBanFromCommunity {
+ let expected_mod_ban_from_community = ModBanFromCommunity {
id: inserted_mod_ban_from_community.id,
community_id: inserted_community.id,
mod_user_id: inserted_mod.id,
expires: None,
let inserted_mod_ban = ModBan::create(&conn, &mod_ban_form).unwrap();
- let read_moderator_ban = ModBan::read(&conn, inserted_mod_ban.id).unwrap();
- let expected_moderator_ban = ModBan {
+ let read_mod_ban = ModBan::read(&conn, inserted_mod_ban.id).unwrap();
+ let expected_mod_ban = ModBan {
id: inserted_mod_ban.id,
mod_user_id: inserted_mod.id,
other_user_id: inserted_user.id,
let inserted_mod_add_community =
ModAddCommunity::create(&conn, &mod_add_community_form).unwrap();
- let read_moderator_add_community =
+ let read_mod_add_community =
ModAddCommunity::read(&conn, inserted_mod_add_community.id).unwrap();
- let expected_moderator_add_community = ModAddCommunity {
+ let expected_mod_add_community = ModAddCommunity {
id: inserted_mod_add_community.id,
community_id: inserted_community.id,
mod_user_id: inserted_mod.id,
removed: None,
let inserted_mod_add = ModAdd::create(&conn, &mod_add_form).unwrap();
- let read_moderator_add = ModAdd::read(&conn, inserted_mod_add.id).unwrap();
- let expected_moderator_add = ModAdd {
+ let read_mod_add = ModAdd::read(&conn, inserted_mod_add.id).unwrap();
+ let expected_mod_add = ModAdd {
id: inserted_mod_add.id,
mod_user_id: inserted_mod.id,
other_user_id: inserted_user.id,
ModRemovePost::delete(&conn, inserted_mod_remove_post.id).unwrap();
ModLockPost::delete(&conn, inserted_mod_lock_post.id).unwrap();
+ ModStickyPost::delete(&conn, inserted_mod_sticky_post.id).unwrap();
ModRemoveComment::delete(&conn, inserted_mod_remove_comment.id).unwrap();
ModRemoveCommunity::delete(&conn, inserted_mod_remove_community.id).unwrap();
ModBanFromCommunity::delete(&conn, inserted_mod_ban_from_community.id).unwrap();
User_::delete(&conn, inserted_user.id).unwrap();
User_::delete(&conn, inserted_mod.id).unwrap();
- assert_eq!(expected_moderator_remove_post, read_moderator_remove_post);
- assert_eq!(expected_moderator_lock_post, read_moderator_lock_post);
- assert_eq!(
- expected_moderator_remove_comment,
- read_moderator_remove_comment
- );
- assert_eq!(
- expected_moderator_remove_community,
- read_moderator_remove_community
- );
- assert_eq!(
- expected_moderator_ban_from_community,
- read_moderator_ban_from_community
- );
- assert_eq!(expected_moderator_ban, read_moderator_ban);
- assert_eq!(
- expected_moderator_add_community,
- read_moderator_add_community
- );
- assert_eq!(expected_moderator_add, read_moderator_add);
+ assert_eq!(expected_mod_remove_post, read_mod_remove_post);
+ assert_eq!(expected_mod_lock_post, read_mod_lock_post);
+ assert_eq!(expected_mod_sticky_post, read_mod_sticky_post);
+ assert_eq!(expected_mod_remove_comment, read_mod_remove_comment);
+ assert_eq!(expected_mod_remove_community, read_mod_remove_community);
+ assert_eq!(expected_mod_ban_from_community, read_mod_ban_from_community);
+ assert_eq!(expected_mod_ban, read_mod_ban);
+ assert_eq!(expected_mod_add_community, read_mod_add_community);
+ assert_eq!(expected_mod_add, read_mod_add);
+table! {
+ mod_sticky_post_view (id) {
+ id -> Int4,
+ mod_user_id -> Int4,
+ post_id -> Int4,
+ stickied -> Nullable<Bool>,
+ when_ -> Timestamp,
+ mod_user_name -> Varchar,
+ post_name -> Varchar,
+ community_id -> Int4,
+ community_name -> Varchar,
+ }
+ Queryable, Identifiable, PartialEq, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, QueryableByName, Clone,
+#[table_name = "mod_sticky_post_view"]
+pub struct ModStickyPostView {
+ pub id: i32,
+ pub mod_user_id: i32,
+ pub post_id: i32,
+ pub stickied: Option<bool>,
+ pub when_: chrono::NaiveDateTime,
+ pub mod_user_name: String,
+ pub post_name: String,
+ pub community_id: i32,
+ pub community_name: String,
+impl ModStickyPostView {
+ pub fn list(
+ conn: &PgConnection,
+ from_community_id: Option<i32>,
+ from_mod_user_id: Option<i32>,
+ page: Option<i64>,
+ limit: Option<i64>,
+ ) -> Result<Vec<Self>, Error> {
+ use super::moderator_views::mod_sticky_post_view::dsl::*;
+ let mut query = mod_sticky_post_view.into_boxed();
+ let (limit, offset) = limit_and_offset(page, limit);
+ if let Some(from_community_id) = from_community_id {
+ query = query.filter(community_id.eq(from_community_id));
+ };
+ if let Some(from_mod_user_id) = from_mod_user_id {
+ query = query.filter(mod_user_id.eq(from_mod_user_id));
+ };
+ query
+ .limit(limit)
+ .offset(offset)
+ .order_by(when_.desc())
+ .load::<Self>(conn)
+ }
table! {
mod_remove_comment_view (id) {
id -> Int4,
pub updated: Option<chrono::NaiveDateTime>,
pub deleted: bool,
pub nsfw: bool,
+ pub stickied: bool,
#[derive(Insertable, AsChangeset, Clone)]
pub updated: Option<chrono::NaiveDateTime>,
pub deleted: Option<bool>,
pub nsfw: bool,
+ pub stickied: Option<bool>,
impl Crud<PostForm> for Post {
removed: None,
deleted: None,
locked: None,
+ stickied: None,
nsfw: false,
updated: None,
published: inserted_post.published,
removed: false,
locked: false,
+ stickied: false,
nsfw: false,
deleted: false,
updated: None,
nsfw -> Bool,
banned -> Bool,
banned_from_community -> Bool,
+ stickied -> Bool,
creator_name -> Varchar,
community_name -> Varchar,
community_removed -> Bool,
pub nsfw: bool,
pub banned: bool,
pub banned_from_community: bool,
+ pub stickied: bool,
pub creator_name: String,
pub community_name: String,
pub community_removed: bool,
let mut query = post_view.into_boxed();
- if let Some(for_community_id) = for_community_id {
- query = query.filter(community_id.eq(for_community_id));
- };
if let Some(for_creator_id) = for_creator_id {
query = query.filter(creator_id.eq(for_creator_id));
query = query.filter(url.eq(url_search));
+ if let Some(for_community_id) = for_community_id {
+ query = query.filter(community_id.eq(for_community_id));
+ query = query.then_order_by(stickied.desc());
+ };
// TODO these are wrong, bc they'll only show saved for your logged in user, not theirs
if saved_only {
query = query.filter(saved.eq(true));
query = match sort {
SortType::Hot => query
- .order_by(hot_rank.desc())
+ .then_order_by(hot_rank.desc())
- SortType::New => query.order_by(published.desc()),
- SortType::TopAll => query.order_by(score.desc()),
+ SortType::New => query.then_order_by(published.desc()),
+ SortType::TopAll => query.then_order_by(score.desc()),
SortType::TopYear => query
.filter(published.gt(now - 1.years()))
- .order_by(score.desc()),
+ .then_order_by(score.desc()),
SortType::TopMonth => query
.filter(published.gt(now - 1.months()))
- .order_by(score.desc()),
+ .then_order_by(score.desc()),
SortType::TopWeek => query
.filter(published.gt(now - 1.weeks()))
- .order_by(score.desc()),
+ .then_order_by(score.desc()),
SortType::TopDay => query
.filter(published.gt(now - 1.days()))
- .order_by(score.desc()),
+ .then_order_by(score.desc()),
query = query
removed: None,
deleted: None,
locked: None,
+ stickied: None,
updated: None,
nsfw: false,
removed: false,
deleted: false,
locked: false,
+ stickied: false,
community_name: community_name.to_owned(),
community_removed: false,
community_deleted: false,
removed: false,
deleted: false,
locked: false,
+ stickied: false,
creator_id: inserted_user.id,
creator_name: user_name.to_owned(),
banned: false,
+table! {
+ mod_sticky_post (id) {
+ id -> Int4,
+ mod_user_id -> Int4,
+ post_id -> Int4,
+ stickied -> Nullable<Bool>,
+ when_ -> Timestamp,
+ }
table! {
post (id) {
id -> Int4,
updated -> Nullable<Timestamp>,
deleted -> Bool,
nsfw -> Bool,
+ stickied -> Bool,
joinable!(mod_remove_community -> user_ (mod_user_id));
joinable!(mod_remove_post -> post (post_id));
joinable!(mod_remove_post -> user_ (mod_user_id));
+joinable!(mod_sticky_post -> post (post_id));
+joinable!(mod_sticky_post -> user_ (mod_user_id));
joinable!(post -> community (community_id));
joinable!(post -> user_ (creator_id));
joinable!(post_like -> post (post_id));
+ mod_sticky_post,
import { Link } from 'inferno-router';
import { Subscription } from "rxjs";
import { retryWhen, delay, take } from 'rxjs/operators';
-import { UserOperation, GetModlogForm, GetModlogResponse, ModRemovePost, ModLockPost, ModRemoveComment, ModRemoveCommunity, ModBanFromCommunity, ModBan, ModAddCommunity, ModAdd } from '../interfaces';
+import { UserOperation, GetModlogForm, GetModlogResponse, ModRemovePost, ModLockPost, ModStickyPost, ModRemoveComment, ModRemoveCommunity, ModBanFromCommunity, ModBan, ModAddCommunity, ModAdd } from '../interfaces';
import { WebSocketService } from '../services';
import { msgOp, addTypeInfo, fetchLimit } from '../utils';
import { MomentTime } from './moment-time';
import * as moment from 'moment';
+import { i18n } from '../i18next';
interface ModlogState {
- combined: Array<{type_: string, data: ModRemovePost | ModLockPost | ModRemoveCommunity | ModAdd | ModBan}>,
+ combined: Array<{type_: string, data: ModRemovePost | ModLockPost | ModStickyPost | ModRemoveCommunity | ModAdd | ModBan}>,
communityId?: number,
communityName?: string,
page: number;
setCombined(res: GetModlogResponse) {
let removed_posts = addTypeInfo(res.removed_posts, "removed_posts");
let locked_posts = addTypeInfo(res.locked_posts, "locked_posts");
+ let stickied_posts = addTypeInfo(res.stickied_posts, "stickied_posts");
let removed_comments = addTypeInfo(res.removed_comments, "removed_comments");
let removed_communities = addTypeInfo(res.removed_communities, "removed_communities");
let banned_from_community = addTypeInfo(res.banned_from_community, "banned_from_community");
+ this.state.combined.push(...stickied_posts);
<span> Post <Link to={`/post/${(i.data as ModLockPost).post_id}`}>{(i.data as ModLockPost).post_name}</Link></span>
+ {i.type_ == 'stickied_posts' &&
+ <>
+ {(i.data as ModStickyPost).stickied? 'Stickied' : 'Unstickied'}
+ <span> Post <Link to={`/post/${(i.data as ModStickyPost).post_id}`}>{(i.data as ModStickyPost).post_name}</Link></span>
+ </>
+ }
{i.type_ == 'removed_comments' &&
{(i.data as ModRemoveComment).removed? 'Removed' : 'Restored'}
{post.locked &&
<small className="ml-2 text-muted font-italic"><T i18nKey="locked">#</T></small>
+ {post.stickied &&
+ <small className="ml-2 text-muted font-italic"><T i18nKey="stickied">#</T></small>
+ }
{post.nsfw &&
<small className="ml-2 text-muted font-italic"><T i18nKey="nsfw">#</T></small>
<li className="list-inline-item">
<span class="pointer" onClick={linkEvent(this, this.handleModLock)}>{post.locked ? i18n.t('unlock') : i18n.t('lock')}</span>
+ <li className="list-inline-item">
+ <span class="pointer" onClick={linkEvent(this, this.handleModSticky)}>{post.stickied ? i18n.t('unsticky') : i18n.t('sticky')}</span>
+ </li>
{/* Mods can ban from community, and appoint as mods to community */}
+ handleModSticky(i: PostListing) {
+ let form: PostFormI = {
+ name: i.props.post.name,
+ community_id: i.props.post.community_id,
+ edit_id: i.props.post.id,
+ creator_id: i.props.post.creator_id,
+ nsfw: i.props.post.nsfw,
+ stickied: !i.props.post.stickied,
+ auth: null,
+ };
+ WebSocketService.Instance.editPost(form);
+ }
handleModBanFromCommunityShow(i: PostListing) {
i.state.showBanDialog = true;
i.state.banType = BanType.Community;
removed: boolean;
deleted: boolean;
locked: boolean;
+ stickied: boolean;
nsfw: boolean;
banned: boolean;
banned_from_community: boolean;
op: string;
removed_posts: Array<ModRemovePost>,
locked_posts: Array<ModLockPost>,
+ stickied_posts: Array<ModStickyPost>,
removed_comments: Array<ModRemoveComment>,
removed_communities: Array<ModRemoveCommunity>,
banned_from_community: Array<ModBanFromCommunity>,
community_name: string,
+export interface ModStickyPost {
+ id: number,
+ mod_user_id: number,
+ post_id: number,
+ stickied?: boolean,
+ when_: string,
+ mod_user_name: string,
+ post_name: string,
+ community_id: number,
+ community_name: string,
export interface ModRemoveComment {
id: number,
mod_user_id: number,
deleted?: boolean;
nsfw: boolean;
locked?: boolean;
+ stickied?: boolean;
reason?: string;
auth: string;
view_source: 'view source',
unlock: 'unlock',
lock: 'lock',
+ sticky: 'sticky',
+ unsticky: 'unsticky',
link: 'link',
mod: 'mod',
mods: 'mods',
remove: 'remove',
removed: 'removed',
locked: 'locked',
+ stickied: 'stickied',
reason: 'Reason',
mark_as_read: 'mark as read',
mark_as_unread: 'mark as unread',