--- /dev/null
+-- Drop first
+drop view community_view;
+drop view community_aggregates_view;
+drop view community_fast_view;
+drop table community_aggregates_fast;
+create view community_aggregates_view as
+ c.id,
+ c.name,
+ c.title,
+ c.icon,
+ c.banner,
+ c.description,
+ c.category_id,
+ c.creator_id,
+ c.removed,
+ c.published,
+ c.updated,
+ c.deleted,
+ c.nsfw,
+ c.actor_id,
+ c.local,
+ c.last_refreshed_at,
+ u.actor_id as creator_actor_id,
+ u.local as creator_local,
+ u.name as creator_name,
+ u.preferred_username as creator_preferred_username,
+ u.avatar as creator_avatar,
+ cat.name as category_name,
+ coalesce(cf.subs, 0) as number_of_subscribers,
+ coalesce(cd.posts, 0) as number_of_posts,
+ coalesce(cd.comments, 0) as number_of_comments,
+ hot_rank(cf.subs, c.published) as hot_rank
+from community c
+left join user_ u on c.creator_id = u.id
+left join category cat on c.category_id = cat.id
+left join (
+ select
+ p.community_id,
+ count(distinct p.id) as posts,
+ count(distinct ct.id) as comments
+ from post p
+ join comment ct on p.id = ct.post_id
+ group by p.community_id
+) cd on cd.community_id = c.id
+left join (
+ select
+ community_id,
+ count(*) as subs
+ from community_follower
+ group by community_id
+) cf on cf.community_id = c.id;
+create view community_view as
+ cv.*,
+ us.user as user_id,
+ us.is_subbed::bool as subscribed
+from community_aggregates_view cv
+cross join lateral (
+ select
+ u.id as user,
+ coalesce(cf.community_id, 0) as is_subbed
+ from user_ u
+ left join community_follower cf on u.id = cf.user_id and cf.community_id = cv.id
+) as us
+union all
+ cv.*,
+ null as user_id,
+ null as subscribed
+from community_aggregates_view cv;
+-- The community fast table
+create table community_aggregates_fast as select * from community_aggregates_view;
+alter table community_aggregates_fast add primary key (id);
+create view community_fast_view as
+u.id as user_id,
+(select cf.id::boolean from community_follower cf where u.id = cf.user_id and ac.id = cf.community_id) as subscribed
+from user_ u
+cross join (
+ select
+ ca.*
+ from community_aggregates_fast ca
+) ac
+union all
+null as user_id,
+null as subscribed
+from community_aggregates_fast caf;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+-- Drop first
+drop view community_view;
+drop view community_aggregates_view;
+drop view community_fast_view;
+drop table community_aggregates_fast;
+create view community_aggregates_view as
+ c.id,
+ c.name,
+ c.title,
+ c.icon,
+ c.banner,
+ c.description,
+ c.category_id,
+ c.creator_id,
+ c.removed,
+ c.published,
+ c.updated,
+ c.deleted,
+ c.nsfw,
+ c.actor_id,
+ c.local,
+ c.last_refreshed_at,
+ u.actor_id as creator_actor_id,
+ u.local as creator_local,
+ u.name as creator_name,
+ u.preferred_username as creator_preferred_username,
+ u.avatar as creator_avatar,
+ cat.name as category_name,
+ coalesce(cf.subs, 0) as number_of_subscribers,
+ coalesce(cd.posts, 0) as number_of_posts,
+ coalesce(cd.comments, 0) as number_of_comments,
+ hot_rank(cf.subs, c.published) as hot_rank
+from community c
+left join user_ u on c.creator_id = u.id
+left join category cat on c.category_id = cat.id
+left join (
+ select
+ p.community_id,
+ count(distinct p.id) as posts,
+ count(distinct ct.id) as comments
+ from post p
+ left join comment ct on p.id = ct.post_id
+ group by p.community_id
+) cd on cd.community_id = c.id
+left join (
+ select
+ community_id,
+ count(*) as subs
+ from community_follower
+ group by community_id
+) cf on cf.community_id = c.id;
+create view community_view as
+ cv.*,
+ us.user as user_id,
+ us.is_subbed::bool as subscribed
+from community_aggregates_view cv
+cross join lateral (
+ select
+ u.id as user,
+ coalesce(cf.community_id, 0) as is_subbed
+ from user_ u
+ left join community_follower cf on u.id = cf.user_id and cf.community_id = cv.id
+) as us
+union all
+ cv.*,
+ null as user_id,
+ null as subscribed
+from community_aggregates_view cv;
+-- The community fast table
+create table community_aggregates_fast as select * from community_aggregates_view;
+alter table community_aggregates_fast add primary key (id);
+create view community_fast_view as
+u.id as user_id,
+(select cf.id::boolean from community_follower cf where u.id = cf.user_id and ac.id = cf.community_id) as subscribed
+from user_ u
+cross join (
+ select
+ ca.*
+ from community_aggregates_fast ca
+) ac
+union all
+null as user_id,
+null as subscribed
+from community_aggregates_fast caf;
\ No newline at end of file
"powered_by": "Powered by",
"landing_0": "Lemmy jest <1>agregatorem linków</1> / alternatywą dla reddita. Jest przeznaczony do działania w ramach cyfrowej przestrzeni nazywanej <2>fediverse</2>. <3></3>Opiera się na samodzielnym hostingu, posiada aktualizowane na żywo wątki z komentarzami, i zajmuje bardzo mało miejsce (<4>~80kB</4>). Federacja w ramach sieci ActivityPub jest w planach. <5></5>Ta wersja jest <6>bardzo wczesną wersją beta</6>, co oznacza, że wiele funkcji nadal nie działa tak jak powinny. <7></7><8>Pod tym adresem</8> można sugerować nową funkcjonalność i zgłaszać błędy.<9></9>Stworzono z wykorzystaniem <10>Rust</10>, <11>Actix</11>, <12>Inferno</12>, <13>Typescript</13>.",
"not_logged_in": "Nie jesteś zalogowana/y.",
+ "bio_length_overflow": "To pole nie może przekraczać 300 znaków!",
"logged_in": "Zalogowano.",
"community_ban": "Zostałaś/eś zbanowana/y z tej społeczności.",
"site_ban": "Zostałaś/eś zbanowana/y z tej witryny",
"silver_sponsors": "Srebrni Sponsorzy to ci, którzy wpłacili co najmniej $40 na Lemmiego.",
"select_a_community": "Wybierz społeczność",
"invalid_username": "Nieprawidłowa nazwa użytkownika.",
- "invalid_community_name": "Niepoprawna nazwa."
+ "invalid_community_name": "Niepoprawna nazwa.",
+ "play_captcha_audio": "Odsłuchaj Captcha Audio",
+ "bio": "Bio"