extern crate rss;
extern crate htmlescape;
-use rss::ChannelBuilder;
-use rss::ItemBuilder;
-use actix_web::HttpResponse;
-use actix_web::body::Body;
+use super::*;
use crate::Settings;
-use crate::db::{establish_connection, ListingType, SortType};
+use crate::db::{establish_connection, ListingType, SortType, Crud};
use crate::db::community_view::SiteView;
use crate::db::post_view::PostView;
-use self::rss::Item;
+use crate::db::user::User_;
+use crate::db::community::Community;
+use actix_web::{HttpResponse, web, Result};
+use actix_web::body::Body;
+use rss::{ChannelBuilder, Item, ItemBuilder};
+use diesel::result::Error;
+pub fn get_feed(info: web::Path<(char, String)>) -> HttpResponse<Body> {
+ return match get_feed_internal(info) {
+ Ok(body) => HttpResponse::Ok()
+ .content_type("application/rss+xml")
+ .body(body),
+ // TODO: handle the specific type of error (403, 500, etc)
+ Err(e) => HttpResponse::InternalServerError().finish(),
+ }
-pub fn get_feed() -> HttpResponse<Body> {
+fn get_feed_internal(info: web::Path<(char, String)>) -> Result<String, Error> {
let conn = establish_connection();
- let site_view = match SiteView::read(&conn) {
- Ok(site_view) => site_view,
- Err(_e) => return HttpResponse::InternalServerError().finish(),
- };
- let post = match PostView::list(&conn,
+ let mut community_id: Option<i32> = None;
+ let mut creator_id: Option<i32> = None;
+ // TODO: add a feed for /type/all
+ match info.0 {
+ 'c' => community_id = Some(Community::read_from_name(&conn,info.1.clone())?.id),
+ 'u' => creator_id = Some(User_::find_by_email_or_username(&conn,&info.1)?.id),
+ _ => return Err(Error::NotFound),
+ }
+ let post = PostView::list(&conn,
- None,
- None,
+ community_id,
+ creator_id,
- None,) {
- Ok(post) => post,
- Err(_e) => return HttpResponse::InternalServerError().finish(),
- };
+ None,)?;
let mut items: Vec<Item> = Vec::new();
for p in post {
- let i = ItemBuilder::default()
- .title(p.name)
- .link(p.url)
- .content(p.body)
- .author(p.creator_id)
- .pub_date(p.published)
- .build()
- .unwrap();
- items.append(&i);
+ // TODO: this may cause a lot of db queries
+ let user = User_::read(&conn, p.creator_id)?;
+ let dt = DateTime::<Utc>::from_utc(p.published, Utc);
+ let mut i = ItemBuilder::default();
+ i.title(htmlescape::encode_minimal(&p.name));
+ i.author(htmlescape::encode_minimal(&user.name));
+ i.pub_date(htmlescape::encode_minimal(&dt.to_rfc2822()));
+ if p.url.is_some() {
+ i.link(p.url.unwrap());
+ }
+ if p.body.is_some() {
+ i.content(p.body.unwrap());
+ }
+ // TODO: any other fields?
+ // https://rust-syndication.github.io/rss/rss/struct.ItemBuilder.html
+ items.push(i.build().unwrap());
- let channel = ChannelBuilder::default()
- .title(htmlescape::encode_minimal(&site_view.name))
+ let site_view = SiteView::read(&conn)?;
+ let mut channel_builder = ChannelBuilder::default();
+ channel_builder.title(htmlescape::encode_minimal(&site_view.name))
.link(format!("https://{}", Settings::get().hostname))
- .description(htmlescape::encode_minimal(&site_view.description.unwrap()))
- .pub_date("asd")
- .items(items)
- .build()
- .unwrap();
+ .items(items);
+ if site_view.description.is_some() {
+ channel_builder.description(htmlescape::encode_minimal(&site_view.description.unwrap()));
+ }
+ // TODO: any other fields?
+ // https://rust-syndication.github.io/rss/rss/struct.ChannelBuilder.html
+ let channel = channel_builder.build().unwrap();
- return HttpResponse::Ok()
- .content_type("application/rss+xml")
- .body(channel.to_string());
+ return Ok(channel.to_string());
\ No newline at end of file