+drop view reply_view;
drop view comment_view;
null as saved
from all_comment ac
+create view reply_view as
+with closereply as (
+ select
+ c2.id,
+ c2.creator_id as sender_id,
+ c.creator_id as recipient_id
+ from comment c
+ inner join comment c2 on c.id = c2.parent_id
+ where c2.creator_id != c.creator_id
+ -- Do union where post is null
+ union
+ select
+ c.id,
+ c.creator_id as sender_id,
+ p.creator_id as recipient_id
+ from comment c, post p
+ where c.post_id = p.id and c.parent_id is null and c.creator_id != p.creator_id
+select cv.*,
+from comment_view cv, closereply
+where closereply.id = cv.id
pub parent_id: Option<i32>,
pub content: String,
pub removed: Option<bool>,
+ pub read: Option<bool>,
pub updated: Option<chrono::NaiveDateTime>
creator_id: inserted_user.id,
post_id: inserted_post.id,
removed: None,
+ read: None,
parent_id: None,
updated: None
post_id: inserted_post.id,
parent_id: Some(inserted_comment.id),
removed: None,
+ read: None,
updated: None
+// The faked schema since diesel doesn't do views
+table! {
+ reply_view (id) {
+ id -> Int4,
+ creator_id -> Int4,
+ post_id -> Int4,
+ parent_id -> Nullable<Int4>,
+ content -> Text,
+ removed -> Bool,
+ read -> Bool,
+ published -> Timestamp,
+ updated -> Nullable<Timestamp>,
+ community_id -> Int4,
+ banned -> Bool,
+ banned_from_community -> Bool,
+ creator_name -> Varchar,
+ score -> BigInt,
+ upvotes -> BigInt,
+ downvotes -> BigInt,
+ user_id -> Nullable<Int4>,
+ my_vote -> Nullable<Int4>,
+ saved -> Nullable<Bool>,
+ recipient_id -> Int4,
+ }
+#[derive(Queryable, Identifiable, PartialEq, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize,QueryableByName,Clone)]
+pub struct ReplyView {
+ pub id: i32,
+ pub creator_id: i32,
+ pub post_id: i32,
+ pub parent_id: Option<i32>,
+ pub content: String,
+ pub removed: bool,
+ pub read: bool,
+ pub published: chrono::NaiveDateTime,
+ pub updated: Option<chrono::NaiveDateTime>,
+ pub community_id: i32,
+ pub banned: bool,
+ pub banned_from_community: bool,
+ pub creator_name: String,
+ pub score: i64,
+ pub upvotes: i64,
+ pub downvotes: i64,
+ pub user_id: Option<i32>,
+ pub my_vote: Option<i32>,
+ pub saved: Option<bool>,
+ pub recipient_id: i32,
+impl ReplyView {
+ pub fn get_replies(conn: &PgConnection,
+ for_user_id: i32,
+ sort: &SortType,
+ unread_only: bool,
+ page: Option<i64>,
+ limit: Option<i64>,
+ ) -> Result<Vec<Self>, Error> {
+ use actions::comment_view::reply_view::dsl::*;
+ let (limit, offset) = limit_and_offset(page, limit);
+ let mut query = reply_view.into_boxed();
+ query = query
+ .filter(user_id.eq(for_user_id))
+ .filter(recipient_id.eq(for_user_id));
+ if unread_only {
+ query = query.filter(read.eq(false));
+ }
+ query = match sort {
+ // SortType::Hot => query.order_by(hot_rank.desc()),
+ SortType::New => query.order_by(published.desc()),
+ SortType::TopAll => query.order_by(score.desc()),
+ SortType::TopYear => query
+ .filter(published.gt(now - 1.years()))
+ .order_by(score.desc()),
+ SortType::TopMonth => query
+ .filter(published.gt(now - 1.months()))
+ .order_by(score.desc()),
+ SortType::TopWeek => query
+ .filter(published.gt(now - 1.weeks()))
+ .order_by(score.desc()),
+ SortType::TopDay => query
+ .filter(published.gt(now - 1.days()))
+ .order_by(score.desc()),
+ _ => query.order_by(published.desc())
+ };
+ query
+ .limit(limit)
+ .offset(offset)
+ .load::<Self>(conn)
+ }
mod tests {
use establish_connection;
pub enum UserOperation {
- Login, Register, CreateCommunity, CreatePost, ListCommunities, ListCategories, GetPost, GetCommunity, CreateComment, EditComment, SaveComment, CreateCommentLike, GetPosts, CreatePostLike, EditPost, SavePost, EditCommunity, FollowCommunity, GetFollowedCommunities, GetUserDetails, GetModlog, BanFromCommunity, AddModToCommunity, CreateSite, EditSite, GetSite, AddAdmin, BanUser
+ Login, Register, CreateCommunity, CreatePost, ListCommunities, ListCategories, GetPost, GetCommunity, CreateComment, EditComment, SaveComment, CreateCommentLike, GetPosts, CreatePostLike, EditPost, SavePost, EditCommunity, FollowCommunity, GetFollowedCommunities, GetUserDetails, GetReplies, GetModlog, BanFromCommunity, AddModToCommunity, CreateSite, EditSite, GetSite, AddAdmin, BanUser
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
post_id: i32,
removed: Option<bool>,
reason: Option<String>,
+ read: Option<bool>,
auth: String
banned: bool,
+#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
+pub struct GetReplies {
+ sort: String,
+ page: Option<i64>,
+ limit: Option<i64>,
+ unread_only: bool,
+ auth: String
+#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
+pub struct GetRepliesResponse {
+ op: String,
+ replies: Vec<ReplyView>,
/// `ChatServer` manages chat rooms and responsible for coordinating chat
/// session. implementation is super primitive
pub struct ChatServer {
let ban_user: BanUser = serde_json::from_str(data).unwrap();
ban_user.perform(self, msg.id)
+ UserOperation::GetReplies => {
+ let get_replies: GetReplies = serde_json::from_str(data).unwrap();
+ get_replies.perform(self, msg.id)
+ },
post_id: self.post_id,
creator_id: user_id,
removed: None,
+ read: None,
updated: None
post_id: self.post_id,
creator_id: self.creator_id,
removed: self.removed.to_owned(),
+ read: self.read.to_owned(),
updated: Some(naive_now())
+impl Perform for GetReplies {
+ fn op_type(&self) -> UserOperation {
+ UserOperation::GetReplies
+ }
+ fn perform(&self, _chat: &mut ChatServer, _addr: usize) -> String {
+ let conn = establish_connection();
+ let claims = match Claims::decode(&self.auth) {
+ Ok(claims) => claims.claims,
+ Err(_e) => {
+ return self.error("Not logged in.");
+ }
+ };
+ let user_id = claims.id;
+ let sort = SortType::from_str(&self.sort).expect("listing sort");
+ let replies = ReplyView::get_replies(&conn, user_id, &sort, self.unread_only, self.page, self.limit).unwrap();
+ // Return the jwt
+ serde_json::to_string(
+ &GetRepliesResponse {
+ op: self.op_type().to_string(),
+ replies: replies,
+ }
+ )
+ .unwrap()
+ }
impl Perform for BanFromCommunity {
fn op_type(&self) -> UserOperation {
noIndent?: boolean;
viewOnly?: boolean;
locked?: boolean;
+ markable?: boolean;
moderators: Array<CommunityUser>;
admins: Array<UserView>;
{!this.props.node.comment.banned &&
<li className="list-inline-item">
- <span class="pointer" onClick={linkEvent(this, this.addAdmin)}>{`${this.isAdmin ? 'remove' : 'appoint'} as admin`}</span>
+ <span class="pointer" onClick={linkEvent(this, this.handleAddAdmin)}>{`${this.isAdmin ? 'remove' : 'appoint'} as admin`}</span>
<li className="list-inline-item">
<Link className="text-muted" to={`/post/${node.comment.post_id}/comment/${node.comment.id}`} target="_blank">link</Link>
+ {this.props.markable &&
+ <li className="list-inline-item">
+ <span class="pointer" onClick={linkEvent(this, this.handleMarkRead)}>{`mark as ${node.comment.read ? 'unread' : 'read'}`}</span>
+ </li>
+ }
+ handleMarkRead(i: CommentNode) {
+ let form: CommentFormI = {
+ content: i.props.node.comment.content,
+ edit_id: i.props.node.comment.id,
+ creator_id: i.props.node.comment.creator_id,
+ post_id: i.props.node.comment.post_id,
+ parent_id: i.props.node.comment.parent_id,
+ read: !i.props.node.comment.read,
+ auth: null
+ };
+ WebSocketService.Instance.editComment(form);
+ }
handleModBanFromCommunityShow(i: CommentNode) {
i.state.showBanDialog = true;
i.state.banType = BanType.Community;
- addAdmin(i: CommentNode) {
+ handleAddAdmin(i: CommentNode) {
let form: AddAdminForm = {
user_id: i.props.node.comment.creator_id,
added: !i.isAdmin,
noIndent?: boolean;
viewOnly?: boolean;
locked?: boolean;
+ markable?: boolean;
export class CommentNodes extends Component<CommentNodesProps, CommentNodesState> {
+ markable={this.props.markable}
--- /dev/null
+import { Component, linkEvent } from 'inferno';
+import { Link } from 'inferno-router';
+import { Subscription } from "rxjs";
+import { retryWhen, delay, take } from 'rxjs/operators';
+import { UserOperation, Comment, SortType, GetRepliesForm, GetRepliesResponse, CommentResponse } from '../interfaces';
+import { WebSocketService, UserService } from '../services';
+import { msgOp } from '../utils';
+import { CommentNodes } from './comment-nodes';
+enum UnreadType {
+ Unread, All
+interface InboxState {
+ unreadType: UnreadType;
+ replies: Array<Comment>;
+ sort: SortType;
+ page: number;
+export class Inbox extends Component<any, InboxState> {
+ private subscription: Subscription;
+ private emptyState: InboxState = {
+ unreadType: UnreadType.Unread,
+ replies: [],
+ sort: SortType.New,
+ page: 1,
+ }
+ constructor(props: any, context: any) {
+ super(props, context);
+ this.state = this.emptyState;
+ this.subscription = WebSocketService.Instance.subject
+ .pipe(retryWhen(errors => errors.pipe(delay(3000), take(10))))
+ .subscribe(
+ (msg) => this.parseMessage(msg),
+ (err) => console.error(err),
+ () => console.log('complete')
+ );
+ this.refetch();
+ }
+ componentWillUnmount() {
+ this.subscription.unsubscribe();
+ }
+ render() {
+ let user = UserService.Instance.user;
+ return (
+ <div class="container">
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-12">
+ <h5>Inbox for <Link to={`/user/${user.id}`}>{user.username}</Link></h5>
+ {this.selects()}
+ {this.replies()}
+ {this.paginator()}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ )
+ }
+ selects() {
+ return (
+ <div className="mb-2">
+ <select value={this.state.unreadType} onChange={linkEvent(this, this.handleUnreadTypeChange)} class="custom-select w-auto">
+ <option disabled>Type</option>
+ <option value={UnreadType.Unread}>Unread</option>
+ <option value={UnreadType.All}>All</option>
+ </select>
+ <select value={this.state.sort} onChange={linkEvent(this, this.handleSortChange)} class="custom-select w-auto ml-2">
+ <option disabled>Sort Type</option>
+ <option value={SortType.New}>New</option>
+ <option value={SortType.TopDay}>Top Day</option>
+ <option value={SortType.TopWeek}>Week</option>
+ <option value={SortType.TopMonth}>Month</option>
+ <option value={SortType.TopYear}>Year</option>
+ <option value={SortType.TopAll}>All</option>
+ </select>
+ </div>
+ )
+ }
+ replies() {
+ return (
+ <div>
+ {this.state.replies.map(reply =>
+ <CommentNodes nodes={[{comment: reply}]} noIndent viewOnly markable />
+ )}
+ </div>
+ );
+ }
+ paginator() {
+ return (
+ <div class="mt-2">
+ {this.state.page > 1 &&
+ <button class="btn btn-sm btn-secondary mr-1" onClick={linkEvent(this, this.prevPage)}>Prev</button>
+ }
+ <button class="btn btn-sm btn-secondary" onClick={linkEvent(this, this.nextPage)}>Next</button>
+ </div>
+ );
+ }
+ nextPage(i: Inbox) {
+ i.state.page++;
+ i.setState(i.state);
+ i.refetch();
+ }
+ prevPage(i: Inbox) {
+ i.state.page--;
+ i.setState(i.state);
+ i.refetch();
+ }
+ handleUnreadTypeChange(i: Inbox, event: any) {
+ i.state.unreadType = Number(event.target.value);
+ i.state.page = 1;
+ i.setState(i.state);
+ i.refetch();
+ }
+ refetch() {
+ let form: GetRepliesForm = {
+ sort: SortType[this.state.sort],
+ unread_only: (this.state.unreadType == UnreadType.Unread),
+ page: this.state.page,
+ limit: 9999,
+ };
+ WebSocketService.Instance.getReplies(form);
+ }
+ handleSortChange(i: Inbox, event: any) {
+ i.state.sort = Number(event.target.value);
+ i.state.page = 1;
+ i.setState(i.state);
+ i.refetch();
+ }
+ parseMessage(msg: any) {
+ console.log(msg);
+ let op: UserOperation = msgOp(msg);
+ if (msg.error) {
+ alert(msg.error);
+ return;
+ } else if (op == UserOperation.GetReplies) {
+ let res: GetRepliesResponse = msg;
+ this.state.replies = res.replies;
+ this.sendRepliesCount();
+ this.setState(this.state);
+ } else if (op == UserOperation.EditComment) {
+ let res: CommentResponse = msg;
+ // If youre in the unread view, just remove it from the list
+ if (this.state.unreadType == UnreadType.Unread && res.comment.read) {
+ this.state.replies = this.state.replies.filter(r => r.id !== res.comment.id);
+ } else {
+ let found = this.state.replies.find(c => c.id == res.comment.id);
+ found.read = res.comment.read;
+ }
+ this.sendRepliesCount();
+ this.setState(this.state);
+ }
+ }
+ sendRepliesCount() {
+ UserService.Instance.sub.next({user: UserService.Instance.user, unreadCount: this.state.replies.filter(r => !r.read).length});
+ }
import { Link } from 'inferno-router';
import { Subscription } from "rxjs";
import { retryWhen, delay, take } from 'rxjs/operators';
-import { UserOperation, CommunityUser, GetFollowedCommunitiesResponse, ListCommunitiesForm, ListCommunitiesResponse, Community, SortType, GetSiteResponse } from '../interfaces';
+import { UserOperation, CommunityUser, GetFollowedCommunitiesResponse, ListCommunitiesForm, ListCommunitiesResponse, Community, SortType, GetSiteResponse, GetRepliesResponse, GetRepliesForm } from '../interfaces';
import { WebSocketService, UserService } from '../services';
import { PostListings } from './post-listings';
import { msgOp, repoUrl, mdToHtml } from '../utils';
if (UserService.Instance.user) {
+ // Get replies for the count
+ let repliesForm: GetRepliesForm = {
+ sort: SortType[SortType.New],
+ unread_only: true,
+ page: 1,
+ limit: 9999,
+ };
+ WebSocketService.Instance.getReplies(repliesForm);
let listCommunitiesForm: ListCommunitiesForm = {
this.state.site.site = res.site;
this.state.site.banned = res.banned;
+ } else if (op == UserOperation.GetReplies) {
+ let res: GetRepliesResponse = msg;
+ this.sendRepliesCount(res);
+ sendRepliesCount(res: GetRepliesResponse) {
+ UserService.Instance.sub.next({user: UserService.Instance.user, unreadCount: res.replies.filter(r => !r.read).length});
+ }
isLoggedIn: boolean;
expanded: boolean;
expandUserDropdown: boolean;
+ unreadCount: number;
export class Navbar extends Component<any, NavbarState> {
emptyState: NavbarState = {
- isLoggedIn: UserService.Instance.user !== undefined,
+ isLoggedIn: (UserService.Instance.user !== undefined),
+ unreadCount: 0,
expanded: false,
expandUserDropdown: false
// Subscribe to user changes
UserService.Instance.sub.subscribe(user => {
- let loggedIn: boolean = user !== undefined;
- this.setState({isLoggedIn: loggedIn});
+ this.state.isLoggedIn = user.user !== undefined;
+ this.state.unreadCount = user.unreadCount;
+ this.setState(this.state);
<ul class="navbar-nav ml-auto mr-2">
{this.state.isLoggedIn ?
+ {
<li className="nav-item">
- <Link class="nav-link" to="/communities">🖂</Link>
+ <Link class="nav-link" to="/inbox">🖂
+ {this.state.unreadCount> 0 && <span class="badge badge-light">{this.state.unreadCount}</span>}
+ </Link>
+ }
<li className={`nav-item dropdown ${this.state.expandUserDropdown && 'show'}`}>
<a class="pointer nav-link dropdown-toggle" onClick={linkEvent(this, this.expandUserDropdown)} role="button">
handleLogoutClick(i: Navbar) {
i.state.expandUserDropdown = false;
+ i.context.router.history.push('/');
handleOverviewClick(i: Navbar) {
import { CommentNodes } from './comment-nodes';
import * as autosize from 'autosize';
interface PostState {
post: PostI;
comments: Array<Comment>;
margin: 0.5em 5px;
padding: 0.1em 5px;
+ /* background:red; */
+ position:relative;
+ top: -20px;
+ left: -35px;
import { User } from './components/user';
import { Modlog } from './components/modlog';
import { Setup } from './components/setup';
+import { Inbox } from './components/inbox';
import { Symbols } from './components/symbols';
import './css/bootstrap.min.css';
<Route path={`/community/:id`} component={Community} />
<Route path={`/user/:id/:heading`} component={User} />
<Route path={`/user/:id`} component={User} />
+ <Route path={`/inbox`} component={Inbox} />
<Route path={`/modlog/community/:community_id`} component={Modlog} />
<Route path={`/modlog`} component={Modlog} />
<Route path={`/setup`} component={Setup} />
export enum UserOperation {
- Login, Register, CreateCommunity, CreatePost, ListCommunities, ListCategories, GetPost, GetCommunity, CreateComment, EditComment, SaveComment, CreateCommentLike, GetPosts, CreatePostLike, EditPost, SavePost, EditCommunity, FollowCommunity, GetFollowedCommunities, GetUserDetails, GetModlog, BanFromCommunity, AddModToCommunity, CreateSite, EditSite, GetSite, AddAdmin, BanUser
+ Login, Register, CreateCommunity, CreatePost, ListCommunities, ListCategories, GetPost, GetCommunity, CreateComment, EditComment, SaveComment, CreateCommentLike, GetPosts, CreatePostLike, EditPost, SavePost, EditCommunity, FollowCommunity, GetFollowedCommunities, GetUserDetails, GetReplies, GetModlog, BanFromCommunity, AddModToCommunity, CreateSite, EditSite, GetSite, AddAdmin, BanUser
export enum CommentSortType {
posts: Array<Post>;
+export interface GetRepliesForm {
+ sort: string; // TODO figure this one out
+ page?: number;
+ limit?: number;
+ unread_only: boolean;
+ auth?: string;
+export interface GetRepliesResponse {
+ op: string;
+ replies: Array<Comment>;
export interface BanFromCommunityForm {
community_id: number;
user_id: number;
creator_id: number;
removed?: boolean;
reason?: string;
+ read?: boolean;
auth: string;
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
export class UserService {
private static _instance: UserService;
public user: User;
- public sub: Subject<User> = new Subject<User>();
+ public sub: Subject<{user: User, unreadCount: number}> = new Subject<{user: User, unreadCount: number}>();
private constructor() {
let jwt = Cookies.get("jwt");
this.user = undefined;
console.log("Logged out.");
- this.sub.next(undefined);
+ this.sub.next({user: undefined, unreadCount: 0});
public get auth(): string {
private setUser(jwt: string) {
this.user = jwt_decode(jwt);
- this.sub.next(this.user);
+ this.sub.next({user: this.user, unreadCount: 0});
import { wsUri } from '../env';
-import { LoginForm, RegisterForm, UserOperation, CommunityForm, PostForm, SavePostForm, CommentForm, SaveCommentForm, CommentLikeForm, GetPostsForm, CreatePostLikeForm, FollowCommunityForm, GetUserDetailsForm, ListCommunitiesForm, GetModlogForm, BanFromCommunityForm, AddModToCommunityForm, AddAdminForm, BanUserForm, SiteForm, Site, UserView } from '../interfaces';
+import { LoginForm, RegisterForm, UserOperation, CommunityForm, PostForm, SavePostForm, CommentForm, SaveCommentForm, CommentLikeForm, GetPostsForm, CreatePostLikeForm, FollowCommunityForm, GetUserDetailsForm, ListCommunitiesForm, GetModlogForm, BanFromCommunityForm, AddModToCommunityForm, AddAdminForm, BanUserForm, SiteForm, Site, UserView, GetRepliesForm } from '../interfaces';
import { webSocket } from 'rxjs/webSocket';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { retryWhen, delay, take } from 'rxjs/operators';
this.subject.next(this.wsSendWrapper(UserOperation.GetUserDetails, form));
+ public getReplies(form: GetRepliesForm) {
+ this.setAuth(form);
+ this.subject.next(this.wsSendWrapper(UserOperation.GetReplies, form));
+ }
public getModlog(form: GetModlogForm) {
this.subject.next(this.wsSendWrapper(UserOperation.GetModlog, form));