opentelemetry_url: "http://otel:4137"
# the domain name of your instance (eg "")
- hostname: "my_domain"
+ hostname: ""
# address where lemmy should listen for incoming requests
bind: ""
# port where lemmy should listen for incoming requests
--- /dev/null
+create or replace function generate_unique_changeme()
+returns text language sql
+as $$
+ select 'http://changeme_' || string_agg (substr('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789', ceil (random() * 62)::integer, 1), '')
+ from generate_series(1, 20)
// Update the actor_id, private_key, and public_key, last_refreshed_at
let incorrect_persons = person
- .filter("http://changeme_%"))
+ .filter("http://changeme%"))
// Update the actor_id, private_key, and public_key, last_refreshed_at
let incorrect_communities = community
- .filter("http://changeme_%"))
+ .filter("http://changeme%"))
// Update the ap_id
let incorrect_posts = post
- .filter("http://changeme_%"))
+ .filter("http://changeme%"))
// Update the ap_id
let incorrect_comments = comment
- .filter("http://changeme_%"))
+ .filter("http://changeme%"))
// Update the ap_id
let incorrect_pms = private_message
- .filter("http://changeme_%"))
+ .filter("http://changeme%"))
use lemmy_db_schema::schema::person::dsl::*;
let persons = person
- .filter("http://changeme_%"))
+ .filter("http://changeme%"))
for p in &persons {
use lemmy_db_schema::schema::community::dsl::*;
let communities = community
- .filter("http://changeme_%"))
+ .filter("http://changeme%"))
for c in &communities {