- #../../lemmy
+ ../../lemmy/staging
+ ../../lemmy/dev
networking.hostName = "these";
- awful.systems.maint-mode = {
- enable = true;
- virtualHost = "awful.systems";
+ services.nginx = {
+ recommendedProxySettings = true;
+ recommendedTlsSettings = true;
+ virtualHosts = {
+ "breaking.awful.systems" = {
+ addSSL = true;
+ enableACME = true;
+ };
+ "making.awful.systems" = {
+ addSSL = true;
+ enableACME = true;
+ };
+ };
+ security.acme = {
+ acceptTerms = true;
+ defaults.email = "self@awful.systems";
+ };
+ networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 443 ];
--- /dev/null
+{ config, lib, pkgs, pkgs-unstable, ... }:
+ imports = [ ./module.nix ];
+ services.lemmy-dev = {
+ enable = true;
+ server.package = pkgs.callPackage ../server.nix { Security = null; };
+ ui.package = pkgs.callPackage ../ui.nix { };
+ nginx.enable = true;
+ database.createLocally = true;
+ settings = {
+ hostname = "making.awful.systems";
+ setup = {
+ admin_username = "self";
+ admin_email = "self@awful.systems";
+ site_name = "a.s dev";
+ };
+ database = {
+ user = "lemmy_dev";
+ database = "lemmy_dev";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ sops.secrets."lemmy-dev/initial_admin_password" = { };
+ sops.secrets."lemmy-dev/smtp_server" = { };
+ sops.secrets."lemmy-dev/smtp_login" = { };
+ sops.secrets."lemmy-dev/smtp_password" = { };
+ sops.secrets."lemmy-dev/smtp_from_address" = { };
+ sops.templates.lemmy-dev.content = builtins.toJSON
+ (config.services.lemmy-dev.settings // {
+ setup = config.services.lemmy-dev.settings.setup // {
+ admin_password = config.sops.placeholder."lemmy-dev/initial_admin_password";
+ };
+ # email = {
+ # smtp_server = config.sops.placeholder."lemmy-dev/smtp_server";
+ # smtp_login = config.sops.placeholder."lemmy-dev/smtp_login";
+ # smtp_password = config.sops.placeholder."lemmy-dev/smtp_password";
+ # smtp_from_address = config.sops.placeholder."lemmy-dev/smtp_from_address";
+ # tls_type = "tls";
+ # };
+ });
+ systemd.services.lemmy-dev = {
+ serviceConfig = {
+ User = "lemmy_dev";
+ Group = "lemmy_dev";
+ LoadCredential =
+ "lemmy-dev:${config.sops.templates.lemmy-dev.path}";
+ };
+ environment = {
+ LEMMY_CONFIG_LOCATION = lib.mkForce "%d/lemmy-dev";
+ RUST_BACKTRACE = "full";
+ LEMMY_DATABASE_URL = pkgs.lib.mkForce
+ "postgres:///lemmy_dev?host=/run/postgresql&user=lemmy_dev";
+ };
+ };
+ networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 ];
--- /dev/null
+{ lib, pkgs, config, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.services.lemmy-dev;
+ settingsFormat = pkgs.formats.json { };
+in {
+ imports = [
+ (mkRemovedOptionModule [ "services" "lemmy-dev" "jwtSecretPath" ]
+ "As of v0.13.0, Lemmy auto-generates the JWT secret.")
+ ];
+ options.services.lemmy-dev = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption
+ (lib.mdDoc "lemmy a federated alternative to reddit in rust");
+ server = { package = mkPackageOptionMD pkgs "lemmy-server" { }; };
+ ui = {
+ package = mkPackageOptionMD pkgs "lemmy-ui" { };
+ port = mkOption {
+ type = types.port;
+ default = 1236;
+ description =
+ lib.mdDoc "Port where lemmy-ui should listen for incoming requests.";
+ };
+ };
+ caddy.enable =
+ mkEnableOption (lib.mdDoc "exposing lemmy with the caddy reverse proxy");
+ nginx.enable =
+ mkEnableOption (lib.mdDoc "exposing lemmy with the nginx reverse proxy");
+ database = {
+ createLocally =
+ mkEnableOption (lib.mdDoc "creation of database on the instance");
+ uri = mkOption {
+ type = with types; nullOr str;
+ default = null;
+ description = lib.mdDoc
+ "The connection URI to use. Takes priority over the configuration file if set.";
+ };
+ };
+ settings = mkOption {
+ default = { };
+ description = lib.mdDoc "Lemmy configuration";
+ type = types.submodule {
+ freeformType = settingsFormat.type;
+ options.hostname = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = null;
+ description =
+ lib.mdDoc "The domain name of your instance (eg 'lemmy.ml').";
+ };
+ options.port = mkOption {
+ type = types.port;
+ default = 8538;
+ description =
+ lib.mdDoc "Port where lemmy should listen for incoming requests.";
+ };
+ options.captcha = {
+ enabled = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = true;
+ description = lib.mdDoc "Enable Captcha.";
+ };
+ difficulty = mkOption {
+ type = types.enum [ "easy" "medium" "hard" ];
+ default = "medium";
+ description = lib.mdDoc "The difficultly of the captcha to solve.";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
+ services.lemmy-dev.settings = (mapAttrs (name: mkDefault) {
+ bind = "";
+ tls_enabled = true;
+ pictrs_url = with config.services.pict-rs;
+ "http://${address}:${toString port}";
+ actor_name_max_length = 20;
+ rate_limit.message = 180;
+ rate_limit.message_per_second = 60;
+ rate_limit.post = 6;
+ rate_limit.post_per_second = 600;
+ rate_limit.register = 3;
+ rate_limit.register_per_second = 3600;
+ rate_limit.image = 6;
+ rate_limit.image_per_second = 3600;
+ } // {
+ database = mapAttrs (name: mkDefault) {
+ user = "lemmy";
+ host = "/run/postgresql";
+ port = 5432;
+ database = "lemmy";
+ pool_size = 5;
+ };
+ });
+ services.postgresql = mkIf cfg.database.createLocally {
+ enable = true;
+ ensureDatabases = [ cfg.settings.database.database ];
+ ensureUsers = [{
+ name = cfg.settings.database.user;
+ ensurePermissions."DATABASE ${cfg.settings.database.database}" =
+ }];
+ };
+ services.pict-rs.enable = true;
+ services.caddy = mkIf cfg.caddy.enable {
+ enable = mkDefault true;
+ virtualHosts."${cfg.settings.hostname}" = {
+ extraConfig = ''
+ handle_path /static/* {
+ root * ${cfg.ui.package}/dist
+ file_server
+ }
+ @for_backend {
+ path /api/* /pictrs/* /feeds/* /nodeinfo/*
+ }
+ handle @for_backend {
+ reverse_proxy${toString cfg.settings.port}
+ }
+ @post {
+ method POST
+ }
+ handle @post {
+ reverse_proxy${toString cfg.settings.port}
+ }
+ @jsonld {
+ header Accept "application/activity+json"
+ header Accept "application/ld+json; profile=\"https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams\""
+ }
+ handle @jsonld {
+ reverse_proxy${toString cfg.settings.port}
+ }
+ handle {
+ reverse_proxy${toString cfg.ui.port}
+ }
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ services.nginx = mkIf cfg.nginx.enable {
+ enable = mkDefault true;
+ virtualHosts."${cfg.settings.hostname}".locations = let
+ ui = "${toString cfg.ui.port}";
+ backend = "${toString cfg.settings.port}";
+ in {
+ "~ ^/(api|pictrs|feeds|nodeinfo|.well-known)" = {
+ # backend requests
+ proxyPass = backend;
+ proxyWebsockets = true;
+ recommendedProxySettings = true;
+ };
+ "/" = {
+ # mixed frontend and backend requests, based on the request headers
+ proxyPass = "$proxpass";
+ recommendedProxySettings = true;
+ extraConfig = ''
+ set $proxpass "${ui}";
+ if ($http_accept = "application/activity+json") {
+ set $proxpass "${backend}";
+ }
+ if ($http_accept = "application/ld+json; profile=\"https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams\"") {
+ set $proxpass "${backend}";
+ }
+ if ($request_method = POST) {
+ set $proxpass "${backend}";
+ }
+ # Cuts off the trailing slash on URLs to make them valid
+ rewrite ^(.+)/+$ $1 permanent;
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ assertions = [
+ {
+ assertion = cfg.database.createLocally -> cfg.settings.database.host
+ == "localhost" || cfg.settings.database.host == "/run/postgresql";
+ message =
+ "if you want to create the database locally, you need to use a local database";
+ }
+ {
+ assertion = (!(hasAttrByPath [ "federation" ] cfg.settings))
+ && (!(hasAttrByPath [ "federation" "enabled" ] cfg.settings));
+ message =
+ "`services.lemmy.settings.federation` was removed in 0.17.0 and no longer has any effect";
+ }
+ ];
+ systemd.services.lemmy-dev = {
+ description = "Lemmy server (dev)";
+ environment = {
+ "${settingsFormat.generate "config.hjson" cfg.settings}";
+ LEMMY_DATABASE_URL = mkIf (cfg.database.uri != null) cfg.database.uri;
+ };
+ documentation = [
+ "https://join-lemmy.org/docs/en/admins/from_scratch.html"
+ "https://join-lemmy.org/docs/en/"
+ ];
+ wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+ after = [ "pict-rs.service" ]
+ ++ lib.optionals cfg.database.createLocally [ "postgresql.service" ];
+ requires =
+ lib.optionals cfg.database.createLocally [ "postgresql.service" ];
+ serviceConfig = {
+ DynamicUser = true;
+ RuntimeDirectory = "lemmy";
+ ExecStart = "${cfg.server.package}/bin/lemmy_server";
+ };
+ };
+ systemd.services.lemmy-ui-dev = {
+ description = "Lemmy UI (dev)";
+ environment = {
+ LEMMY_UI_HOST = "${toString cfg.ui.port}";
+ LEMMY_UI_LEMMY_INTERNAL_HOST = "${toString cfg.settings.port}";
+ LEMMY_UI_LEMMY_EXTERNAL_HOST = cfg.settings.hostname;
+ LEMMY_UI_HTTPS = "false";
+ };
+ documentation = [
+ "https://join-lemmy.org/docs/en/admins/from_scratch.html"
+ "https://join-lemmy.org/docs/en/"
+ ];
+ wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+ after = [ "lemmy-dev.service" ];
+ requires = [ "lemmy-dev.service" ];
+ serviceConfig = {
+ DynamicUser = true;
+ WorkingDirectory = "${cfg.ui.package}";
+ ExecStart =
+ "${pkgs.nodejs}/bin/node ${cfg.ui.package}/dist/js/server.js";
+ };
+ };
+ };
{ config, lib, pkgs, pkgs-unstable, ... }:
- imports = [ ./prod.nix ];
+ imports = [ ./module.nix ];
services.lemmy-prod = {
enable = true;
- server.package = pkgs.callPackage ./server.nix { Security = null; };
- ui.package = pkgs.callPackage ./ui.nix { };
+ server.package = pkgs.callPackage ../server.nix { Security = null; };
+ ui.package = pkgs.callPackage ../ui.nix { };
nginx.enable = true;
database.createLocally = true;
--- /dev/null
+{ config, lib, pkgs, pkgs-unstable, ... }:
+ imports = [ ./module.nix ];
+ services.lemmy-staging = {
+ enable = true;
+ server.package = pkgs.callPackage ../server.nix { Security = null; };
+ ui.package = pkgs.callPackage ../ui.nix { };
+ nginx.enable = true;
+ database.createLocally = true;
+ settings = {
+ hostname = "breaking.awful.systems";
+ setup = {
+ admin_username = "self";
+ admin_email = "self@awful.systems";
+ site_name = "a.s staging";
+ };
+ database = {
+ user = "lemmy_staging";
+ database = "lemmy_staging";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ sops.secrets."lemmy-staging/initial_admin_password" = { };
+ sops.secrets."lemmy-staging/smtp_server" = { };
+ sops.secrets."lemmy-staging/smtp_login" = { };
+ sops.secrets."lemmy-staging/smtp_password" = { };
+ sops.secrets."lemmy-staging/smtp_from_address" = { };
+ sops.templates.lemmy-staging.content = builtins.toJSON
+ (config.services.lemmy-staging.settings // {
+ setup = config.services.lemmy-staging.settings.setup // {
+ admin_password = config.sops.placeholder."lemmy-staging/initial_admin_password";
+ };
+ # email = {
+ # smtp_server = config.sops.placeholder."lemmy-staging/smtp_server";
+ # smtp_login = config.sops.placeholder."lemmy-staging/smtp_login";
+ # smtp_password = config.sops.placeholder."lemmy-staging/smtp_password";
+ # smtp_from_address = config.sops.placeholder."lemmy-staging/smtp_from_address";
+ # tls_type = "tls";
+ # };
+ });
+ systemd.services.lemmy-staging = {
+ serviceConfig = {
+ User = "lemmy_staging";
+ Group = "lemmy_staging";
+ LoadCredential =
+ "lemmy-staging:${config.sops.templates.lemmy-staging.path}";
+ };
+ environment = {
+ LEMMY_CONFIG_LOCATION = lib.mkForce "%d/lemmy-staging";
+ RUST_BACKTRACE = "full";
+ LEMMY_DATABASE_URL = pkgs.lib.mkForce
+ "postgres:///lemmy_staging?host=/run/postgresql&user=lemmy_staging";
+ };
+ };
+ networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 ];
--- /dev/null
+{ lib, pkgs, config, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.services.lemmy-staging;
+ settingsFormat = pkgs.formats.json { };
+in {
+ imports = [
+ (mkRemovedOptionModule [ "services" "lemmy-staging" "jwtSecretPath" ]
+ "As of v0.13.0, Lemmy auto-generates the JWT secret.")
+ ];
+ options.services.lemmy-staging = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption
+ (lib.mdDoc "lemmy a federated alternative to reddit in rust");
+ server = { package = mkPackageOptionMD pkgs "lemmy-server" { }; };
+ ui = {
+ package = mkPackageOptionMD pkgs "lemmy-ui" { };
+ port = mkOption {
+ type = types.port;
+ default = 1235;
+ description =
+ lib.mdDoc "Port where lemmy-ui should listen for incoming requests.";
+ };
+ };
+ caddy.enable =
+ mkEnableOption (lib.mdDoc "exposing lemmy with the caddy reverse proxy");
+ nginx.enable =
+ mkEnableOption (lib.mdDoc "exposing lemmy with the nginx reverse proxy");
+ database = {
+ createLocally =
+ mkEnableOption (lib.mdDoc "creation of database on the instance");
+ uri = mkOption {
+ type = with types; nullOr str;
+ default = null;
+ description = lib.mdDoc
+ "The connection URI to use. Takes priority over the configuration file if set.";
+ };
+ };
+ settings = mkOption {
+ default = { };
+ description = lib.mdDoc "Lemmy configuration";
+ type = types.submodule {
+ freeformType = settingsFormat.type;
+ options.hostname = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = null;
+ description =
+ lib.mdDoc "The domain name of your instance (eg 'lemmy.ml').";
+ };
+ options.port = mkOption {
+ type = types.port;
+ default = 8537;
+ description =
+ lib.mdDoc "Port where lemmy should listen for incoming requests.";
+ };
+ options.captcha = {
+ enabled = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = true;
+ description = lib.mdDoc "Enable Captcha.";
+ };
+ difficulty = mkOption {
+ type = types.enum [ "easy" "medium" "hard" ];
+ default = "medium";
+ description = lib.mdDoc "The difficultly of the captcha to solve.";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
+ services.lemmy-staging.settings = (mapAttrs (name: mkDefault) {
+ bind = "";
+ tls_enabled = true;
+ pictrs_url = with config.services.pict-rs;
+ "http://${address}:${toString port}";
+ actor_name_max_length = 20;
+ rate_limit.message = 180;
+ rate_limit.message_per_second = 60;
+ rate_limit.post = 6;
+ rate_limit.post_per_second = 600;
+ rate_limit.register = 3;
+ rate_limit.register_per_second = 3600;
+ rate_limit.image = 6;
+ rate_limit.image_per_second = 3600;
+ } // {
+ database = mapAttrs (name: mkDefault) {
+ user = "lemmy";
+ host = "/run/postgresql";
+ port = 5432;
+ database = "lemmy";
+ pool_size = 5;
+ };
+ });
+ services.postgresql = mkIf cfg.database.createLocally {
+ enable = true;
+ ensureDatabases = [ cfg.settings.database.database ];
+ ensureUsers = [{
+ name = cfg.settings.database.user;
+ ensurePermissions."DATABASE ${cfg.settings.database.database}" =
+ }];
+ };
+ services.pict-rs.enable = true;
+ services.caddy = mkIf cfg.caddy.enable {
+ enable = mkDefault true;
+ virtualHosts."${cfg.settings.hostname}" = {
+ extraConfig = ''
+ handle_path /static/* {
+ root * ${cfg.ui.package}/dist
+ file_server
+ }
+ @for_backend {
+ path /api/* /pictrs/* /feeds/* /nodeinfo/*
+ }
+ handle @for_backend {
+ reverse_proxy${toString cfg.settings.port}
+ }
+ @post {
+ method POST
+ }
+ handle @post {
+ reverse_proxy${toString cfg.settings.port}
+ }
+ @jsonld {
+ header Accept "application/activity+json"
+ header Accept "application/ld+json; profile=\"https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams\""
+ }
+ handle @jsonld {
+ reverse_proxy${toString cfg.settings.port}
+ }
+ handle {
+ reverse_proxy${toString cfg.ui.port}
+ }
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ services.nginx = mkIf cfg.nginx.enable {
+ enable = mkDefault true;
+ virtualHosts."${cfg.settings.hostname}".locations = let
+ ui = "${toString cfg.ui.port}";
+ backend = "${toString cfg.settings.port}";
+ in {
+ "~ ^/(api|pictrs|feeds|nodeinfo|.well-known)" = {
+ # backend requests
+ proxyPass = backend;
+ proxyWebsockets = true;
+ recommendedProxySettings = true;
+ };
+ "/" = {
+ # mixed frontend and backend requests, based on the request headers
+ proxyPass = "$proxpass";
+ recommendedProxySettings = true;
+ extraConfig = ''
+ set $proxpass "${ui}";
+ if ($http_accept = "application/activity+json") {
+ set $proxpass "${backend}";
+ }
+ if ($http_accept = "application/ld+json; profile=\"https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams\"") {
+ set $proxpass "${backend}";
+ }
+ if ($request_method = POST) {
+ set $proxpass "${backend}";
+ }
+ # Cuts off the trailing slash on URLs to make them valid
+ rewrite ^(.+)/+$ $1 permanent;
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ assertions = [
+ {
+ assertion = cfg.database.createLocally -> cfg.settings.database.host
+ == "localhost" || cfg.settings.database.host == "/run/postgresql";
+ message =
+ "if you want to create the database locally, you need to use a local database";
+ }
+ {
+ assertion = (!(hasAttrByPath [ "federation" ] cfg.settings))
+ && (!(hasAttrByPath [ "federation" "enabled" ] cfg.settings));
+ message =
+ "`services.lemmy.settings.federation` was removed in 0.17.0 and no longer has any effect";
+ }
+ ];
+ systemd.services.lemmy-staging = {
+ description = "Lemmy server (staging)";
+ environment = {
+ "${settingsFormat.generate "config.hjson" cfg.settings}";
+ LEMMY_DATABASE_URL = mkIf (cfg.database.uri != null) cfg.database.uri;
+ };
+ documentation = [
+ "https://join-lemmy.org/docs/en/admins/from_scratch.html"
+ "https://join-lemmy.org/docs/en/"
+ ];
+ wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+ after = [ "pict-rs.service" ]
+ ++ lib.optionals cfg.database.createLocally [ "postgresql.service" ];
+ requires =
+ lib.optionals cfg.database.createLocally [ "postgresql.service" ];
+ serviceConfig = {
+ DynamicUser = true;
+ RuntimeDirectory = "lemmy";
+ ExecStart = "${cfg.server.package}/bin/lemmy_server";
+ };
+ };
+ systemd.services.lemmy-ui-staging = {
+ description = "Lemmy UI (staging)";
+ environment = {
+ LEMMY_UI_HOST = "${toString cfg.ui.port}";
+ LEMMY_UI_LEMMY_INTERNAL_HOST = "${toString cfg.settings.port}";
+ LEMMY_UI_LEMMY_EXTERNAL_HOST = cfg.settings.hostname;
+ LEMMY_UI_HTTPS = "false";
+ };
+ documentation = [
+ "https://join-lemmy.org/docs/en/admins/from_scratch.html"
+ "https://join-lemmy.org/docs/en/"
+ ];
+ wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+ after = [ "lemmy-staging.service" ];
+ requires = [ "lemmy-staging.service" ];
+ serviceConfig = {
+ DynamicUser = true;
+ WorkingDirectory = "${cfg.ui.package}";
+ ExecStart =
+ "${pkgs.nodejs}/bin/node ${cfg.ui.package}/dist/js/server.js";
+ };
+ };
+ };
smtp_login: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:ud57LkAv,iv:leOnFXK8Lm5W33UcrgAEMyb+baMcVMu687s7ih1Zp/g=,tag:7llUqPlMHEQuzsa+kNqaoA==,type:str]
smtp_password: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:vrqLNdNO0v3gSGF9A/I8rJ7JhgRpQXHulnJlFj0OTNDBWt+Mi7g1r8n2XDvf8YFPh6N15i98QvzHZ0lWo3PCRoYqbOz9,iv:3+/S6OzsdsNivGNEpsm74rmq5pp4n1RcwC0dNuhALcM=,tag:Oao44DUS4I8TjeQuyKzDmw==,type:str]
smtp_from_address: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:kpzULJxgqLbO5W6aDOao9OI=,iv:uCKQHZKFmStYmY4M4h1PnBwT1lHXiZeXXEYHPrbxEl8=,tag:ioMYOYuUYfxvX/K21KlzLw==,type:str]
+ initial_admin_password: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:lAI52w5iEj+200bM+WNLdw==,iv:t4vMoyAzrUt5KnL5uT3loEz5zNcx+608A8/09DAFgTk=,tag:ZSLMdPRTUeX4xnYpwXpGvQ==,type:str]
+ smtp_server: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:CJZz4rxPgnwRyXVXY+aBP/c16Hag,iv:2D05+ZmLlbrhxaCFAZSwkR2itZOpPzfaPdvUJeQClZg=,tag:WHfZIf+1B8b15mtlTxgXgg==,type:str]
+ smtp_login: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:c05hsXpk,iv:S6m/BmUedMZvExTFdvkK41MhKcdOpXIFFsy8JRzDBpA=,tag:ISzUbU9V7iKC8rRrQjaqkQ==,type:str]
+ smtp_password: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:7uLqIkz9Hs/qFl20Mu6nvRgYNfzwN1fVf5jrgKCNVc2tCkek0LoMuFMoqSDohPRaLd459PNIoA+VrEwoVr9t23zpFJfe,iv:+OKiouo6YSsSRhN5GNrRhkJ48pw2fcHxUVhCtXj+vBw=,tag:sWiLDDfNfEOVNmMlRyeAvQ==,type:str]
+ smtp_from_address: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:DczTYEKW5PMhax/lp7Zmj6o=,iv:prcUFdyCst7DnCNqbM9cE+g3pap0KEHdyMrS/2CsxE0=,tag:X2e7IjkXbiQUxUEw/Cty8w==,type:str]
+ initial_admin_password: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:7cQbzsfOn9l/6RI/2o6sWA==,iv:hdOWBMmt7WxD9vIUZ/V9PbEkGXCmj0NDVBwWIqjTmd4=,tag:iAgEJQO+mXSHN6MB8iwc0Q==,type:str]
+ smtp_server: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:Ldk72toeDAZGkyZhyr2PlNg3HM/e,iv:e+mCtSWi0qI5XGaI1RABQWeJMGmUucWqHDZdsK42O90=,tag:6ChHbPw2bNehtlXSmEnMkA==,type:str]
+ smtp_login: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:qwwuoUn2,iv:i+UQJZ30e7tLsV7755TYlAeGmB453t3F4rL4FgJaoio=,tag:54ZO7qMpbjuNT45HF7vaIQ==,type:str]
+ smtp_password: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:gx9P8gv3RuH7RkdapuqZ8z+y4nkwKOXJ9dYRRn+TEh/jQ2Zl3yWWJ1HKxrNJlzdidPtTEph7Z7YrQn5PzlNEfdBsMsXy,iv:4Aaa/2/X6NWPkX9UvN5FhyynbF4ADWG3+FTHXJCRlkY=,tag:RbVXS2lQNIiIseE7TTcmtg==,type:str]
+ smtp_from_address: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:55Ljo/B0JJBOBuUvFoFXino=,iv:WXQz60z/nROYtrYX8qXKK8o1Q/LISb2Ewj9ac8+Btzw=,tag:KZBPNJVtI8SRX84aQDeWgg==,type:str]
kms: []
gcp_kms: []
- lastmodified: "2023-06-29T10:57:55Z"
- mac: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:cV3/ptlgCPM0G62bfxVJCW5xgx0rBsiaClifdFhPdqLbaJ2MpMCbujgw8RbX7RSKpq7tNMIrPaCvAmp5RQETd08FWnQbMjaKy2dDoQefYFspaDrv0atXU5ObXM37EEc2NMUgg/7U/JJPoeqUIBAOTyPA/Uf77HrY02LTxpW2Pwk=,iv:2C3RpLOo1ghkpygw9bWWX3JuSMJy2YHJZbLYJ1yLrmw=,tag:ZoLdrFEmM/ZFXLH1lV9vJA==,type:str]
+ lastmodified: "2023-07-02T22:27:37Z"
+ mac: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:QwRu83wzt8N0cIrxeA/7mtAbIDSXWwTKD6j794hT6yCkaWmTFDhX3S1+TAIQzJXVQTvJRlPZ1sW8XD/lQy3wTgW/nKVFtNovFCABGAKWen/o8j5gjLvxKMLNjSTm93JdhvLO+vDaJSszs/50O8z3pCIYZxxFlXhz2CMtK0DRPJ4=,iv:nq3hika6ACbl+QI96i7Z5G47iWs5laPUCLztga5aPbA=,tag:YNUDgHcXV4yaEJ2VqxvVPg==,type:str]
pgp: []
unencrypted_suffix: _unencrypted
version: 3.7.3