--- /dev/null
+use crate::schema::post_aggregates;
+use diesel::{result::Error, *};
+use serde::Serialize;
+#[derive(Queryable, Associations, Identifiable, PartialEq, Debug, Serialize, Clone)]
+#[table_name = "post_aggregates"]
+pub struct PostAggregates {
+ pub id: i32,
+ pub post_id: i32,
+ pub comments: i64,
+ pub score: i64,
+ pub upvotes: i64,
+ pub downvotes: i64,
+ pub newest_comment_time: chrono::NaiveDateTime,
+impl PostAggregates {
+ pub fn read(conn: &PgConnection, post_id: i32) -> Result<Self, Error> {
+ post_aggregates::table
+ .filter(post_aggregates::post_id.eq(post_id))
+ .first::<Self>(conn)
+ }
+// #[cfg(test)]
+// mod tests {
+// use crate::{
+// aggregates::community_aggregates::CommunityAggregates,
+// comment::{Comment, CommentForm},
+// community::{Community, CommunityFollower, CommunityFollowerForm, CommunityForm},
+// post::{Post, PostForm},
+// tests::establish_unpooled_connection,
+// user::{UserForm, User_},
+// Crud,
+// Followable,
+// ListingType,
+// SortType,
+// };
+// #[test]
+// fn test_crud() {
+// let conn = establish_unpooled_connection();
+// let new_user = UserForm {
+// name: "thommy_community_agg".into(),
+// preferred_username: None,
+// password_encrypted: "nope".into(),
+// email: None,
+// matrix_user_id: None,
+// avatar: None,
+// banner: None,
+// admin: false,
+// banned: Some(false),
+// published: None,
+// updated: None,
+// show_nsfw: false,
+// theme: "browser".into(),
+// default_sort_type: SortType::Hot as i16,
+// default_listing_type: ListingType::Subscribed as i16,
+// lang: "browser".into(),
+// show_avatars: true,
+// send_notifications_to_email: false,
+// actor_id: None,
+// bio: None,
+// local: true,
+// private_key: None,
+// public_key: None,
+// last_refreshed_at: None,
+// };
+// let inserted_user = User_::create(&conn, &new_user).unwrap();
+// let another_user = UserForm {
+// name: "jerry_community_agg".into(),
+// preferred_username: None,
+// password_encrypted: "nope".into(),
+// email: None,
+// matrix_user_id: None,
+// avatar: None,
+// banner: None,
+// admin: false,
+// banned: Some(false),
+// published: None,
+// updated: None,
+// show_nsfw: false,
+// theme: "browser".into(),
+// default_sort_type: SortType::Hot as i16,
+// default_listing_type: ListingType::Subscribed as i16,
+// lang: "browser".into(),
+// show_avatars: true,
+// send_notifications_to_email: false,
+// actor_id: None,
+// bio: None,
+// local: true,
+// private_key: None,
+// public_key: None,
+// last_refreshed_at: None,
+// };
+// let another_inserted_user = User_::create(&conn, &another_user).unwrap();
+// let new_community = CommunityForm {
+// name: "TIL_community_agg".into(),
+// creator_id: inserted_user.id,
+// title: "nada".to_owned(),
+// description: None,
+// category_id: 1,
+// nsfw: false,
+// removed: None,
+// deleted: None,
+// updated: None,
+// actor_id: None,
+// local: true,
+// private_key: None,
+// public_key: None,
+// last_refreshed_at: None,
+// published: None,
+// icon: None,
+// banner: None,
+// };
+// let inserted_community = Community::create(&conn, &new_community).unwrap();
+// let another_community = CommunityForm {
+// name: "TIL_community_agg_2".into(),
+// creator_id: inserted_user.id,
+// title: "nada".to_owned(),
+// description: None,
+// category_id: 1,
+// nsfw: false,
+// removed: None,
+// deleted: None,
+// updated: None,
+// actor_id: None,
+// local: true,
+// private_key: None,
+// public_key: None,
+// last_refreshed_at: None,
+// published: None,
+// icon: None,
+// banner: None,
+// };
+// let another_inserted_community = Community::create(&conn, &another_community).unwrap();
+// let first_user_follow = CommunityFollowerForm {
+// community_id: inserted_community.id,
+// user_id: inserted_user.id,
+// pending: false,
+// };
+// CommunityFollower::follow(&conn, &first_user_follow).unwrap();
+// let second_user_follow = CommunityFollowerForm {
+// community_id: inserted_community.id,
+// user_id: another_inserted_user.id,
+// pending: false,
+// };
+// CommunityFollower::follow(&conn, &second_user_follow).unwrap();
+// let another_community_follow = CommunityFollowerForm {
+// community_id: another_inserted_community.id,
+// user_id: inserted_user.id,
+// pending: false,
+// };
+// CommunityFollower::follow(&conn, &another_community_follow).unwrap();
+// let new_post = PostForm {
+// name: "A test post".into(),
+// url: None,
+// body: None,
+// creator_id: inserted_user.id,
+// community_id: inserted_community.id,
+// removed: None,
+// deleted: None,
+// locked: None,
+// stickied: None,
+// nsfw: false,
+// updated: None,
+// embed_title: None,
+// embed_description: None,
+// embed_html: None,
+// thumbnail_url: None,
+// ap_id: None,
+// local: true,
+// published: None,
+// };
+// let inserted_post = Post::create(&conn, &new_post).unwrap();
+// let comment_form = CommentForm {
+// content: "A test comment".into(),
+// creator_id: inserted_user.id,
+// post_id: inserted_post.id,
+// removed: None,
+// deleted: None,
+// read: None,
+// parent_id: None,
+// published: None,
+// updated: None,
+// ap_id: None,
+// local: true,
+// };
+// let inserted_comment = Comment::create(&conn, &comment_form).unwrap();
+// let child_comment_form = CommentForm {
+// content: "A test comment".into(),
+// creator_id: inserted_user.id,
+// post_id: inserted_post.id,
+// removed: None,
+// deleted: None,
+// read: None,
+// parent_id: Some(inserted_comment.id),
+// published: None,
+// updated: None,
+// ap_id: None,
+// local: true,
+// };
+// let _inserted_child_comment = Comment::create(&conn, &child_comment_form).unwrap();
+// let community_aggregates_before_delete =
+// CommunityAggregates::read(&conn, inserted_community.id).unwrap();
+// assert_eq!(2, community_aggregates_before_delete.subscribers);
+// assert_eq!(1, community_aggregates_before_delete.posts);
+// assert_eq!(2, community_aggregates_before_delete.comments);
+// // Test the other community
+// let another_community_aggs =
+// CommunityAggregates::read(&conn, another_inserted_community.id).unwrap();
+// assert_eq!(1, another_community_aggs.subscribers);
+// assert_eq!(0, another_community_aggs.posts);
+// assert_eq!(0, another_community_aggs.comments);
+// // Unfollow test
+// CommunityFollower::unfollow(&conn, &second_user_follow).unwrap();
+// let after_unfollow = CommunityAggregates::read(&conn, inserted_community.id).unwrap();
+// assert_eq!(1, after_unfollow.subscribers);
+// // Follow again just for the later tests
+// CommunityFollower::follow(&conn, &second_user_follow).unwrap();
+// let after_follow_again = CommunityAggregates::read(&conn, inserted_community.id).unwrap();
+// assert_eq!(2, after_follow_again.subscribers);
+// // Remove a parent comment (the comment count should also be 0)
+// Post::delete(&conn, inserted_post.id).unwrap();
+// let after_parent_post_delete = CommunityAggregates::read(&conn, inserted_community.id).unwrap();
+// assert_eq!(0, after_parent_post_delete.comments);
+// assert_eq!(0, after_parent_post_delete.posts);
+// // Remove the 2nd user
+// User_::delete(&conn, another_inserted_user.id).unwrap();
+// let after_user_delete = CommunityAggregates::read(&conn, inserted_community.id).unwrap();
+// assert_eq!(1, after_user_delete.subscribers);
+// // This should delete all the associated rows, and fire triggers
+// let user_num_deleted = User_::delete(&conn, inserted_user.id).unwrap();
+// assert_eq!(1, user_num_deleted);
+// // Should be none found, since the creator was deleted
+// let after_delete = CommunityAggregates::read(&conn, inserted_community.id);
+// assert!(after_delete.is_err());
+// }
+// }
--- /dev/null
+use crate::{
+ aggregates::post_aggregates::PostAggregates,
+ community::{Community, CommunityFollower, CommunitySafe, CommunityUserBan},
+ functions::hot_rank,
+ fuzzy_search,
+ limit_and_offset,
+ post::{Post, PostRead, PostSaved},
+ schema::{
+ community,
+ community_follower,
+ community_user_ban,
+ post,
+ post_aggregates,
+ post_like,
+ post_read,
+ post_saved,
+ user_,
+ },
+ user::{UserSafe, User_},
+ ListingType,
+ MaybeOptional,
+ SortType,
+ ToSafe,
+use diesel::{result::Error, *};
+use serde::Serialize;
+#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Clone)]
+pub struct PostView {
+ pub post: Post,
+ pub creator: UserSafe,
+ pub community: CommunitySafe,
+ pub counts: PostAggregates,
+ pub subscribed: bool, // Left join to CommunityFollower
+ pub banned_from_community: bool, // Left Join to CommunityUserBan
+ pub saved: bool, // Left join to PostSaved
+ pub read: bool, // Left join to PostRead
+ pub my_vote: Option<i16>, // Left join to PostLike
+type OutputTuple = (
+ Post,
+ UserSafe,
+ CommunitySafe,
+ PostAggregates,
+ Option<CommunityFollower>,
+ Option<CommunityUserBan>,
+ Option<PostSaved>,
+ Option<PostRead>,
+ Option<i16>,
+impl PostView {
+ pub fn read(conn: &PgConnection, post_id: i32, my_user_id: Option<i32>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
+ // The left join below will return None in this case
+ let user_id_join = my_user_id.unwrap_or(-1);
+ let (post, creator, community, counts, follower, banned_from_community, saved, read, my_vote) =
+ post::table
+ .find(post_id)
+ .inner_join(user_::table)
+ .inner_join(community::table)
+ .inner_join(post_aggregates::table)
+ .left_join(
+ community_follower::table.on(
+ post::community_id
+ .eq(community_follower::community_id)
+ .and(community_follower::user_id.eq(user_id_join)),
+ ),
+ )
+ .left_join(
+ community_user_ban::table.on(
+ post::community_id
+ .eq(community_user_ban::community_id)
+ .and(community_user_ban::user_id.eq(user_id_join)),
+ ),
+ )
+ .left_join(
+ post_saved::table.on(
+ post::id
+ .eq(post_saved::post_id)
+ .and(post_saved::user_id.eq(user_id_join)),
+ ),
+ )
+ .left_join(
+ post_read::table.on(
+ post::id
+ .eq(post_read::post_id)
+ .and(post_read::user_id.eq(user_id_join)),
+ ),
+ )
+ .left_join(
+ post_like::table.on(
+ post::id
+ .eq(post_like::post_id)
+ .and(post_like::user_id.eq(user_id_join)),
+ ),
+ )
+ .select((
+ post::all_columns,
+ User_::safe_columns_tuple(),
+ Community::safe_columns_tuple(),
+ post_aggregates::all_columns,
+ community_follower::all_columns.nullable(),
+ community_user_ban::all_columns.nullable(),
+ post_saved::all_columns.nullable(),
+ post_read::all_columns.nullable(),
+ post_like::score.nullable(),
+ ))
+ .first::<OutputTuple>(conn)?;
+ Ok(PostView {
+ post,
+ creator,
+ community,
+ counts,
+ subscribed: follower.is_some(),
+ banned_from_community: banned_from_community.is_some(),
+ saved: saved.is_some(),
+ read: read.is_some(),
+ my_vote,
+ })
+ }
+mod join_types {
+ use crate::schema::{
+ community,
+ community_follower,
+ community_user_ban,
+ post,
+ post_aggregates,
+ post_like,
+ post_read,
+ post_saved,
+ user_,
+ };
+ use diesel::{
+ pg::Pg,
+ query_builder::BoxedSelectStatement,
+ query_source::joins::{Inner, Join, JoinOn, LeftOuter},
+ sql_types::*,
+ };
+ /// TODO awful, but necessary because of the boxed join
+ pub(super) type BoxedPostJoin<'a> = BoxedSelectStatement<
+ 'a,
+ (
+ (
+ Integer,
+ Text,
+ Nullable<Text>,
+ Nullable<Text>,
+ Integer,
+ Integer,
+ Bool,
+ Bool,
+ Timestamp,
+ Nullable<Timestamp>,
+ Bool,
+ Bool,
+ Bool,
+ Nullable<Text>,
+ Nullable<Text>,
+ Nullable<Text>,
+ Nullable<Text>,
+ Text,
+ Bool,
+ ),
+ (
+ Integer,
+ Text,
+ Nullable<Text>,
+ Nullable<Text>,
+ Bool,
+ Bool,
+ Timestamp,
+ Nullable<Timestamp>,
+ Nullable<Text>,
+ Text,
+ Nullable<Text>,
+ Bool,
+ Nullable<Text>,
+ Bool,
+ ),
+ (
+ Integer,
+ Text,
+ Text,
+ Nullable<Text>,
+ Integer,
+ Integer,
+ Bool,
+ Timestamp,
+ Nullable<Timestamp>,
+ Bool,
+ Bool,
+ Text,
+ Bool,
+ Nullable<Text>,
+ Nullable<Text>,
+ ),
+ (Integer, Integer, BigInt, BigInt, BigInt, BigInt, Timestamp),
+ Nullable<(Integer, Integer, Integer, Timestamp, Nullable<Bool>)>,
+ Nullable<(Integer, Integer, Integer, Timestamp)>,
+ Nullable<(Integer, Integer, Integer, Timestamp)>,
+ Nullable<(Integer, Integer, Integer, Timestamp)>,
+ Nullable<SmallInt>,
+ ),
+ JoinOn<
+ Join<
+ JoinOn<
+ Join<
+ JoinOn<
+ Join<
+ JoinOn<
+ Join<
+ JoinOn<
+ Join<
+ JoinOn<
+ Join<
+ JoinOn<
+ Join<
+ JoinOn<
+ Join<post::table, user_::table, Inner>,
+ diesel::expression::operators::Eq<
+ diesel::expression::nullable::Nullable<
+ post::columns::creator_id,
+ >,
+ diesel::expression::nullable::Nullable<user_::columns::id>,
+ >,
+ >,
+ community::table,
+ Inner,
+ >,
+ diesel::expression::operators::Eq<
+ diesel::expression::nullable::Nullable<post::columns::community_id>,
+ diesel::expression::nullable::Nullable<community::columns::id>,
+ >,
+ >,
+ post_aggregates::table,
+ Inner,
+ >,
+ diesel::expression::operators::Eq<
+ diesel::expression::nullable::Nullable<
+ post_aggregates::columns::post_id,
+ >,
+ diesel::expression::nullable::Nullable<post::columns::id>,
+ >,
+ >,
+ community_follower::table,
+ LeftOuter,
+ >,
+ diesel::expression::operators::And<
+ diesel::expression::operators::Eq<
+ post::columns::community_id,
+ community_follower::columns::community_id,
+ >,
+ diesel::expression::operators::Eq<
+ community_follower::columns::user_id,
+ diesel::expression::bound::Bound<diesel::sql_types::Integer, i32>,
+ >,
+ >,
+ >,
+ community_user_ban::table,
+ LeftOuter,
+ >,
+ diesel::expression::operators::And<
+ diesel::expression::operators::Eq<
+ post::columns::community_id,
+ community_user_ban::columns::community_id,
+ >,
+ diesel::expression::operators::Eq<
+ community_user_ban::columns::user_id,
+ diesel::expression::bound::Bound<diesel::sql_types::Integer, i32>,
+ >,
+ >,
+ >,
+ post_saved::table,
+ LeftOuter,
+ >,
+ diesel::expression::operators::And<
+ diesel::expression::operators::Eq<post::columns::id, post_saved::columns::post_id>,
+ diesel::expression::operators::Eq<
+ post_saved::columns::user_id,
+ diesel::expression::bound::Bound<diesel::sql_types::Integer, i32>,
+ >,
+ >,
+ >,
+ post_read::table,
+ LeftOuter,
+ >,
+ diesel::expression::operators::And<
+ diesel::expression::operators::Eq<post::columns::id, post_read::columns::post_id>,
+ diesel::expression::operators::Eq<
+ post_read::columns::user_id,
+ diesel::expression::bound::Bound<diesel::sql_types::Integer, i32>,
+ >,
+ >,
+ >,
+ post_like::table,
+ LeftOuter,
+ >,
+ diesel::expression::operators::And<
+ diesel::expression::operators::Eq<post::columns::id, post_like::columns::post_id>,
+ diesel::expression::operators::Eq<
+ post_like::columns::user_id,
+ diesel::expression::bound::Bound<diesel::sql_types::Integer, i32>,
+ >,
+ >,
+ >,
+ Pg,
+ >;
+pub struct PostQueryBuilder<'a> {
+ conn: &'a PgConnection,
+ query: join_types::BoxedPostJoin<'a>,
+ listing_type: &'a ListingType,
+ sort: &'a SortType,
+ for_creator_id: Option<i32>,
+ for_community_id: Option<i32>,
+ for_community_name: Option<String>,
+ search_term: Option<String>,
+ url_search: Option<String>,
+ show_nsfw: bool,
+ saved_only: bool,
+ unread_only: bool,
+ page: Option<i64>,
+ limit: Option<i64>,
+impl<'a> PostQueryBuilder<'a> {
+ pub fn create(conn: &'a PgConnection, my_user_id: Option<i32>) -> Self {
+ // The left join below will return None in this case
+ let user_id_join = my_user_id.unwrap_or(-1);
+ let query = post::table
+ .inner_join(user_::table)
+ .inner_join(community::table)
+ .inner_join(post_aggregates::table)
+ .left_join(
+ community_follower::table.on(
+ post::community_id
+ .eq(community_follower::community_id)
+ .and(community_follower::user_id.eq(user_id_join)),
+ ),
+ )
+ .left_join(
+ community_user_ban::table.on(
+ post::community_id
+ .eq(community_user_ban::community_id)
+ .and(community_user_ban::user_id.eq(user_id_join)),
+ ),
+ )
+ .left_join(
+ post_saved::table.on(
+ post::id
+ .eq(post_saved::post_id)
+ .and(post_saved::user_id.eq(user_id_join)),
+ ),
+ )
+ .left_join(
+ post_read::table.on(
+ post::id
+ .eq(post_read::post_id)
+ .and(post_read::user_id.eq(user_id_join)),
+ ),
+ )
+ .left_join(
+ post_like::table.on(
+ post::id
+ .eq(post_like::post_id)
+ .and(post_like::user_id.eq(user_id_join)),
+ ),
+ )
+ .select((
+ post::all_columns,
+ User_::safe_columns_tuple(),
+ Community::safe_columns_tuple(),
+ post_aggregates::all_columns,
+ community_follower::all_columns.nullable(),
+ community_user_ban::all_columns.nullable(),
+ post_saved::all_columns.nullable(),
+ post_read::all_columns.nullable(),
+ post_like::score.nullable(),
+ ))
+ .into_boxed();
+ PostQueryBuilder {
+ conn,
+ query,
+ listing_type: &ListingType::All,
+ sort: &SortType::Hot,
+ for_creator_id: None,
+ for_community_id: None,
+ for_community_name: None,
+ search_term: None,
+ url_search: None,
+ show_nsfw: true,
+ saved_only: false,
+ unread_only: false,
+ page: None,
+ limit: None,
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn listing_type(mut self, listing_type: &'a ListingType) -> Self {
+ self.listing_type = listing_type;
+ self
+ }
+ pub fn sort(mut self, sort: &'a SortType) -> Self {
+ self.sort = sort;
+ self
+ }
+ pub fn for_community_id<T: MaybeOptional<i32>>(mut self, for_community_id: T) -> Self {
+ self.for_community_id = for_community_id.get_optional();
+ self
+ }
+ pub fn for_community_name<T: MaybeOptional<String>>(mut self, for_community_name: T) -> Self {
+ self.for_community_name = for_community_name.get_optional();
+ self
+ }
+ pub fn for_creator_id<T: MaybeOptional<i32>>(mut self, for_creator_id: T) -> Self {
+ self.for_creator_id = for_creator_id.get_optional();
+ self
+ }
+ pub fn search_term<T: MaybeOptional<String>>(mut self, search_term: T) -> Self {
+ self.search_term = search_term.get_optional();
+ self
+ }
+ pub fn url_search<T: MaybeOptional<String>>(mut self, url_search: T) -> Self {
+ self.url_search = url_search.get_optional();
+ self
+ }
+ pub fn show_nsfw(mut self, show_nsfw: bool) -> Self {
+ self.show_nsfw = show_nsfw;
+ self
+ }
+ pub fn saved_only(mut self, saved_only: bool) -> Self {
+ self.saved_only = saved_only;
+ self
+ }
+ pub fn page<T: MaybeOptional<i64>>(mut self, page: T) -> Self {
+ self.page = page.get_optional();
+ self
+ }
+ pub fn limit<T: MaybeOptional<i64>>(mut self, limit: T) -> Self {
+ self.limit = limit.get_optional();
+ self
+ }
+ pub fn list(self) -> Result<Vec<PostView>, Error> {
+ use diesel::dsl::*;
+ let mut query = self.query;
+ query = match self.listing_type {
+ ListingType::Subscribed => query.filter(community_follower::user_id.is_not_null()), // TODO could be this: and(community_follower::user_id.eq(user_id_join)),
+ ListingType::Local => query.filter(community::local.eq(true)),
+ _ => query,
+ };
+ if let Some(for_community_id) = self.for_community_id {
+ query = query
+ .filter(post::community_id.eq(for_community_id))
+ .then_order_by(post::stickied.desc());
+ }
+ if let Some(for_community_name) = self.for_community_name {
+ query = query
+ .filter(community::name.eq(for_community_name))
+ .filter(community::local.eq(true))
+ .then_order_by(post::stickied.desc());
+ }
+ if let Some(url_search) = self.url_search {
+ query = query.filter(post::url.eq(url_search));
+ }
+ if let Some(search_term) = self.search_term {
+ let searcher = fuzzy_search(&search_term);
+ query = query.filter(
+ post::name
+ .ilike(searcher.to_owned())
+ .or(post::body.ilike(searcher)),
+ );
+ }
+ query = match self.sort {
+ SortType::Active => query
+ .then_order_by(
+ hot_rank(post_aggregates::score, post_aggregates::newest_comment_time).desc(),
+ )
+ .then_order_by(post::published.desc()),
+ SortType::Hot => query
+ .then_order_by(hot_rank(post_aggregates::score, post::published).desc())
+ .then_order_by(post::published.desc()),
+ SortType::New => query.then_order_by(post::published.desc()),
+ SortType::TopAll => query.then_order_by(post_aggregates::score.desc()),
+ SortType::TopYear => query
+ .filter(post::published.gt(now - 1.years()))
+ .then_order_by(post_aggregates::score.desc()),
+ SortType::TopMonth => query
+ .filter(post::published.gt(now - 1.months()))
+ .then_order_by(post_aggregates::score.desc()),
+ SortType::TopWeek => query
+ .filter(post::published.gt(now - 1.weeks()))
+ .then_order_by(post_aggregates::score.desc()),
+ SortType::TopDay => query
+ .filter(post::published.gt(now - 1.days()))
+ .then_order_by(post_aggregates::score.desc()),
+ };
+ // If its for a specific user, show the removed / deleted
+ if let Some(for_creator_id) = self.for_creator_id {
+ query = query.filter(post::creator_id.eq(for_creator_id));
+ }
+ if !self.show_nsfw {
+ query = query
+ .filter(post::nsfw.eq(false))
+ .filter(community::nsfw.eq(false));
+ };
+ // TODO These two might be wrong
+ if self.saved_only {
+ query = query.filter(post_saved::id.is_not_null());
+ };
+ if self.unread_only {
+ query = query.filter(post_read::id.is_not_null());
+ };
+ let (limit, offset) = limit_and_offset(self.page, self.limit);
+ let res = query
+ .limit(limit)
+ .offset(offset)
+ .filter(post::removed.eq(false))
+ .filter(post::deleted.eq(false))
+ .filter(community::removed.eq(false))
+ .filter(community::deleted.eq(false))
+ .load::<OutputTuple>(self.conn)?;
+ Ok(to_vec(res))
+ }
+// TODO turn this into a trait with an associated type
+fn to_vec(posts: Vec<OutputTuple>) -> Vec<PostView> {
+ posts
+ .iter()
+ .map(|a| PostView {
+ post: a.0.to_owned(),
+ creator: a.1.to_owned(),
+ community: a.2.to_owned(),
+ counts: a.3.to_owned(),
+ subscribed: a.4.is_some(),
+ banned_from_community: a.5.is_some(),
+ saved: a.6.is_some(),
+ read: a.7.is_some(),
+ my_vote: a.8,
+ })
+ .collect::<Vec<PostView>>()
--- /dev/null
+-- Add post aggregates
+create table post_aggregates (
+ id serial primary key,
+ post_id int references post on update cascade on delete cascade not null,
+ comments bigint not null default 0,
+ score bigint not null default 0,
+ upvotes bigint not null default 0,
+ downvotes bigint not null default 0,
+ newest_comment_time timestamp not null default now(),
+ unique (post_id)
+insert into post_aggregates (post_id, comments, score, upvotes, downvotes, newest_comment_time)
+ select
+ p.id,
+ coalesce(ct.comments, 0::bigint) as comments,
+ coalesce(pl.score, 0::bigint) as score,
+ coalesce(pl.upvotes, 0::bigint) as upvotes,
+ coalesce(pl.downvotes, 0::bigint) as downvotes,
+ greatest(ct.recent_comment_time, p.published) as newest_activity_time
+ from post p
+ left join (
+ select comment.post_id,
+ count(*) as comments,
+ max(comment.published) as recent_comment_time
+ from comment
+ group by comment.post_id
+ ) ct on ct.post_id = p.id
+ left join (
+ select post_like.post_id,
+ sum(post_like.score) as score,
+ sum(post_like.score) filter (where post_like.score = 1) as upvotes,
+ -sum(post_like.score) filter (where post_like.score = '-1'::integer) as downvotes
+ from post_like
+ group by post_like.post_id
+ ) pl on pl.post_id = p.id;
+-- Add community aggregate triggers
+-- initial post add
+create function post_aggregates_post()
+returns trigger language plpgsql
+as $$
+ insert into post_aggregates (post_id) values (NEW.id);
+ delete from post_aggregates where post_id = OLD.id;
+ return null;
+end $$;
+create trigger post_aggregates_post
+after insert or delete on post
+for each row
+execute procedure post_aggregates_post();
+-- comment count
+create function post_aggregates_comment_count()
+returns trigger language plpgsql
+as $$
+ update post_aggregates pa
+ set comments = comments + 1,
+ newest_comment_time = NEW.published
+ where pa.post_id = NEW.post_id;
+ update post_aggregates pa
+ set comments = comments - 1
+ where pa.post_id = OLD.post_id;
+ return null;
+end $$;
+create trigger post_aggregates_comment_count
+after insert or delete on comment
+for each row
+execute procedure post_aggregates_comment_count();
+-- post score
+create function post_aggregates_score()
+returns trigger language plpgsql
+as $$
+ update post_aggregates pa
+ set score = score + NEW.score,
+ upvotes = case when NEW.score = 1 then upvotes + 1 else upvotes end,
+ downvotes = case when NEW.score = -1 then downvotes + 1 else downvotes end
+ where pa.post_id = NEW.post_id;
+ update post_aggregates pa
+ set score = score - OLD.score,
+ upvotes = case when OLD.score = 1 then upvotes - 1 else upvotes end,
+ downvotes = case when OLD.score = -1 then downvotes - 1 else downvotes end
+ where pa.post_id = OLD.post_id;
+ return null;
+end $$;
+create trigger post_aggregates_score
+after insert or delete on post_like
+for each row
+execute procedure post_aggregates_score();