- let youtube_url = Url::parse("https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IquO_TcMZIQ").unwrap();
- let youtube_res = fetch_site_metadata(&client, &youtube_url).await.unwrap();
- assert_eq!(
- SiteMetadata {
- title: Some("A Hard Look at Rent and Rent Seeking with Michael Hudson & Pepe Escobar".to_string()),
- description: Some("An interactive discussion on wealth inequality and the “Great Game” on the control of natural resources.In this webinar organized jointly by the Henry George...".to_string()),
- image: Some(Url::parse("https://i.ytimg.com/vi/IquO_TcMZIQ/maxresdefault.jpg").unwrap()),
- html: None,
- }, youtube_res);
// #[test]