Ok(claims) => claims.claims,
Err(_e) => return Err(ApiError::err("not_logged_in").into()),
- let local_user_id = LocalUserId(claims.local_user_id);
- let user_id = claims.id;
- let user = blocking(pool, move |conn| User_::read(conn, user_id)).await??;
++ let local_user_id = LocalUserId(claims.sub);
+ let local_user_view =
+ blocking(pool, move |conn| LocalUserView::read(conn, local_user_id)).await??;
// Check for a site ban
- if user.banned {
+ if local_user_view.person.banned {
return Err(ApiError::err("site_ban").into());
- // if user's token was issued before user's password reset.
- let user_validation_time = user.validator_time.timestamp_millis() / 1000;
++ check_validator_time(&local_user_view.local_user.validator_time, &claims)?;
+ Ok(local_user_view)
++/// Checks if user's token was issued before user's password reset.
++pub(crate) fn check_validator_time(
++ validator_time: &chrono::NaiveDateTime,
++ claims: &Claims,
++) -> Result<(), LemmyError> {
++ let user_validation_time = validator_time.timestamp_millis() / 1000;
+ if user_validation_time > claims.iat {
- return Err(ApiError::err("not_logged_in").into());
++ Err(ApiError::err("not_logged_in").into())
++ } else {
++ Ok(())
+ }
- Ok(user)
+ }
-pub(crate) async fn get_user_from_jwt_opt(
+pub(crate) async fn get_local_user_view_from_jwt_opt(
jwt: &Option<String>,
pool: &DbPool,
-) -> Result<Option<User_>, LemmyError> {
+) -> Result<Option<LocalUserView>, LemmyError> {
match jwt {
- Some(jwt) => Ok(Some(get_user_from_jwt(jwt, pool).await?)),
+ Some(jwt) => Ok(Some(get_local_user_view_from_jwt(jwt, pool).await?)),
None => Ok(None),
Ok(claims) => claims.claims,
Err(_e) => return Err(ApiError::err("not_logged_in").into()),
- let local_user_id = LocalUserId(claims.local_user_id);
- let user_id = claims.id;
- let user = blocking(pool, move |conn| UserSafeSettings::read(conn, user_id)).await??;
++ let local_user_id = LocalUserId(claims.sub);
+ let local_user_view = blocking(pool, move |conn| {
+ LocalUserSettingsView::read(conn, local_user_id)
+ })
+ .await??;
// Check for a site ban
- if user.banned {
+ if local_user_view.person.banned {
return Err(ApiError::err("site_ban").into());
- // if user's token was issued before user's password reset.
- let user_validation_time = user.validator_time.timestamp_millis() / 1000;
- if user_validation_time > claims.iat {
- return Err(ApiError::err("not_logged_in").into());
- }
- Ok(user)
++ check_validator_time(&local_user_view.local_user.validator_time, &claims)?;
+ Ok(local_user_view)
-pub(crate) async fn get_user_safe_settings_from_jwt_opt(
+pub(crate) async fn get_local_user_settings_view_from_jwt_opt(
jwt: &Option<String>,
pool: &DbPool,
-) -> Result<Option<UserSafeSettings>, LemmyError> {
+) -> Result<Option<LocalUserSettingsView>, LemmyError> {
match jwt {
- Some(jwt) => Ok(Some(get_user_safe_settings_from_jwt(jwt, pool).await?)),
+ Some(jwt) => Ok(Some(
+ get_local_user_settings_view_from_jwt(jwt, pool).await?,
+ )),
None => Ok(None),
mod tests {
- use crate::captcha_espeak_wav_base64;
- use crate::{captcha_espeak_wav_base64, get_user_from_jwt, get_user_safe_settings_from_jwt};
- use lemmy_db_queries::{
- establish_pooled_connection,
- source::user::User,
- Crud,
- ListingType,
- SortType,
++ use crate::{captcha_espeak_wav_base64, check_validator_time};
++ use lemmy_db_queries::{establish_unpooled_connection, source::local_user::LocalUser_, Crud};
++ use lemmy_db_schema::source::{
++ local_user::{LocalUser, LocalUserForm},
++ person::{Person, PersonForm},
+ };
- use lemmy_db_schema::source::user::{UserForm, User_};
+ use lemmy_utils::claims::Claims;
- use std::{
- env::{current_dir, set_current_dir},
- path::PathBuf,
- };
- #[actix_rt::test]
- async fn test_should_not_validate_user_token_after_password_change() {
- struct CwdGuard(PathBuf);
- impl Drop for CwdGuard {
- fn drop(&mut self) {
- let _ = set_current_dir(&self.0);
- }
- }
- let _dir_bkp = CwdGuard(current_dir().unwrap());
- // so configs could be read
- let _ = set_current_dir("../..");
- let conn = establish_pooled_connection();
++ #[test]
++ fn test_should_not_validate_user_token_after_password_change() {
++ let conn = establish_unpooled_connection();
- let new_user = UserForm {
- name: "user_df342sgf".into(),
++ let new_person = PersonForm {
++ name: "Gerry9812".into(),
+ preferred_username: None,
- password_encrypted: "nope".into(),
- email: None,
- matrix_user_id: None,
+ avatar: None,
+ banner: None,
- admin: false,
- banned: Some(false),
++ banned: None,
++ deleted: None,
+ published: None,
+ updated: None,
- show_nsfw: false,
- theme: "browser".into(),
- default_sort_type: SortType::Hot as i16,
- default_listing_type: ListingType::Subscribed as i16,
- lang: "browser".into(),
- show_avatars: true,
- send_notifications_to_email: false,
+ actor_id: None,
+ bio: None,
- local: true,
++ local: None,
+ private_key: None,
+ public_key: None,
+ last_refreshed_at: None,
+ inbox_url: None,
+ shared_inbox_url: None,
+ };
- let inserted_user: User_ = User_::create(&conn.get().unwrap(), &new_user).unwrap();
- let jwt_token = Claims::jwt(inserted_user.id, String::from("my-host.com")).unwrap();
- get_user_from_jwt(&jwt_token, &conn)
- .await
- .expect("User should be decoded");
++ let inserted_person = Person::create(&conn, &new_person).unwrap();
- get_user_safe_settings_from_jwt(&jwt_token, &conn)
- .await
- .expect("User should be decoded");
++ let local_user_form = LocalUserForm {
++ person_id: inserted_person.id,
++ email: None,
++ matrix_user_id: None,
++ password_encrypted: "123456".to_string(),
++ admin: None,
++ show_nsfw: None,
++ theme: None,
++ default_sort_type: None,
++ default_listing_type: None,
++ lang: None,
++ show_avatars: None,
++ send_notifications_to_email: None,
++ };
- std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(1));
++ let inserted_local_user = LocalUser::create(&conn, &local_user_form).unwrap();
- User_::update_password(&conn.get().unwrap(), inserted_user.id, &"password111").unwrap();
++ let jwt = Claims::jwt(inserted_local_user.id.0).unwrap();
++ let claims = Claims::decode(&jwt).unwrap().claims;
++ let check = check_validator_time(&inserted_local_user.validator_time, &claims);
++ assert!(check.is_ok());
- get_user_from_jwt(&jwt_token, &conn)
- .await
- .expect_err("JWT decode should fail after password change");
++ // The check should fail, since the validator time is now newer than the jwt issue time
++ let updated_local_user =
++ LocalUser::update_password(&conn, inserted_local_user.id, &"password111").unwrap();
++ let check_after = check_validator_time(&updated_local_user.validator_time, &claims);
++ assert!(check_after.is_err());
- get_user_safe_settings_from_jwt(&jwt_token, &conn)
- .await
- .expect_err("JWT decode should fail after password change");
++ let num_deleted = Person::delete(&conn, inserted_person.id).unwrap();
++ assert_eq!(1, num_deleted);
+ }
fn test_espeak() {
// Return the jwt
Ok(LoginResponse {
- jwt: Claims::jwt(local_user_view.local_user.id.0, Settings::get().hostname())?,
- jwt: Claims::jwt(user.id, Settings::get().hostname())?,
++ jwt: Claims::jwt(local_user_view.local_user.id.0)?,
// Return the jwt
Ok(LoginResponse {
- jwt: Claims::jwt(inserted_local_user.id.0, Settings::get().hostname())?,
- jwt: Claims::jwt(inserted_user.id, Settings::get().hostname())?,
++ jwt: Claims::jwt(inserted_local_user.id.0)?,
// Return the jwt
Ok(LoginResponse {
- jwt: Claims::jwt(updated_local_user.id.0, Settings::get().hostname())?,
- jwt: Claims::jwt(updated_user.id, Settings::get().hostname())?,
++ jwt: Claims::jwt(updated_local_user.id.0)?,
// Return the jwt
Ok(LoginResponse {
- jwt: Claims::jwt(updated_local_user.id.0, Settings::get().hostname())?,
- jwt: Claims::jwt(updated_user.id, Settings::get().hostname())?,
++ jwt: Claims::jwt(updated_local_user.id.0)?,
--- /dev/null
- mod safe_type {
- use crate::ToSafe;
- use lemmy_db_schema::{schema::local_user::columns::*, source::local_user::LocalUser};
- type Columns = (id, person_id, admin, matrix_user_id);
- impl ToSafe for LocalUser {
- type SafeColumns = Columns;
- fn safe_columns_tuple() -> Self::SafeColumns {
- (id, person_id, admin, matrix_user_id)
- }
- }
- }
+use crate::Crud;
+use bcrypt::{hash, DEFAULT_COST};
+use diesel::{dsl::*, result::Error, *};
+use lemmy_db_schema::{
++ naive_now,
+ schema::local_user::dsl::*,
+ source::local_user::{LocalUser, LocalUserForm},
+ LocalUserId,
+ PersonId,
- .set((password_encrypted.eq(password_hash),))
+mod safe_settings_type {
+ use crate::ToSafeSettings;
+ use lemmy_db_schema::{schema::local_user::columns::*, source::local_user::LocalUser};
+ type Columns = (
+ id,
+ person_id,
+ email,
+ admin,
+ show_nsfw,
+ theme,
+ default_sort_type,
+ default_listing_type,
+ lang,
+ show_avatars,
+ send_notifications_to_email,
+ matrix_user_id,
++ validator_time,
+ );
+ impl ToSafeSettings for LocalUser {
+ type SafeSettingsColumns = Columns;
+ /// Includes everything but the hashed password
+ fn safe_settings_columns_tuple() -> Self::SafeSettingsColumns {
+ (
+ id,
+ person_id,
+ email,
+ admin,
+ show_nsfw,
+ theme,
+ default_sort_type,
+ default_listing_type,
+ lang,
+ show_avatars,
+ send_notifications_to_email,
+ matrix_user_id,
++ validator_time,
+ )
+ }
+ }
+pub trait LocalUser_ {
+ fn register(conn: &PgConnection, form: &LocalUserForm) -> Result<LocalUser, Error>;
+ fn update_password(
+ conn: &PgConnection,
+ local_user_id: LocalUserId,
+ new_password: &str,
+ ) -> Result<LocalUser, Error>;
+ fn add_admin(conn: &PgConnection, person_id: PersonId, added: bool) -> Result<LocalUser, Error>;
+impl LocalUser_ for LocalUser {
+ fn register(conn: &PgConnection, form: &LocalUserForm) -> Result<Self, Error> {
+ let mut edited_user = form.clone();
+ let password_hash =
+ hash(&form.password_encrypted, DEFAULT_COST).expect("Couldn't hash password");
+ edited_user.password_encrypted = password_hash;
+ Self::create(&conn, &edited_user)
+ }
+ fn update_password(
+ conn: &PgConnection,
+ local_user_id: LocalUserId,
+ new_password: &str,
+ ) -> Result<Self, Error> {
+ let password_hash = hash(new_password, DEFAULT_COST).expect("Couldn't hash password");
+ diesel::update(local_user.find(local_user_id))
++ .set((
++ password_encrypted.eq(password_hash),
++ validator_time.eq(naive_now()),
++ ))
+ .get_result::<Self>(conn)
+ }
+ fn add_admin(conn: &PgConnection, for_person_id: PersonId, added: bool) -> Result<Self, Error> {
+ diesel::update(local_user.filter(person_id.eq(for_person_id)))
+ .set(admin.eq(added))
+ .get_result::<Self>(conn)
+ }
+impl Crud<LocalUserForm, LocalUserId> for LocalUser {
+ fn read(conn: &PgConnection, local_user_id: LocalUserId) -> Result<Self, Error> {
+ local_user.find(local_user_id).first::<Self>(conn)
+ }
+ fn delete(conn: &PgConnection, local_user_id: LocalUserId) -> Result<usize, Error> {
+ diesel::delete(local_user.find(local_user_id)).execute(conn)
+ }
+ fn create(conn: &PgConnection, form: &LocalUserForm) -> Result<Self, Error> {
+ insert_into(local_user)
+ .values(form)
+ .get_result::<Self>(conn)
+ }
+ fn update(
+ conn: &PgConnection,
+ local_user_id: LocalUserId,
+ form: &LocalUserForm,
+ ) -> Result<Self, Error> {
+ diesel::update(local_user.find(local_user_id))
+ .set(form)
+ .get_result::<Self>(conn)
+ }
+table! {
+ local_user (id) {
+ id -> Int4,
+ person_id -> Int4,
+ password_encrypted -> Text,
+ email -> Nullable<Text>,
+ admin -> Bool,
+ show_nsfw -> Bool,
+ theme -> Varchar,
+ default_sort_type -> Int2,
+ default_listing_type -> Int2,
+ lang -> Varchar,
+ show_avatars -> Bool,
+ send_notifications_to_email -> Bool,
+ matrix_user_id -> Nullable<Text>,
++ validator_time -> Timestamp,
+ }
table! {
mod_add (id) {
id -> Int4,
--- /dev/null
+use crate::{schema::local_user, LocalUserId, PersonId};
+use serde::Serialize;
+#[derive(Clone, Queryable, Identifiable, PartialEq, Debug, Serialize)]
+#[table_name = "local_user"]
+pub struct LocalUser {
+ pub id: LocalUserId,
+ pub person_id: PersonId,
+ pub password_encrypted: String,
+ pub email: Option<String>,
+ pub admin: bool,
+ pub show_nsfw: bool,
+ pub theme: String,
+ pub default_sort_type: i16,
+ pub default_listing_type: i16,
+ pub lang: String,
+ pub show_avatars: bool,
+ pub send_notifications_to_email: bool,
+ pub matrix_user_id: Option<String>,
++ pub validator_time: chrono::NaiveDateTime,
+// TODO redo these, check table defaults
+#[derive(Insertable, AsChangeset, Clone)]
+#[table_name = "local_user"]
+pub struct LocalUserForm {
+ pub person_id: PersonId,
+ pub password_encrypted: String,
+ pub email: Option<Option<String>>,
+ pub admin: Option<bool>,
+ pub show_nsfw: Option<bool>,
+ pub theme: Option<String>,
+ pub default_sort_type: Option<i16>,
+ pub default_listing_type: Option<i16>,
+ pub lang: Option<String>,
+ pub show_avatars: Option<bool>,
+ pub send_notifications_to_email: Option<bool>,
+ pub matrix_user_id: Option<Option<String>>,
+/// A local user view that removes password encrypted
+#[derive(Clone, Queryable, Identifiable, PartialEq, Debug, Serialize)]
+#[table_name = "local_user"]
+pub struct LocalUserSettings {
+ pub id: LocalUserId,
+ pub person_id: PersonId,
+ pub email: Option<String>,
+ pub admin: bool,
+ pub show_nsfw: bool,
+ pub theme: String,
+ pub default_sort_type: i16,
+ pub default_listing_type: i16,
+ pub lang: String,
+ pub show_avatars: bool,
+ pub send_notifications_to_email: bool,
+ pub matrix_user_id: Option<String>,
++ pub validator_time: chrono::NaiveDateTime,
jwt: String,
) -> Result<ChannelBuilder, LemmyError> {
let site_view = SiteView::read(&conn)?;
- let local_user_id = LocalUserId(Claims::decode(&jwt)?.claims.local_user_id);
- let user_id = Claims::decode(&jwt)?.claims.id;
++ let local_user_id = LocalUserId(Claims::decode(&jwt)?.claims.sub);
+ let person_id = LocalUser::read(&conn, local_user_id)?.person_id;
let posts = PostQueryBuilder::create(&conn)
fn get_feed_inbox(conn: &PgConnection, jwt: String) -> Result<ChannelBuilder, LemmyError> {
let site_view = SiteView::read(&conn)?;
- let local_user_id = LocalUserId(Claims::decode(&jwt)?.claims.local_user_id);
- let user_id = Claims::decode(&jwt)?.claims.id;
++ let local_user_id = LocalUserId(Claims::decode(&jwt)?.claims.sub);
+ let person_id = LocalUser::read(&conn, local_user_id)?.person_id;
let sort = SortType::New;
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Claims {
- pub local_user_id: i32,
- /// User id, for backward compatibility with client apps.
- /// Claim [sub](Claims::sub) is used in server-side checks.
- pub id: i32,
- /// User id, standard claim by RFC 7519.
++ /// local_user_id, standard claim by RFC 7519.
+ pub sub: i32,
pub iss: String,
+ /// Time when this token was issued as UNIX-timestamp in seconds
+ pub iat: i64,
impl Claims {
- pub fn jwt(local_user_id: i32, hostname: String) -> Result<Jwt, jsonwebtoken::errors::Error> {
- pub fn jwt(user_id: i32, hostname: String) -> Result<Jwt, jsonwebtoken::errors::Error> {
++ pub fn jwt(local_user_id: i32) -> Result<Jwt, jsonwebtoken::errors::Error> {
let my_claims = Claims {
- local_user_id,
- id: user_id,
- sub: user_id,
-- iss: hostname,
++ sub: local_user_id,
++ iss: Settings::get().hostname(),
+ iat: chrono::Utc::now().timestamp_millis() / 1000,
lazy_static! {
static ref SETTINGS: RwLock<Settings> = RwLock::new(match Settings::init() {
Ok(c) => c,
-- Err(e) => panic!("{}", e),
++ Err(_) => Settings::default(),
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
++alter table local_user drop column validator_time;
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
++alter table local_user add column validator_time timestamp not null default now();